6Ø ATS Marathon is going to end by Dec. 31st

The  marathon dedicated to 6Ø ATS is coming to end. It was a wonderful six months activity, with many stations involved to give everybody a great chance and a nice mood in logging special callsigns.

While WAP is going to thanks all the activators for their efforts, it is good to remember  last chance to apply for Awards and Plaques expressly dedicated to this important event and to the WAP references liknked to that special callsigns

Awards are mostly free to get by mail, just folow the information at:  https://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/6oats-awards/

Special wood or metal  Plaques and Cerificates are available on request  through Oleg, UA6GG/RG60ANT at www.dxtrophy.com

The first of this Awards has been already sent to the Russian operator of  RG6ØANT and to the Swiss operator of HB6ØANT.

Do not forget to look for RI6ØANT: Oleg Sakharov is actually operating from Wolf’s Fang Runway (WAP MNB-12) in Antarctica using his special callsign RI6ØANT ( WAP-335) untill dec. 31st 2021. QSL via RZ3EC.

At the expiring of that date, Oleg will continue to operate with his ZS7ANF callsign (QSL via ZS1ANF or RK1PWA)

II6OANT (WAP-323) QSLs arrived from the printer

Brand new QSL for the italian special event station joining the anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature’s celebration

QSLs arrived and now we’re going ahead to confirm the II6OANT (WAP-323) to the Hams who are aready requested direct cards.

The anniversary’s event will last till december 31st 2021,  so 10 more days  to work the several ones on air  and achieve the beautiful 6ØATS Diplomas or Plaques available WW.
In addition, WAP-323 is a new reference released to II6OANT and it’s valid for WAP-WACA Award as well.

QSL for II6OANT can be requested direct or via Bureau to I1HYW.


Enjoy Antarctica as much as we do


Russia  6ØATS event , QSLs are ready

Eugene Shelkanovtsev, RZ3EC informs the chasers that QSLs for the Russian activity at 60th Antarctic Treaty Signature’s Anniversary are now ready.

Hams wishing to get “direct QSL”  can get single callsign QSLs for each of the 10 callsigns used during the event (which will end next dec. 31st).

Pic aside shows the wonderful mix of these printed cards.

To those preferring to receive confirmation via Bureau, a cumulative callsigns card have been designed an available as well.

QSL direct could be requested to:

Eugene Shelkanovtsev, RZ3EC

P.O. Box 70
Orel 302028, Russia


118 6ØATS  Awards issued so far by the italian ARI-Sanremo

118 are the 6ØATS  Awards issued through the end of november 2021 by the Italian ARI-Sanremo in the field of the 6Øth  Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

42 Basic, 39 Silver and 37 Gold  Certificates have been requested by Hams around the world and forwarded by e-mail  to them.

ARI-Sanremo ARISanremo – Associazione Radioamatori Italiani  is doing a great job in managing the Diplomas available for free.

Enter the site and clik on the 6ØATS to get the rules which are also pubblished online among all the other Certificates issued by Germany, Switzerland and Russia other then Italy.                          Click the gif aside to enter

Once having known the rules (which are really simple) click the WAP logo at the left of the main page and following the instructions, load the SES you have worked. The system will tell you which one of the three Awards you have achieved, then select the format you wish to geti t, put your e-mail and withing few minutes your Diploma will be sent !

Just remind everyone that the 6ØATS Anniversary celebration is continuing till december 31st 2021.


DX TROPHY AWARDS GROUP issues a diploma dedicated to the “60th Anniversary of the Antarctic Peace Treaty” signature, called  “ARGENTINE ANTARCTIC AWARD“.

There are two kinds  of ARGENTINA ANTARCTIC AWARD available in CW, SSB, DIGI, MIX (CW/SSB), ALL (CW / SSB / DIGI) for two-way QSO’s / SWL’s with various Argentine stations locatewd below 60° South, in Antarctica, in any period of time on any bands.

1-The first one is reachable in 4 different classes of score and by several modes:: CW, SSB, DIGI, MIX (cw & ssb) , ALL(cw & ssb & digi).

BRONZE:  3 contacts , SILVER:     6 contacts,  GOLD:      9 contacts, HONOR ROLL: 10 and more.  If one station is missing, it can be replaced with a contact with RG6ØANT (WAP-321)

Application could be sent in a free form. QSLs  must be in the hands of the applicants. A scan copy will have to be submitted on request.

Awards are  made on glossy silver, size 250 x 200 mm. The cost of each plaque is: 49 $ or 43 Euro (including sending by registered).  For any question and information  drop an e-mail  to mydxtrophy@gmail.com

2-The second option is an electronic-free  ARGENTINA ANTARCTIC AWARD (as shown in the pic above)

To get it you need to send a list of at least 5 QSO’s with 5 different stations on any bands any modes. Send a free-form application: with  CALL- DATE – BAND – MODE – QTH (Base or Refuge). QSLs must be in the hands of the applicants. Sscan copy will have to be submitted on request.

For any question and information  drop an e-mail  to: mydxtrophy@gmail.com

Detailed information on both Awards are https://www.dxtrophy.com/argentina-antarctic-award

TNX Oleg Yu. Latyshev,  UA6GG/RG6ØANT

TM6ØANT  WAP-318 “On Air”  for 6Ø ATS

François, F8DVD, will operate TM6ØANT to commemorate the th Anniversary of Antarctic Treaty Signature.

France was one of the 12 countries who signed the Antarctic Treaty.

Twelve Countries represented by the Governments of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, the French Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the Union of South Africa, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, signed the Antarctic Treaty on 1 December 1959 in Washington. The Treaty officially entered into force on June 23, 1961.


The picture here aside, show the France  representative present in Washington 1959 at the signature


TM6ØANT activation will be from François QTH of Mâcon, France (JN26JH)  from 16 to 30 November 2021.   QSL via F8DVD.


TNX François, F8DVD

The race for the 6Øth ATS Awards

Hams around the world seem to have discovered the interest in various Awards connected with the th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

Just take a look at the numbers of Awards issued by the various Countries that have join the initiative, to realize this!

Russia in the lead, followed by Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

We may ask ourself a question: Where does this desire to put an Antarctic diploma in our shack come from?

Surely from the sensitivity of the Amateur Radio population to the issues related to Peace, Scientific research, to the fact that Antarctiva is a place where weapons are banned and … last but not least, the desire of every DXer to log a QSO with the Continent that has always fascinated us, and to which,  the most exciting pages of the South Pole exploration are linked.

In this context, WAP has been protagonist for over 40 years , with its Antarctic Directories , but also withy his commitment and .. why not, with his Diplomas.

Returning to the th ATS (Antarctic Treaty Signature), ARI Sanremo  ARISanremo – Associazione Radioamatori Italiani  … who doesn’t know the wonderful city of Sanremo? … has so far issued over 100 of these Awards!

To the various OMs  of this ARI (Italian Amateur Radio Association) Group,  who deal with the management of these Diplomas (issued free of charge to the Hams WW who request them), certainly we deserve the applause and our Thanks!

Hams Worldwide are following the 6ØATS event. A lot of diplomas already issued

Hundreds of diplomas have been already requested and awarded to the Hams all over the world who are partecipating the 60th Antarctic Treaty Anniversary.

The event launched by WAP is actually followed by thousands of Radioamateurs WW. Congrats to Malcom K. Johnson VK6LC a well known DX-petinionner who is the 1st VK to achieve  both  Basic and the Trophy Antarctica Treaty Signature 60th Anniversary Award’s, issued by  the Russian Robinson Club.

Malcolm VK6LC  (RRC #176) got his diplomas on last oct. 16th 2021 for working the required numbers of SESs on CW-SSB-FT4-FT8.

Congrats  also to Volker DL8JDX, Gabry IK1NEG and hundreds more,  for having got his  Awards as well.

The Italian ARI Sanremo (60th Antarctic Treaty Signature – ARISanremo) , also involved in the 6ØATS event, has already issued nearly 100 Diplomas in the three calsses of merit: Basic, Silver and Gold.

Same for the German Awards (https://60ant.de/en/activity-award-en/ & https://60ant.de/en/award60ant-en/ ) and the Swiss Award (https://60ant.de/en/hb60ant-activity-award/).

WAP reminds the Hams that all these Awards are available on line, and they are totally free.

From the month of november and till the end ofde. 2021, other SESs will join the event and the competition will become more attractive!

Enjoy Antarctica and protect the Icy Continent as much as we do!

OQ6ØANT  from Belgium & SP6ØANT from Poland are joining the 6ØATS Event

Belgium will also join among the several Countries WW to the ATS anniversary Celebration launched by WAP.

OQ6ØANT will be QRV starting 1 November 2021 till 31 December 2021.

OQ6ØANT  WAP-338,  QSL via ON1DX


TNX  Ronald ” Ron ” Van Aken, (on1dx@telenet.be)





WAP has just received from Poland, a mail send by SP3POB (sp3pob@wp.pl)

I will soon start with SP6ØANT to mark the Polish presence in the celebration of ther 6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature

WAP reference issued for  SP6ØANT is WAP-339, QSL direct or via Bureau to SP3POB

TNX Dariusz Florczyk SP3THY


Both new entries are listed on the Special Calls table at https://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/

GB6ØANT by Gavin Taylor (ex VP8GAV)

Gavin Taylor  is a well known Antarctic veteran. The Old Timers should certainly recall when  from 1990 through 1995 he was in Antarctica  working for British Antarctic Survey . At that time Gavin was signing  VP8GAV. Sure many of us still have his QSL card, kept among  the best memories of the time been!

VP8GAV was active from  Faraday Base (WAP GBR-Ø6), Fossil Bluff (WAP GBR-1Ø), Rothera Base (WAP GBR-12),  Bird Island Station (WAP GBR-23), from Stanley is the Falklands  (WAP GBR-25) ,  and  let’s  say that what we have worked 30 years ago from Antarctica,  is something that will not get back.  Now,  in the era of internet, cellphones, Whatsapp , Istagram and Facebook, the “modern” Hams are loosing the magic time when we  nights and days  spent to follow the Hams  in Antartica,  waiting when,  in their free time,  they could operate  mostly in difficult situation  to give anyone a chance to log rare spots from the Icy Continent!


Well, now Gavin Taylor is back and will be “On the Air” in the month of december 2021 as GB6ØANT,  referenced as  WAP-337, joining the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

Don’t miss him on the air … you will work a great Antarctic Veteran!

QSL for GB6ØANT  goes via   GMØLVI

TNX Gavin GMØGAV (ex VP8GAV 1990-1995)

EM6ØKTS, Ukraina SES for 6Ø ATS Anniversary

Pavlo Tarasovych UT1KY from RIVNE, Ukraina  is an Antarctic veteran with several seasons spent at Akademic Vernadsky Base (WAP UKR-Ø1). Pavlo did also operate  from James Wordie Hut (WAP GBR-Ø7) signing VP8/UT1KY on last 2000, giving many Hams world wide a new one!

Pavlo is always very active and he couldn’t miss to join  the 6Ø Years of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). Ukraina is joining the Anniversary , (TNX Pavlo) with the Special Call EM6ØKTS (WAP-319)  on the air from  july 1st 2021  through  december 31st 2021


Congrats to Volker Strecke DL8JDX  (another Antarctic veteran ) for sending us  the QSL for the contact he made with EM6ØKTS.

All the special event stations joining the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty, have received  a WAP reference number which can be used for the WAP-WACA & WAP WADA Awards. In addition, everyone can apply for the several  Awardss issued  for the 6ØATS event.

TM6ØANT WAP-318  joining the 6Øth ATS Anniversary

On a special article,  pubblished on the October issue  of REF bulletin, François Bergez  F8DVD traces a summary of the long history of Antarctica, with particular reference to the events that led the signature of the Antarctic Treaty,  but also to the several Ham Radio Operators  who have marked the era of the HF communication from Antarctica toward the entire Globe. Click on the GIF here aside to read the pages pubblished on REF Bulletin

TM6ØANT WAP-318  joining the 6Øth ATS Anniversary

François, F8DVD, will operate TM6ØANT to commemorate this  60th Anniversary,  proudly recalling that France was one of the 12 countries who signed the Antarctic Treaty in Washington US, on December 1st, 1959,  which  officially entered into force on June 23rd, 1961.

TM6ØANT WAP-318,  represents France at the International celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.
TM6ØANT  will be “On Air” from  François F8DVD QTH, in  Mâcon –France (JN26JH)  from 16 to 30 November 2021.

All info on : www.qrz.com/db/TM60ANT , QSL via F8DVD

TM60ANT  WAP  318 on air for 60 ATS, QRZ.com page for TM6ØANT is online at:
TM60ANT – Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio

TNX François  F8DVD

URUGUAY join the 6Øth Anniversary of ATS (CW6ØATS WAP-336)

Carlos Andrés Molina Vera, CX8ABF has informed WAP that the Telecommunications Administration of Uruguay (URSEC) has issued a Special Call CW6ØATS to celebrate the 6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

All the information have been loaded on QRZ.com (See https://www.qrz.com/cw60ats )

Uruguay is one of the Countries that mark a great presence in Antarctica with 2 scientific Research Bases:  Gen. José  Artigas (WAP URY-ØØ1) and  Teniente de Navio Ruperto Elichiribehety (WAP URY-NEW) Stations.

In the past (from 1987 through 2005) Artigas Base was frequently active on HF with quite a few  calls. One of those was  CXØXY. Since 2005 nobody else has been on air from there.

We hope some day in the next Antarctic Sesons, pne of the researchers can activate Artigas Base again and maybe also, Teniente de Navio Ruperto Elichiribehety  Stations which has never been activated!

For now, we congratulate Carlos Andrés Molina Vera, CX8ABF for his efforts and we thank the Telecommunications Administration of Uruguay (URSEC) for its domonstrated sesitivity in joining the 6Øth Anniversary event.

CW6ØATS WAP-336 is on air. QSL will be confirmed  through Eqsl Lotw, Clublog.

For full information, check QRZ.com

TNX  Carlos CX8ABF

I1SCL Info Radio News an Italian online magazine

Info Radio News ( WEB https://www.info-radio.eu) is a free magazine released in 138 Countries Worldwide.

In evidence this week, is the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature and the availability of more than a few  Special Awards for those  who will work the SES active till December 31st 2021, all bands, all modes.

See: Info-Radio 39-2021English.pdf | Con tecnologia Box

The Italian ARI-Sanremo, has issued 3 of those Diploma: Basic, Silver and Gold. Browse: 39 2021English (calameo.com)

Other Countries such as Russia, Germany and Switzerland have their Awards available as well.


Read more info on the Awards at:  https://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/6oats-awards/

TNX I1SCL & ARI-Sanremo

R6ØANT, WAP-324 dedicated to the signing of the Antarctic Treaty by Russia in 1961.

Antarctic Treaty entered into force on June 23rd, 1961, covering demilitarization of the Antarctic region, its use for exclusively peaceful purposes and transformation into a zone free of nuclear weapons.

Initially, the Treaty was signed by 12 countries: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, USSR (Russia), USA, France, Chile, South Africa, Japan.

In honour of the 60th anniversary of the event, from October 1st to December 31st, 2021 Russian Robinson Club together with SRR, Hamlog and other interested organizations plans to conduct a special activity usingh 12 different callsigns, by the number of countries that originally signed the Antarctic Treaty. Read more at : https://www.qrz.com/lookup/r60ant 
R6ØANT is WAP-324

Russian Robinson Club together with SRR and HAMLOG.Online will issue a special award and plaque. More details at:   https://hamlog.online//club/rrc/209
See also  https://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/6oats-awards/  


II6OANT WAP-323 will join 6Ø ATS

Special callsign II6OANT has been received by the Ministry and we are now ready to be  “On Air”.

In Italy, according to current regulations,  MISE (Ministry of Economic Development) on which Telecommunications and Ham Radio matters depend, does not issue callsigs with two or more digits, so,  instead of II6ØANT (6 and Ø are two digits), we folded up to II6OANT. WAP Reference issued is WAP-323


Activity will be from Oct. 1st through Dec. 31st 2021.


II6OANT WAP-323 is a valid station for the 6Ø ATS Awards program.

QSL via I1HYW (see QRZ.com)

Russian Robinson Club join the 6Ø Antarctic Treaty Signature Anniversary

Antarctic region, its use for exclusively peaceful purposes and transformation into a zone free of nuclear weapons.

Initially, the Treaty was signed by 12 Countries: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway, USSR (Russia), USA, France, Chile, South Africa, Japan.

In honour of the 6Øth anniversary of the event, from October 1st to December 31st, 2021 Russian Robinson Club together with SRR, Hamlog and other interested organizations plans to conduct a special activity usingh 12 different callsigns, by the number of countries that originally signed the Antarctic Treaty:



R6ØANT  – Russia
RA6ØANT – South Africa
UE6ØANT – Belgium (instead of RB6ØANT as previously announced)
RC6ØANT – Chile
RG6ØANT – Argentina
RJ6ØAN   – Japan (instead of RJ6ØANT as previously announced)
RK6ØANT – United Kingdom
RL6ØANT – France
RN6ØANT – Norway
RT6ØANT – Australia
RZ6ØANT – New Zealand
Plus a special callsign from Antarctica RI6ØANT.

WAP have already issued a Reefrence number for each of the above Special Event Calls.

Check https://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/   to download the whole WAP references issud for this Event

Russian Robinson Club together with SRR and HAMLOG.Online will issue a special award and plaque

Award “60th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty”

To receive the award it is enough to make 1 QSO / SWL with each of 12 stations using special callsigns in a period from October 1st to December 31st, 2021.
Missed special callsigns can be replaced by callsigns of ordinary radio amateurs from appropriate country. For example, missed RA60ANT QSO can be replaced by any 3 QSOs with South Africa. RI60ANT counts for any missed special callsign.
To receive a plaque, you need to make 2 QSO / SWL with each of 12 stations using special callsigns in a period from October 1st to December 31st, 2021.
QSL info: All QSL Rx60ANT via RZ3EC (OQRS (better)/direct/bureau)

EM6ØKTS Special Event Station  from Ukraina

Ukraina whose presence in Antarctica is dated 1995-1996, has followed the 6Ø ATS (AntarcticTreaty Signature) celebration,  by putting  a Special Event Station on the air.

EM6ØKTS is active from Rivne, Ukraine, since July 1st  and will continue the activity till  December  31st, 2021.

QRV on all  HF Bands, CW, SSB and Digi..

TNX UT1KY Pavlo Tarasovych

QSL for EM6ØKTS  goes via IK2DUW direct, ClubLog, HRDLOG.
Antonello Passarella, Via M. Gioia, 6, 20812 Limbiate, MB, Italy.

On July 3, 1992, President of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk issued a decree on Ukraine’s participation in Antarctic research. In August 1992, the Verkhovna Rada approved the documents on Ukraine’s accession to the Antarctic Treaty, and on October 26, 1993, the Center for Antarctic Studies (later the Ukrainian Antarctic Center) was established, headed by Petro Gozhyk.

On July 20, 1995, in London, Ambassador of Ukraine Serhiy V. Komisarenko signed an intergovernmental agreement, and Petro Gozhyk, Director of the CAD, signed a Memorandum between the CAD and the BAS on the transfer of the Faraday Antarctic Station to Ukraine no later than March 31, 1996.

On February 6, 1996, at 6:45 p.m., a yellow and blue flag was solemnly raised above  Vernadsky Station (WAP referenced as UKR-Ø1).

Stations from  different Countries are joining the  6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature. Some of them are already on air, others are going to come  from October 1st till December31st

Two German special callsigns DR6ØANT and DQ6ØANT

Day by day, several Hams from different nations are showing up with Special callsigns to join the 6Ø years Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

On the mean time, related Award Programs are in process and will be released when the activity will jump into the central phase (indicatively  mid October) of the Anniversary.

The Germans are almost ready and since last July have already start their activity. The two German special callsigns DR6ØANT and DQ6ØANT are part of an international campaign commemorating the 6Øth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty.

D R 6 Ø A N T – WAP reference 314

This station is organized by the DARC Team SES (SES = Special Event Station).

D Q 6 Ø A N T – WAP reference 316

This station is organized by a team around Karsten, DL1RUN.

In the late 1980s, the club station at Mittweida University accompanied Volker’s Anarctic expedition, DL8JDX. Regular skeed did not break the contact with the homeland. Read more on the topic …

An interesting Award Program is in process and will be launched shortly by DL1RUN.

TNX Volker Strecke  DL8JDX and Karsten Stephan DL1RUN

More information at: www.60ant.de

Activation HB6ØANT in commemoration of 6Ø years of the Antarctic Treaty

A small group of Enthusiastic USKA members (Union of Swiss Shortwave Radio Amateurs) will put the special call sign HB6ØANT, in support and reminder that this contract will be preserved, on the airwaves beginning in mid-August through December 31, 2021.

The initial activators are: HB9BXE, HB9DAQ, HB9DAX, HB9DQL, HB9LCW and HB9TNW. The activation was only possible thanks to the support of the “Radio Amateur Club Swissair, HB9VC“, respectively their president, HB9JOE, who provides the special callsign.

More information can be found on the soon to be activated website on QRZ.com.

QSL Cards: We do not need your qsl confirmation but you can order our special QSL card for your QSO via OQRS

73 hope to hear you on the bands Peter, HB9DAQProject Manager of HB6ØANT Activation