IPSSIA Project (Institution of the First Italian Antarctic Historical Site)

Last 24 & 25 sept. Prof Ph D Julius Fabbri went to  MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) in Rome for a second time, to discuss the progress of its  IPSSIA Project.

It was a fruitful time  and a chance to access the historical-diplomat archive of the “Farnesina”,  the headquarters of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome.
I thank infinitely S.E. Amb. Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and Mr. Min. Armando Barucco together with the staff of the Archives and library for their invaluable contribution – said Prof. Ph D Julius Fabbri.

An envelope has been delivered “own hands” to Tomas Ferrari‘s new Argentina ambassador in Italy. –Open Argentina to the world’ – was the choice of Ferrari when he was nominated  as Argentina’s representative to Rome, and this is certainly a good wish.


-We strongly hope in the help of Argentina to complete the collection of the necessary material for the definition of the IPSSIA project and finally have the first Italian Antarctic historical site where, time ago the Giacomo Bove Base was built by Renato Cepparo 1976’s Expedition- declared Prof. Ph D Julius Fabbri.

The Netherlands in Antarctica: Dirck Gerritsz Laboratory (WAP NLD-NEW)

Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science took the decision in 2010 to make the sum of six million euro available for research in Antarctica. On Sunday 27 January 2013, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) opened the first Dutch Laboratory in Antarctica and it  has been placed near the British Rothera Research Station.

The lab is named after the sixteenth-century Dutch merchant, Dirck Gerritsz, probably the discoverer of Antarctica. The Dirck Gerritsz Laboratory (WAP NLD–NEW) consists of four sea containers that have been converted into laboratories and placed in a docking station.

In the laboratory Dutch scientists carry out research into Algae, Traces of iron in the warming Antarctic seawater, Freshwater flow and climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula, study the  influence of glacier melt water on marine microbial communities in Ryder Bay and  Greenhouse gases.

The Netherlands is a signatory to the Antarctic Treaty and this is the reason behind the Netherlands’ Polar research program.

The South Pole is a unique research environment where the consequences of climate change can be measured in detail, without any human disruptions. The first five research projects did start at the Dirck Gerritsz Laboratory in the Antarctic summer of 2012-2013.


At the light of this evidence, the Dirck Gerritsz Laboratory Lat. 67°35’8″S, Long. 68°7’59″W  on Adelaide Island, will be add to the WAP-WADA Directory (next issue

Dutch Gerritsz Lab

Jan. 2018) under WAP NLD-NEW.


As soon as some Hams will be active HF from there, a WAP reference will be issue.

VU3LBP/P Bharati Research Station WAP IND-Ø4

The 36th ISEA Team (Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica) at Bharati Station is almost at the end of its overwintering task, after a successful winter at 69° 24’ 28” South, 76° 11’ 14” East.

Snow is melting up and the austral summer is slowly coming.
(Picture aside,  taken by Abhijeet Jadhav)

Mr. Rajesh Dabral  (VU3LBP) who did replace  Bhagwati Prasad (VU3BPZ-8T2BH) as Communication Officer at the Base, is trying to be QRV mostly on 20 mts band.

In the last couple of days he made several contacts with VKs, ZLs and ZSs but still no Europeans on his log.

Raj, who is signing VU3BPZ/P is normally on 14.183 MHz +/- QRM  in the morning from 05:00 UTC and ahead.

Two more months before  he leaves and returning back home so two more months … last chance to work him at Bharati Research Station, Antarctica.


Let’s hope propagation can improve a bit otherwise it will be hard for EU to work VU3BPZ/P.

Port Lockroy WAP GBR-Ø1 (a UK Antarctic Heritage)

 Port Lockroy, Base ‘A’ (WAP GBR-Ø1) , is a British historic Base situated on Goudier Island off the Antarctic Peninsula.

It was established in 1944 and operated as a British Research Station until it closed in 1962. The abandoned Base was designated a Historic Site and Monument under the Antarctic Treaty and in 1996 restored as a  “living’ museum”.

Base A now welcomes visitors to the site every Austral summer, in order to promote the work of the UKAHT on the Peninsula and in the UK and to give visitors a taste of base life from the early days of British occupation.

It is visited each Austral summer by approximately 18,000 ship-borne visitors, amounting to one to two ship visits per day.

In the photos you can see the three buildings at Port Lockroy: Bransfield House, the Boat Shed and the Nissen Hut. In the distance you can also see the anemometer tower as well as the antenna mast (in 1957 Port Lockroy used to have eight antenna masts which were used for high frequency radio communication).

Read more at: http://www.ukaht.org/discover/port-lockroy/ 


Davis Station Airdrop

In a first for the Australian Antarctic Program, nine tonnes of cargo was parachuted from the back of a Royal Australian Airforce C-17A Globemaster III and on to the sea ice near Davis Research Station (WAP AUS-Ø3) on Sept.20-2017

The C-17A was refuelled by a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport – high above the Southern Ocean – half-way through the 10,000km round trip mission.

The cargo was predominately food based, including fresh lemons and carrots, and also included medical supplies and telecommunications equipment. The pallets were ripped by the Australian Army’s 176 Air Dispatch Squadron.

photos were captured from the sea ice by Barry Becker.

Source: http://www.antarctica.gov.au/news/2017/mid-air-refuel-extends-reach-of-australian-antarctic-program#v208710
There is a nice video at the bottom of the article, don’t  miss it!

Other videos provided by Australian Antarctic Division are available here:


VK2FR … one of the Antarctic chasers

John S. Sharpe, VK2FR from Bowraville, NSW , Australia, is one of the very active Antarctic chasers. John is also active during the Antarctic Activity Weeks as VK2ANT  (WAP-232) and a proud owner of the WAP Awards including the Honor Roll, as shown on the wall of his shack!

John, who seems to have enjoyed the new look of the WAP website,  wrote: Greetings to the Antarcticians  from New South Wales.  Congratulations to you and staff for a fantastic job with the new WAP web site, it looks terrific!.   Please count me in for 15th AAW!

Many thanks John, and  welcome on board again , you will be add to the list of participants  of next AAW 2018.




To the Hams readers: it’s time to apply for your special call and join the next 15th AAW,  from 17 to 25 Febr. 2018.


Enjoy Antarctica as much as we do!

14th WAP Meeting-Mondovì Italy-16 & 17 Sept.2017

Great time this morning at the  14th WAP Meeting managed by ARI section of Mondovì in the North West side of Italy, not too far away the French border. Held in the frame of Vicoforte, a wonderful site at the foot of the Alpes, we were inside an architectural gem just aside the Vicoforte Basilica, known for having the largest elliptical cupola in the world.

(Read more at:  https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santuario_di_Vicoforte )

Clik the gif  aside to see a video

Over here we did talk about DX, Italian Castles and Antarctica.  Nearly 40  years of Antarctic passion  … 40 years of continuous work is a long time,  and undoubtedly  this is a great goal.

(on the 2nd pic aside, L to R:  the President of ARI Mondovì IW1EVQ Prof. Edo Ambrassa, IK1GPG Max, I1HYW Gianni).
This year,  on the lecture, we have officially presented WAP 2.Ø our brand new looking Web site fully dedicate to Antarctica; presentation has been done by  Gianni I1HYW and Massimo IK1GPG. Guests from almost all the Italian call areas, and Hams from some EU Countries..


Authorities present: Luca Robaldo,  Councilor of  Mondovi City, Dr. Marco Botto President of an  important local Company, Graziano Sartori, ARI Vice President.


At the end of the meeting,   the restaurant of the ancient Cistercian monastery hosted the participants

Swedish Kirvanveggen Camp – Antarctica WAP SWE-Ø1

Kirvanveggen Camp is listed on our WAP-WADA Directory and it was activated by Radio amateur (Callsign 7S8AAA) in the 90ties.

We did involved the Polarforskningssekretariatet in Sweden, to know if they could have archived some more information.
The answer from Ida Edlund, Registrator, Administrativ handläggare/Registry Clerk, Administration Officer at  Polarforskningssekretariatet/Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, P.O. Box 50003, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden (ida.edlund@polar.sewww.polar.se ) was prompt and kind: -We believe that what you are referring to may be a temporary camp from a project in the 1990’s. However there is no Swedish camp there anymore and we unfortunately do not have any more information about this-.

Swedish Antarctic Research Program (SWEDARP) was assigned the call 7S8AAA, and early in 1988 a group of 12 geology researchers spent a few months in the Antarctic. Kent SM7DSE, a University of Lund professor, was the one who made amateur radio a part of the expedition. He planned to work CW, SSB. RTTY, AMTOR, and HF Packet. QSL cards was requested to be sent via SK0MT, Club Taby Sandaramatorer.
Looks like that, Swedish Kirvanveggen Camp – Antarctica was set close to the site where  the Swedish SVEA Base, was built during the 1987/88 expedition. 

Once again Ida Edlund wrote: -After your previous mail with the picture, we started to look at the research expeditions from the late 1980’s (instead of the 1990’s) and found that Kent Larsson, of the University of Lund, was one of the participants in the 1988/89 expedition at Vestfjella and Heimefrontfjella, close to Kirvanveggen. Kent is a radio amateur and now I see that you already have that information. Kent Larsson is still affiliated with Lund University as Professor emeritus.

His contact information is available here: http://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/persons/kent-larsson(a62088e5-db40-4c9a-a88a-c78cb023119c).html

We are now trying  to get in  touch with Prof. Kent Larsson (Ham call SM7DSE) to ask him if he did keep some pictures of the camp and eventually if he can send some personal memories of the time been down there at  Kirvanveggen Camp let’s see …

Stay tuned and follow us. WAP is always on the front line of the Antarctic matters.

Just few notes about SVEA (WAP SVE-Ø2)
Svea is located in the Scharffenbergbotnen valley in the Heimefrontfjella mountain range, about 400 km from the coast. It was built during the 1987/88 Antarctic expedition and was the first Swedish research station in Antarctica since the Snow Hill station in 1901 and Maudheim in 1949.

Svea is a satellite station to Wasa and is an excellent base for small, transient research teams performing fieldwork in the area. The station, comprising two joined fibreglass modules, is about 12 m2 and has four beds and one pantry.

The station is currently the home base for two permanent monitoring projects: continual geodetic measurement using GPS technology, run by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and a seismograph that records movements in the earth’s crust, run by the German Alfred Wegener Institute.

Belgian King Baudouin Base WAP BEL-Ø1

The third International Polar Year of 1958-1959 heralded the second important phase of the Belgian presence in Antarctica. This year was also known as the International Geophysical Year (IGY), in which not less than sixty-four nations signalled their commitment to study the physical characteristics of the earth.

In that period a massive scientific offensive was launched in all the unexplored areas of the planet. And, because hardly any real, systematic scientific observation had been done in the Antarctic, the South Pole became one of the central objectives.

Twelve nations – of which Belgium – decided to establish more than fifty bases on the Pole with the principle aim of studying our planet’s relationship with the sun. The Americans built the Amundsen-Scott Base at its theoretically most important point : the geographical South Pole, the Russians set up their Vostok Base at its least accessible point, the middle of the East-Antarctic icecap.

On  the initiative of Adrien de Gerlache’s son Gaston de Gerlache (captain of the 1897-1899 ‘Belgica’ expedition), the Belgians confirmed their scientific interest in the continent by establishing the King Baudouin Base on a floating ice shelf off the coast of Dronning Maud Land.  The Belgian base, established in 1958 by the 1958 Belgian Antarctic Expedition under Gaston de Gerlache was named for Baudouin, King of the Belgians from 1951-1993.

It was built at 70° 25′ South,  24°19′ East  on an ice shelf south of Breid Bay on Princess Ragnhild Coast.  King Baudouin Base  has been reconstructed in 1964 and closed in February 1967.

A new station  Princess Elisabeth Station (WAP BEL-Ø2) is now the only Belgian Research Base in Antarctica

Actually King Baudouin Base  is fully covered in the snow, but thanks to Roger Vanmarcke, ON4TX who kindly sent us some pics of the Belgian epic, we have some very rare images to share with the readers.

Roger Vanmarcke, ON4TX- OR4TX (here in the pic aside /MM with ON4KR-OR4KR and ON4TZ-OR4TZ) is now 80 and he was one of the seven operators who have alternated their presence in Antarctica  and being active from King Baudouin Base  from 1958 through 1968 (they were: OR4KR, OR4OR, OR4RW, OR4TX, OR4TZ, OR4VN and OR5RK).

During the first expedition OR4HG was also QRV; OR4HG was ON4HG, Gene Hoogewys, who wrote a book about the Expedition:

Op de golven van het gevaar” in Dutch, or  “Par delà les ondes” in French.

Here aside the Shack at King Baudouin Base (1959-1960) .

Furthermore, Roger recalls – while he was at the base- that  there was an Italian scientific Team of the Pisa University. They have been drilling more then 100m deep in the ice.This was in cooperation with Professor Picciotto of the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

Full information here:



Our good friend Ghis ON5NT, went to see ON4TX/OR4TX personally  at his Radioclub in Waterloo, near Brussels and Roger was extremely kind to give him the reminds that are part of his life. Pictures are from the 1960 Belgian expedition. (pic on the right: Roger ON4TX and Ghis ON5NT)


We are so grateful to Roger Vanmarcke, ON4TX- OR4TX to share his huge recalls with the Antarctic chasers through WAP.

HFØARC Henryk Arctowski Station, WAP POL-Ø1

On the last 3 weeks Sebastian Gleich, SQ1SGB has been reported active from the  Polish Antarctic Station Henryk  Arctowski  (WAP POL-Ø1) as HFØARC on 20 & 40 mts.

HFØARC it’s a new call sign  issued in place of the old historical HFØPOL that, until March 2016, was associated with the Polish Arctowski Antarctic Base.


HF0POL’s  operators have been  active during various campaigns and winter expeditions. Here below  is a list of such operations with years of activity, operators callsigns and  QSL managers :


1978: op. LA2HFA, ex SP2BHZ, via SP2BBD (SK) (unknown status)

1986, February: via SP5EKZ or SP5PWK

1988-1989: op. SP3FRV via SP3FXG

1989-1990: op. SP5FLC via SP5FLC (SK)

1990, May: via AE5CK, ex KB6GWX

1990-1991: op. SP3FYM via SP3HLM

1991-1992: op. SP9DWT via SP9DWT

1997: op. SP3GVX via SP3FYM (hardly possible to receive a card)

1998: op. SP3BGD via SP3BGD, direct only (e-qsl & LotW), see SP3BGD at QRZ.com

2000: ops. SP3GVX & SQ5EWQ via SP3WVL, direct only. Log uploaded to e-QSL.

2002: op. SP7JKW, direct only to SP7JKW (See QRZ.com)

2004: op. SP2GOW via SP2GOW, direct only, see QRZ.com

2004, 3/4 April: op. SP5QF via SP7IWA, direct only, see SP7IWA’s website

2005: op. SP3GVX via SP3WVL, direct only

2008: op. SP3GVX via SP3WVL, direct only

2008: HF0POL/LH, op. SP3GVX via SP3WVL, direct only. Lighthouse WAP POL-LH-001

2008 – 2009 op. Janusz SP9YI (XXXIII Polish Arctic Expedition) , QSL direct only via SP9YI


Sebastian SQ1SGB will end his overwintering contract next October 23rd 2017,  so one more month and a half to try to put him in the Log. He’s  working  with a Delta Mini antenna sponsored by SP1BKS

QSL cards direct only to:

Sebastian Gleich,

76-039 Biesiekierz 65 


Phoenix Airfield Antarctica  (WAP USA-NEW)

Phoenix Airfield (ICAO: NZFX) 77°57’23″South, 166°46’00″East did  start to be operational last February 2017. This compacted snow runway (WAP USA-NEW) has replaced Pegasus Field  (WAP USA-42).  This runway is capable of handling wheeled aircraft, that have included to date: Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, Lockheed C-141 Starlifter, Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, Lockheed C-130 Hercules and Lockheed P-3 Orion.


The other runways in the area are :

The Ice Runway (ICAO: NZIR (Mc Murdo Aerodrome, Airfield  Airport)

77° 51’ 14”South, 166° 28’ 08” East. Ice Runway is the principal runway for the US Antarctic Program during the summer Antarctic field season due to its proximity to McMurdo Station (WAP USA-22).


Ex Pegasus Field Runway (ICAO: NZPG) WAP USA-42

77°57’48″South   166°31’29″East was an airstrip in Antarctica, the southernmost of three airfields serving Mc Murdo Station. It closed due to excessive melting in the summer season caused by warmer temperatures combined with dust and dirt blown in from nearby Black Island. The last flight was on December 8, 2016

In the early 1990’s, the Pegasus Airfield was seen as the facility that would facilitate all-season wheeled aircraft operations at McMurdo. That was the promise…it was developed originally as a “blue ice” runway (meaning that it consisted of long-term ice that was neither accumulating nor ablating). That condition is more actually applied to colder land-based inland locations such as Patriot Hills, rather than a warmer location on shelf ice.

Development of Pegasus took place in the early 1990s, near a site which had formerly been used/known as Outer Williams Field. Construction started in 1991-92, the following year an initial 6,000-foot runway was used by wheeled C-130’s, and in January 1994 it was certified for use by C-141 aircraft (early history and links). Initially the runway was only used at the end of the austral summer seasons and was then allowed to accumulate snow cover which would preserve it through much of the following summer season until it was reactivated. Although Pegasus was originally conceived as part of a “blue ice runway” survey, it actually came to be more properly known as a “white ice runway” as the base was not a permanent glacier, but rather a 100-foot-thick permanent sea ice shelf. The surface came to be maintained with a perhaps 5-inch layer of processed and leveled snow.


Williams Field (NZWD) WAP USA-25

77°52’02″South, 167°03’24″East is the principal runway for the US Antarctic Program during the summer Antarctic field season due to its proximity to McMurdo Station. It is actually inactive but maintained as a backup for ski-equipped aircraft.. In 2008-09 the program switched from using 3 airfields; the annual Ice runway (Mc Murdo Station) in early season, Williams Field for ski aircraft, and Pegasus in late season.

Source: http://www.southpolestation.com/mcm/1617/phoenix.html

Juan Manuel Pereda, LU4CJM and his great Ham Antarctic Operation

At the beginning of 2017, Juan Manuel Pereda, LU4CJM has been part of the Argentinean Team operating from Base Carlini (WAP ARG-2Ø) in Antarctica.. During his stay he did operate Ham radio (mostly CW) as LU4CJM/Z from Albatros Refuge (WAP ARG-27), Gurruchaga Refuge (WAP ARG-28) and of course, from Carlini BaseLU1ZI, as follow:

22 Jan. to 09 March. 2017 Carlini Station WAP ARG-2Ø and Camara LH  WAP ARG-LH-ØØ2 (ARLHS SSI-004).

Carlini is a permanent Antarctic Scientific Station, located at 25 de Mayo Is. (aka King George Is.), in the South Shetland Islands. It is operated and administrated by the National Antarctic Division (DNA) of the Foreing Affairs Ministry of Argentina.

The Argentinean Antarctic Institute (IAA) develops and supervises all scientific programs. The base was established on February 12th 1982 under its former name, Estación Científica Teniente Jubany, after the primary shelter built in 1953.

At Potter Cove, near the base, are located the Albatros and Elephant Refuges; both depend on Carlini Base.

Three Brothers Hill (210 m), Yámana nunatak and Fourcade glacier can be seen from the base. Climate at South Shetland is a little less tough than the rest of the Antarctica. In summer temperatures are around -2°C and 3°C; and in winter are between -10°C and  -20°C. In 2007, a temperature of -26ºC was registered.

You can see a picture of Carlini at Google Earth, coordinates  62°14′18″S 58°40′05″W.

08 Jan to 22 Jan. 2017 Gurruchaga Refuge. WAP ARG-28

Francisco de Gurruchaga Antarctic Refuge (62°14′ 03″ South,  59°10′ 02″ West)  built on Dec. 15, 1954 is placed in Harmony Point, Nelson Island, South Shetland Island. The administration depends on the Argentinian Naval Army.  Proposed by Argentina, this area was originally designated as Site of Special Scientific Interest No. 14 under Antarctic ATCM Recommendation XIII-8 (1985),  because the Area is an excellent example of the maritime Antarctic communities of birds and land ecosystems present in South Shetland Islands, making possibilities to carry out long-term research programs without damage or harmful interference.


05 Febr. to 06 Febr. 2017 Refugio Albatros. WAP ARG-27

Antarctic Refuges are facilities open to all countries, to be used in emergencies or to support activities in the field. They are equipped with provisions, fuel, generators and communications equipment, accommodation facilities and other logistics.

Albatros refuge (62°15′ 09” South 58°39′ 23″ West) depends to Carlini Base; it  is located on Potter Peninsula at 3 km from the Base .

The shelter houses analogue/digital VHF repeater with a coverage of more than 35km. Powered by solar energy provides telecommunication support to all scientific and logistic personnel in the field, allowing the geolocation in real time.

Thanks to Juan Manuel Pereda, LU4CJM/Z for his great operation and thanks to LU4AA (Radio Club Argentino) for such a nice QSL cards just received and the excellent QSL Service.

Antarctica Cruise Preparations  by KA4RXP

Plans appear to be melding together for a Maritime Mobile Expedition to the shores of Antarctica in February 2018.

John Landrigan KA4RXP wrote: Many thanks to those of you that took time to respond or comment on my upcoming  Maritime Mobile visit to McMurdo Station next February. I’ll be communicating with Heritage Expeditions and both the owner and operations manager of the M/V Enderby about antenna and  radio equipment installation aboard the ship.


I spoke with Bob Hardie  at Expert Linears America and was overwhelmed with his enthusiasm about the SPE line of solid state amps (www.ExpertLinears.com). He offered me the SPE 1.3 Amp for a brother in law price and I will see him at the Huntsville Ham Fest this Saturday. I am expecting to let anyone who will listen know that this amp is why they are hearing me.

Bob Hardie (pic aside) and his wife Melva, were at the Huntsville Hamfest last week and I picked up the SPE 1.3KW amplifier from them. These are really fine folks and its great to do business with them.

Also present in Huntsville was Richard Stubbs and the group from MFJ. I am going to get the MFJ 998RT tuner from them. Likewise, MFJ is the easiest place in the world to go ham radio shopping. The weight of both of these things is going to fit and fill one large suitcase but I think it will be worth it to have a signal that will make it a productive endeavor to participate in the Antarctic Awareness Week event (waponline.it) next February. A new addition to the MFJ inventory is Messi and Paoloni Coaxial Cable. I am going to use the Airborne 10 coax because it has a very rugged polyethylene covering and it is so lightweight I can carry gobs of it in the suitcase instead of a couple pairs of socks

This is getting about as exciting as the lead up to the eclipse last Monday.

73, John Landrigan KA4RXP

Belgian Utsteinen camp (WAP BEL-NEW?)

When we went across some notes, we found that, while studying a best location site to install its New Antarctic Station, a Belgian Team, went to Antarctica and set a Base Camp called Utsteinen camp which was fully operational for few months.

It should have been interesting to know if some of the Team Members did operate Ham radio in the time, while they were there. Perhaps   OR4TN can give us more details. If there was an operation  from there, we will give Utsteinen camp a new WAP reference.

Then, the  answer from our friend Ghis ON5NT, kill up any doubts:

200% sure, ON5TN/OR4TN never operated from Utsteinen, only from PES, never any other place. He told me he visited a couple of other bases (like Novo) but never operated from there neither.  I am sure nobody operated from this Utsteinen place. Operations only took place from PES.

Actually Belgian Utsteinen camp have been probably dismantled, so nothing to do with it anymore,


By clicking the gif aside, a deep report is still available to get some more information about the Belgian Utsteinen Camp.

Belarusian Antarctic Research Vechernyaya Station (WAP BLR-New)

A brief history: The Republic of Belarus joined the Antarctic Treaty in 2006 and, in that same year, approved the National program for Polar research which is called “Monitoring of Earth’s Polar areas” ensuring activity of the Arctic and Antarctic expeditions for 2007­­-­2010 and for the period until 2015. Soon after, in 2008, it ratified the Environmental Protocol.

In 2015, the National Antarctic Program of the Republic of Belarus was accepted as the  30th  Member of COMNAP and  Belarus did receive a residence permit in the Antarctic.

According to the head  of the Belarusian Antarctic Expedition Alexey Gaydashov, research vessel Akademik Fedorov approached the icy continent at the end of December 2016.


On December 27-29th, 2016 personnel, material support and structures of the Belarusian Antarctic Station were successfully delivered by air transport from the ship to the location of the Belarusian expedition at Mount Vechernyaya, Enderby Land, East Antarctica. At the end of  January 2016, the first portion of the national research station, a three-section module for control, communication and navigation, was assembled in Antarctica at a geographic position of 67°39” South, 46°09’ East.

The main principles of activity of the Republic of Belarus in Antarctica are a system approach to the creation of the national Antarctic infrastructure and the organization of research, orientation of works for integration to international research programs, development of international cooperation in order to strengthen the Antarctic Treaty System, as well as development, consideration and recommendation to their Government of actions assisting in realization of principles and objects of the Antarctic Treaty.

The deployment of the Belarusian Antarctic station is part of a subprogram of the government program on new and high technologies and machines in 2016-2020. The subprogram provides for monitoring polar regions of the Earth, creating the Belarusian Antarctic Station, and enabling the operation of polar expeditions.


On last  January  6th 2017, Belarusian polar explorers have assembled part of the second structure of the Belarusian Antarctic Station. The works are not completed yet, but now , Belorussians intend to erect a chapel at Vechernyaya Station, as they plan to open their B ase in Antarctica by this year.

St. Volodymyr Chapel at Ukrainian Vernadsky Base 

“When we send polar explorers to the South Pole we don’t ask about their confession, but every person can have a wish to be alone, to pray. Why don’t we build a church?” said  Director of the National Ukrainian Antarctic Scientific Center,  Valery Litvinov .

The St. Volodymyr Chapel, named after Vladimir the Great, is a Ukrainian Orthodox chapel located in the Ukrainian Antarctic Station of Vernadsky Research Base. It is not the first Orthodox church on the ice continent: Russian carpenters built a 15-meter Orthodox church from Siberian cedar in 2004 that is dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

“When you pray there you get unspeakable impressions. It is zero altitude, but you have such a feeling that the church almost flies above Earth,” said Archbishop Augustine of Lvov and Galicia who did consecrate the Ukrainian chapel.

The chapel is small but its work is excellent. It has been  sent to Antarctica while a new group of polar explorers was there. The building and installation of the chapel has been paid by philanthropists. The church is located on Galindez Island at the site of the Ukrainian  research Base. It was built in 2011 and it’s the latest addition to the base buildings.

A wonderful virtual tour, including outside and inside views of St. Volodymyr Chapel,  is available by clicking the gif here aside


Buromskiy Island burial ground (HSM 9 and HSM 7) WAP RUS-NEW

Buromskiy, 66°  32’South, 93° 0’ East is a small island lying 0.6 km (0.37 mi) south of Haswell Island in the Haswell Islands group in Antarctica. About 1.2 km long and 0.9 km wide, it was discovered and mapped by the Australasian Antarctic Expedition under Douglas Mawson (1911–14). It was photographed by the Soviet expedition of 1958 and named for N.I. Buromskiy, expedition hydrographer who lost his life in the Antarctic in 1957. It lies 2.7 km north of Marbus Point, the site of Russia’s Mirny Station.

Buromskiy Island holds a Cemetery for several citizens of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic and Switzerland who died in the performance of their duties while serving as members of Soviet and Russian Antarctic expeditions. It has been designated a Historic Site or Monument (HSM 9) following a proposal by Russia to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

The site includes Ivan Khmara’s Stone, with an inscribed plaque commemorates Ivan Khmara, a driver-mechanic with the first Soviet Antarctic Expedition, who died while performing his duties on fast ice on 21 January 1956. The stone was originally erected at nearby Mabus Point, but was moved to Buromskiy Island in 1974 because of construction activity at Mirny. Ivan Khmara’s Stone has been designated a Historic Site or Monument (HSM 7) following a proposal by Russia to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.


The Haswell Islands are a group of rocky coastal islands lying off Marbus Point, Antarctica, and extending about 3 kilometres (1.5 nmi) seaward. Douglas Mawson did apply the name “Rookery Islands” because of a large emperor penguin rookery on Haswell Island, the largest and seaward island in the group. In 1955 the Antarctic Names Committee of Australia proposed that the name Haswell be extended to the entire Group. Read more at: http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Religion_in_Antarctica

Buromskiy Island burial ground (HSM 9 and HSM 7)

66° 32’South, 93° 0’ East , North of Marbus Point, Haswell Islands will be add to WAP-WADA Directory as WAP RUS-NEW. As soon as some Hams, maybe from Mirny Base will operate from there, a reference number will be given.

India 71st Independence Day celebration in Antarctica

India celebrates its 71st Independence Day with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisting the tricolour from Red Fort. A huge Indian national flag has brought on a bridge across river Sabarmati to celebrate Independence Day in Ahmadabad, but what do they do in Antarctica?

Bharati Station is the last Indian research Base built by India in Antarctica. Located at 69° 24’ 28” South, 76° 11’ 14” East, Bharati Station is one of the most modern Scientific Base in the Icy Continent. Actually a Radioamateur VU3LPL Rajesh Dabral is overwintering at Bharati Base, acting as Communication Officer.

The arrival of the nieighboring Russian and Chinese station members and the friendship among the three stations reveals that Antarctica is a place for peace and friendship. I invite everyone of you to join us in the celebration.

Full coverage of celebration of 71st Indian Independence Day at Bharati Research Station , Antarctica on 15, august 2017 is here, enjoy the view.
WAP Staff, wish a very Happy Indipendence day to our Indian friends in Antarctica.

WAP Antarctic Activity Week (17-25 Febr. 2018)

John Landrigan KA4RXP will be active as KA4RXP/MM from on board of M/V Spirit of Enderby from Febr. 8 through March 8 sailing Antarctica. The operation time falls in between the 15th Antarctic Activity Week.

Considering that John is going to operate from Antarctica, on board of a Polar ship listed on the WAP-WACA directory (therefore equated to an Antarctic base) a new reference WAP-283 has been issued to KA4RXP/MM.



Just wish to remind the Chasers to book now, and get your WAP special Callsign. Join the very atractive yearly event, the unique WW since 2004!

The St. Ivan Rilski Chapel (St. John of Rila Chapel) at the Bulgarian Base

The Orthodox presence in Antarctica arises as parts of various expeditions from major Orthodox Christian Nations to the continent as there is not permanent population in Antarctica.

St. Ivan Rilski Chapel at St Kliment Ohridski Station (Livingston Island in the South Shetlands) is the first Eastern Ortodox edifice in Antarctica, the southernmost Eastern Orthodox building of worship in the world

The chapel, was named after patron of the Bulgarians, St.Ivan Ritski. It was built in the year 2003 with the assistance of the Bulgarian Antarctic scientific team.

The foundation stones of the chapel were laid down on December 9, 2001, at that time, the base employs a total of between 12 and 15 people, geologists, biologists, doctors, meteorologists, botanists and others .

A Spanish ship transported the parts that were used to build the chapel and it was completed on 2003. The chapel features include  a bell, a cross, and icons of St. Ivan Rilski, and Jesus Christ the Bridegroom.

The Christian chapel is located on the Livingston Island’s Bulgarian Base of St. Kliment Ohridski.

Recently (year 2012) a new building (see picture aside) was erected on a small slope; it gives the impression to protect the Base from above.

Cruising Antarctica-K4RXP on board M/V Spirit of Enderby

John Landrigan KA4RXP is planning the ultimate of all cruises; leaving New Zealand on Feb 8, 2018 going to McMurdo Station on the Ross Sea and returning on March 8 ; he will join the 15th Antarctic Activity Week.

John wrote: -The 50-passenger M/V Spirit of Enderby is described as an ‘intimate’ exploration vessel with a reinforced hull. It apparently is pretty cramped and the bathroom is down the hall. The Captain and crew are Russian and I was advised to bring a potent surge protector .

I have the Company’s permission to operate and they are going to allow me unrestricted access to the former Radio Room on the ship so that I can set up my Yaesu 897 and Pactor modem.

I’m going to pay for them to install a used, I hope, marine HF antenna.  I’ll bring an antenna of a type and brand to be determined.

Few Questions from John:

The ship’s generator is subject to severe fluctuations due to lights and equipment being turned on and off. I need suggestions for 220 volt surge protection/Uninterruptible power supply devices to protect my radio and computer equipment. I don’t know how frequently they blow light bulbs but it sounds like a potent damping system may be required.

I am thinking the experts at this are probably in Invercargill, New Zealand where the ship departs from. I know that propagation is inversely proportional to one’s distance from the North or South Pole. I am thinking that a HF vertical and tuner would be significantly better than just my magnetically mounted Little Tarheel Screwdriver.

What about some type of dipole as you often see on models and photos of old ships with a wire going from bow to stern masts?  The ship’s manager did say I would need about 100 feet of coax from the antenna to the Radio Room. I am wondering if they were thinking of stringing up that type of antenna and running coax down a mast to the Radio Room.

Anyone with marine HF experience is earnestly solicited to respond (ka4rxp@gmail.com )

This cruise will be right at the time of the 15th Antarctic Activity Week and John KA4RXP/MM will be the first to operate maritime mobile during an AAW ! He will be on 40 through 10 meters if propagation will permit.John sais.

TNX John Landrigan KA4RXP

LU4ZS, Base Marambio WAP ARG-21

On last March 11, the Radio station LU4ZS at Base Marambio did start the 2016 Ham Activation, promoting the continuity of successful Radio-Amateur operation of the past 2013/14 Antarctic campaign, in which hundreds of Shortwave contacts were made worldwide. This year 2017, it has been planned to carry out another activation.

Putting LU4ZS on the air from Marambio has as an additional motivation:  the memory of the 50th anniversary of the First Transpolar Flight of Argentina. In 1965, the Air Force accomplished “Operation South”, designed and led by then-commander Mario Luis Olezza, in which a squadron formed by a Douglas C-47 and two Beaver single-engineers landed in the South Pole, and later the C-47 Continued flight to Mc Murdo Base, USA, completing the first double transpolar flight in Argentina. This operation opened the route that Aerolineas Argentinas used between 1980 and 2014 to fly to Oceania.

The operator of the station LU4ZS Marambio, is Juan C. Benavente (Picture aside), in charge of the Press Section and collaborator of the Technical Section of the DAA, with Ham license LU8DBS r, teacher and Graduate in Social Communication in the National University of Quilmes (UNQ).

Video taken by a member of the “Uniendo Voices” Tam during his stay in Antarctica. The UV project has incorporated the radio amateur work area, and a teacher of the project, Juan C. Benavente, carries out radio activations from Antarctica as the University Extension Project (PEU).

Read more at: http://www.unq.edu.ar/noticias/1950-marambio-en-el-aire.php

Giacomo Bove Station-Antarctica (WAP ITA-Ø2)

Soon the formal designation of the new Historic Site (HSMs) under the Antarctic Treaty.
Another small step towards the creation of a new visitor center and a new plaque in Trieste (Italy), in view of the completion of the IPSSIA project (the institution of the first Antarctic Italian Historical Site).

This is briefly, the story of the first independent Italian expedition in Antarctica dated 1976, and of the man who made it possible. The Polishs, who have a nearby science base, still call the site as Italy Valley.

December 1975: 15 Italians  did challenge the climatic conditions, economic difficulties and political inertia to build a Base in the coldest and inhospitable site of the planet, with temperatures that in the “hot” months reach 19 degrees below zero and during the long winter of the sub-southern hemisphere go down to -50°C. The Expedition arrives before the accession of Italy to the Antarctic Treaty, before the PNRA, the National Research Program at the South Pole.

Renato Cepparo officially donate the newly founded Base to the Italian state. But the answer that comes from the cabinet secretary of the the Foreign Affairs holder, Minister Arnaldo Forlani, is as formal and cold as the wind of Italia Valley  on a January day!

“While I express the greatest appreciation of the On. Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to inform you that the Italian Government intends to give the Base to the Argentine Government”. The reason “Guarantees for Future Research and Exploration Programs in Antarctica or Other Italian Scientific Missions”, did sound  incomprehensible for Cepparo and that decision was difficult to accept. It was paradoxical –did comment Roberto Cepparo– Forlani proved himself to be a very small man, because to solve the problem with the Argentinians gave them the Base. Two years later, Flavio Barbiero, deputy leader of the company in 1975-76, returns to Italia Valley and makes the dramatic discovery: “Only the perimeter wall supporting the building remained in place. Everything else has disappeared in nothing” wrote Renato Cepparo in his memories.

Actually, a young reasearchr Prof. PHD Julius Fabbri  (Pic aside) is strongly working to ensure that the status of Antarctic Heritage could be recognized to the site where Renato Cepparo built the first Italian research station dedicated to the explorer Giacomo Bove

Stanislaw Miranski SP3BGD, send us a picture taken in April 1998. Here is the remains of Italian Antarctic Station “Giacomo Bove” – Italia Valley on King George island.


Cambridge petition: Historic Site for ‘Giacomo Bove Station’ destroyed by Argentine Navy – Read more at: http://giacomobovestation.blogspot.it/2017/04/cambridge-petition-historic-site-for.html

Polish Station Dobrowolsky, WAP POL-NEW

Polish Antarctic Stations Antoni B. Dobrowolski is located an Bunger Hills, 66° 16′ 30″ South, 100° 45′ 00″ East.

The Station with two buildings able to guest 8 people, was originally built by the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions the Oct. 16th  1956 and named Oazis  then, on 23rd January 1959, it has been handed over to the Academy of Sciences of the Polish People’s Republic by the Soviet Academy. The Polish named it Dobrowolski Station in memory of  Antoni B. Dobrowolski (1872-1954), geophysicist and glaciologist, who participated in the Belgica Antarctic Expedition (1877-79). 

Unfortunately,  just few weeks later the Station has been closed. On February 22, 1979 (with preparations starting February 18) the station was reactivated for a short time, but an overwintering attempt failed, and the occupants had to be evacuated to Mirny Station (350 km to the west) on March 17 1979.

The Soviet Union became interested in the Bunger Hills again in the late 1980s, and built a new station – Oazis-2 – a few hundred meters to the west of Dobrowolski. The station was used for summer visits up to the mid-1990s (Bunger Oasis Station WAP RUS-NEW)

About 7 kilometres from Dobrowolski, Australia has maintained the summer-only station Edgeworth David Base,   named after Edgeworth David, since 1986.

The concrete pillar erected by the First Polish Antarctic Expedition at Dobrowolski Station in January 1959 for gravity measurements, and the magnetic observatory at the station with plaque in memory of the opening of Oazis Station in 1956, are recognized as Antarctic Historic Sites Nr.10.

DP1POL/p Novolazarevskaya Station-Antarctica

Felix Riess  (DL5XL) has been active as DP1POL/p  for a short period of time from the Russian Station Novolazarevskaya  (WAP RUS-Ø9) while waiting the ALCI flight from Novo Runway (WAP MNB-Ø6) to Cape Town.

Novolazarevskaya ( 70° 47’ South, 11°49’ East) located at the extreme southeastern tip of the Schirmacher Oasis approximately in 80 km from the Lazarev Sea coast,  is one of the most efficient Antarctic Stations operating from Dronning Maud Land Estern Antarctica and serving by its Novo Runway almost all the scientific operations from the Bases located in that area. An ice shelf with a slightly undulating surface resting against an ice cap extends north of the station in the vicinity of Leningradsky Bay. From the south, there is a continental ice sheet slope.


DP1POL/p is though one of the new callsigns to be add to the WAP-WACA list.

Thanks to Felix for this new one and thanks to DL1ZBO for his fast QSL service.


In an unprecedented operation, the Argentinean Armed Forces planned a medical evacuation of the second officer, electrician Héctor Bulacio, from the Orcadas Base to the hospital in Ushuaia. The 38-year-old man was in danger if thye did not move him; he had suffered fractures in his legs. A Rescue by sea was impossible because in winter time the Base is surrounded by 110 kilometers of ice field.

After a videoconference with the naval hospital of Buenos Aires, his air evacuation was decided.

A C130 Hercules aircraft took off from Río Gallegos, overflew  Orcadas Base and  by parachutes release medical supplies while a glaceologist of the Naval Hydrography Service was studying  the best surface in which personnel could improvise an emergency landing strip for a Twin Otter. From Marambio Base then took off the Twin Otter  that flew 720 kilometers from Marambio to Orcadas Base and,  in an unprecedented event, did land on top of a glacier on an improvised runway.

The Twin Otter transferred the non-commissioned officer to Marambio and from there the Hercules took him to Tierra del Fuego. The joint work and successful flights of the Twin Otter and the Hercules despite the climatic difficulties at this time of year, allowed the Sub-official Bulacio to be conscious and stabilized in the Hospital of Ushuaia where he is  “out of danger”.

More at: https://www.eldiariodelfindelmundo.com/noticias/2017/07/31/73203-increible-hazana-aerea-para-salvarle-la-vida-a-un-militar-herido-en-la-base-orcadas-de-la-antartida

More pics are available at the same link

Brief History of the Antarctic, seen from the Ham Radio Communication’s world

Written by Bhagwati Prasad Semwal VU3BPZ-8T2BH

Antarctic Epic did start long ago with no way to communicate from Antarctica to the rest of the world, then Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and electrical engineer, known for his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission and for his development of radio telegraph system, show the world the power of Radio transmission.

Later one after WW1 & WW2 the Nations signed the Antarctic Treaty and the Antarctic Adventure begun. From that time, in the 50thies, the Radio was the unique way to be in touch from the newly built Antarctic Research Stations and therest of the world.

From that time,  being a licensed Radio Amateur was a privilege of few technicians involved in the  Antarctic Campaigns and being Radio Amateur, they were mostly communication officers. After the commercial duties and communication with their country’s Antarctic Departments, they had time to use the Base Equipments to talk to the family using other Ham fellows with Phone Patch to talk to their families, and to other Ham radio men, all over the world.

A new era did start: DX with Antarctica and yes,  a contact using a simple Radio transceiver  from Antarctica to the rest of the world was,  and is still amazing. The interest did grow  fast and became a fever, a real excitement a real passion.

At that time every Antarctic Base, every Refuge, every remote camp was equipped with  Transceiver for HF communications, antenna, generator or other power supply sources.

Most of the Bases did install big towers and rotary antenna system, using amplifiers to allow more chance to send robust signals on the air. On the other side, the worldwide Ham community, hunting contacts with Antarctica, did the same; all involved in a kind of passion for the so called  very long distance call, known as DX.

QSL confirmation for a contact with an Antarctic Station was, and still is something to exhibit. On the meantime the first websites dedicated to the Antarctic Chasers did start to be online, as for example WAP-Worldwide Antarctic Program www.waponline.it since 1979. On it several features  such as the most accurate Dbase (WAP-WADA) of Antarctic Stations, Remote Camps, Refuges, Huts and permanent settlements sorted by Country, Lat & Long and exact location.

Another huge Dbase (WAP-WACA) has been built; it  lists over 4500 different callsigns in use or used in the past in Antarctica, Sub & Peri Antarctic areas, all available for free on line.

Time goes fast and we did enter quickly in the era of Internet. Very few young  boys are still excited or fascinated by Ham radio, even if in Antarctica HF & VHF communications are still important and very much used to keep and establish contacts with remote field camps, with the researchers working outside, and with the helicopters or aircrafts to the main Stations or Bases.

Radio is probably considered by the young generation somewhat obsolete, something surpassed, something out of fashion … nothing could be more wrong! Radio remains a safe option in case of emergency, when internet black out, when other communication devises may fail, the radio remains, it does not need repeaters, as the radio waves propagate in space!

HF transmissions are therefore subjected to the Propagation condition which is influenced by the solar activity and in particular periods of the year,  operators must know the MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency) and check Propagation Prediction tables in order to know when and in which direction looking for to make some possible contacts

Bhagwati Prasad Semwal is a good experienced Ham Radio Operator, licensed as VU3BPZ, and operating from Antarctica since 2001. Bagwati Prasad (Ex-20,24,29th, Maitri & 31th,Bharati, WOT )has been active from several Antarctic sites as VU3BPZ/P, VU3BPZ/RI1, AT1ØBP, VU3BPZ/MM and actually he is part of the 35th ISEA (2015-2016) based at  Bharati Station (69°S, 076°E), Larsemann Hills, Antarctica where he operates as 8T2BH.

Worldwide Ham Radio Community is grateful to the Indian Antarctic Dept. for putting licensed Ham radio operators among the Teams overwintering in Antarctica; India did a real great job with the Hams involved in Antarctica up to now; a mention has to be given to:

ATØA operating from Daskshin Gangotry Base in the 8Øties, AT3D, VU3HKQ, VU2AXA, VU2JBK, VU3RAY, VU2DMT who have been active from Maitri Base, Indian Bay and Bharati Stations giving a huge number of Antarctic chasers worldwide, a chance  to log all the 3 main  Indian Scientific Stations in their log with different callsigns.

Actually propagation is not in a good shape; solar flux, sunspot and A index are at a low level, but taking care of the rare openings on different bands, is possible to establish good contacts with a range of 10-15.000 km.

What is actually missed in the Indian Bases is a rotating Log periodic beam antenna, able to cover all HF bands in case of internet black out or emergency, a liner amplifier in order to ensure a robust signal in case of lack of propagation.

In addition another tool is available for Hams,  and that is the VOACAP Prediction available online at:

http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html .

This web site gives an idea to a Radio operator  which band of the HF Band plan is the best one to be used  and percentage of chances to make good contacts. Actually conditions are very low and infact just the bands  from 18 to 24 MHz offer 40% of possibility to make contacts.

During the 35th Indian Antarctic Scientific Expedition (2015-2016) we did a lot of propagation testing on different bands from 10 mts through 40 mts SSB and we noticed a very fast changing conditions and so far only about 100 QSOs have been made as 8T2BH from Bharati Station, even if with 15 different Countries. Nothing to compare with 2011-2012’s season when the QSOs made were over 1000, or from Maitri Station where conditions were so much favorable.

Now  it could be propagation will change, no more Auroras or magnetic storms which are causing terrific noise on the band. I hope to be able to keep uphold the Indian pride and using the privilege to be here in Antarctica for the 5th time  as Ham Radio and Communication Officer to fulfill the many requests for QSOs by Radio amateurs operators around the world.

Polish “Henryk Arctowski” Station WAP POL-Ø1

The station was established on 26 February 1977.
It is managed by the Polish Academy of Sciences, and its main research areas include marine biology, oceanography, geology, geomorphology, glaciology,  meteorology, climatology, seismology, magnetism and ecology.

Here, just a couple of nice  pics posted on Facebook page today

If you wish to see more, go to:   https://www.facebook.com/arctowski/?hc_ref=ARStEccV8QfpVV7boSs6EsLGB55pSF-fzssR981ZH8OOu9g_AHpbr6MzV-gMMcwpLGg


To know more about Henryk Arctowski Station, see also:  http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/dab/

New WAP WACA & WADA Directory just released

The sixteenth edition (release 1.30) of WAP WACA & WADA Directories are available to download. Just go to the “Download Section”  and feel free to save them both on your PC.

WACA Directory contains a list of more than 4091 callsigns used in Antarctica & Sub Antarctic territories since 1945,

WADA Directory lists 887 Baes, Camps, Huts, Refuges and  Stations in Antarctica since 1945.

Also a new release of the Antarctic & Peri Antarctic Lighthouses has been issued on July 31 and it’s available to download as well; just go to the Lighthouse page.

Don’t forget to check the Antarctic Bulletin Nr. 274 issued on last July 24 (Check News & Information page)

Enjoy Antarctica!

73 from WAP Staff

Antarctica: Stronger Ocean circulation

Notorious Ocean current is far stronger than previously thought

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the only ocean current to circle the planet and the largest wind-driven current on Earth. It’s also 30% more powerful than scientists realized.

Source: Geophysical Research Letters

An ocean circulation model shows the Antarctic Circumpolar Current swirling around Antarctica, with slow-moving water in blue and warmer colors indicating faster speeds (red represents speeds above 1 mile per hour). But how much water is really flowing through the current?
Recent fieldwork provides unexpected results.

Credit: M. Mazloff, MIT; Source: San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego


More at: https://eos.org/research-spotlights/notorious-ocean-current-is-far-stronger-than-previously-thought

DP1POL Neumayer III Station (WAP DEU-Ø8)

Felix Riess DL5XL (aka N5BC) is operating DP1POL callsign from Antarctica since 2002.
Every time he was there, he did visit some very rare and difficult locations, from which he was able to so set a /P operation  and jumping on the air as well .
Neumayer III Station , is located  at 70° 40’ South, 8° 17’ West, Dronning Maud Land (Grid Loc. IB59UH).



Double folded QSL for his last operation did come fast through his QSL Manager DL1ZBO. Nice card, another good piece in our Antarctic QSL collection!



Call for journalists to follow next Antarctic campaign

PNRA (Italian National Research Program in Antarctica) via CNR and ENEA, is managing  the Italian Bases in Antarctica. There is a  call for journalists to participate the XXXIII Italian Expedition in Antarctica.

The XXXIII Italian Expedition, will take place from October 2017 through  February 2018. PNRA offers hospitality at the Italian Bases to a journalist whose reports  might  have extensive media coverage related to the Italian scientific research activities in Antarctica. The selected journalist will be engaged in November 2017, for a period of approximately 15 days, travels to/from Italy included.

Participation is subject to availability confirmation by the PNRA.

More at:  http://www.enea.it/it/Stampa/news/call-per-giornalisti-al-seguito-dei-ricercatori-in-antartide/

RI1ANC Vostok Base “WAP RUS-13”

Alex Turkeev, RD1AV,  the actual Chief and radio operator at the Russian Vostok Station is still overwintering  at Vostok where he will remain till February 10, 2018.

He is active ,taking advantages of the openings in the actual low level propagation. It’s not hard to find him  on all bands CW, SSB and digital modes.

Do not loose the chance to work him.  Antarctica is always something special in the DX scenery!


QSL for RI1ANC has to be requested  through  RN1ON – Bureau or Direct

Argentine Icebreaker Irizar readying for Antarctica sailing

Argentina’s Navy icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar is back on sea and next September will be ready to sail to Antarctica following almost ten years of recovery and refurbishing after she caught fire in 2007 when returning from Antarctica and was considered almost a wreck given the magnitude of the damages experienced.

According to Argentine defense reports the “new” Irizar has state of the art technology, has doubled its Antarctic Gas Oil (fuel) capacity and has increased six fold the area dedicated to labs and other scientific activities, as well as the cabins and beds for research staff.

The pre-accident Irizar was mainly involved in logistics and support for the Antarctic bases and stations, but the refurbished version is geared to scientific research. Likewise the icebreaker will be able to access the most austral of Argentine bases, Belgrano II, and the Argentine navy can again operate with helicopters.

All these years Argentina contracted mostly Russian icebreakers and helicopters to service and supply its bases.

More at:  http://www.marambio.aq/infoprensa/julio2017.html   

RI1ANO, Bellingshausen Base WAP RUS-Ø1

Another “new one” WACA in our Antarctic QSL collection and a WAP RUS-Ø1 for WADA

RI1ANO is a  a brand new callsign,  operated by Alexandr A. Ushakov, UA1OJL, at Bellingshausen Base (WAP RUS-Ø1) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Alex, UA1OJL is  active from Bellingshausen station, since April 2017 and will be on till March 2018 operating all bands CW, SSB & Digi  on his  spare time.

Info for  QSL collectors: Contacts from June 2017 and ahead will be confirmed by a different QSL cards (see the sample aside), so do not loose the chance.

QSL for RI1ANO has to be requested to RN1ON (Alexei V. Kuz’manko, P.O.Box 500, Arkangelsk 173000-Russia)

40th ATCM – Beijing, China

The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) is the annual meeting for all parties of the Antarctic Treaty to discuss pressing Antarctic issues. Only consultative parties – parties that have demonstrated their interest in Antarctica by ‘conducting substantial research activity there’ – are allowed to take part in decision-making processes. This is the first time that China hosts the ATCM, which attracted a lot of attention both within and outside China.

Picture show Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli addresses the opening ceremony of the 40th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) in Beijing, capital of China.

Read more at: http://blogs.adelaide.edu.au/law/2017/07/06/40th-antarctic-treaty-consultative-meeting-beijing-china/

Church in Antarctica

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Getting married in Antarctica

Polar field guides Julie Baum and Tom Sylvester got married in sub-zero temperatures in a two-day celebration.

The wedding guests included the couple’s 18 colleagues who live and work at the British Antarctic Survey’s (BAS) largest research station during the winter months.  It is the first official wedding to take place on the territory in Adelaide Island.
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/in-a-stunning-first-couple-marries-in-antarctica-in-sub-zero-temperatures-1726174

Antarctica’s ice-free areas to increase

Climate change will cause ice-free areas on Antarctica to increase by up to a quarter by 2100, threatening the diversity of the unique terrestrial plant and animal life that exists there, according to projections from the first study examining the question in detail. If emissions of greenhouse gasses are not reduced, projected warming and changes in snowfall will cause ice-free areas – which currently make up about 1% of  Antarctica and are home to all of the continent’s terrestrial plants and animals – to increase by as much as 17,000 square kilometres.

Read more at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/29/antarcticas-ice-free-areas-to-increase-by-up-to-a-quarter-by-2100-study-says

VU2VP Silent Key

 Ved Prakash Sandlas, VU2VP, destingushed Scientist & former Cheif controller R&D DRDO did  pass away on 6th July 2017. He was good promoter of Ham radio & sent Ham Radio Rigs to Antarctica.

He was Vice Presendent of the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT- India), a real Senior Old Timer. He has been QSL manager for AT3D, operated by VU3DEN in 1994 from Maitri Base, Antarctica.

Our deepest condolences to his family from the whole HAM & Scientists  as well as the Antarctic community !

Base Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6)

Twenty-one Argentine experts who will investigate climate change are actually working  at the country’s southernmost Antarctic Belgrano II Base.

The scientific and military experts are facing a four-month long polar night after landing more than 4,500 kilometers away from Buenos Aires and less than 1,700 from the South Pole.

With temperatures that can reach around or below – 35° Celsius,  Belgrano II is the southernmost of the Argentine bases and is located to the east of the Weddell Sea, so the newly arrived staff will not have contact with people outside the group until they are relieved in December 2017.
Click on the pic aside to be rederected to the website where the information comes from.

Last News

HI Folks,

As you can see, we are  moving from the old style WAP web site to this most modern one. It will take some weeks to get use to play with it, but we are working on this matter to give the Antarctic chasers the best of we can.

Be patient and Enjoy Antarctica, as much as we do!

Chapel of Santa Maria Reina de la Paz at Chilean Base Pte Eduardo Frei

On Thursday 25 September 2014, the Commander in Chief of the IV Air Brigade, General Aviation Brigade  Manuel Sainz Salas, did visit the Antarctic Air Base President Eduardo Frei Montalva and attended, with the Commander of the Air Base Group Commander (DA) Gonzalo Opazo, to the reopening  ceremony of the Chapel of Santa Maria Reina de la Paz located  at Villa Las Estrellas, the largest Chilean town in Antarctica. The Chaplain of the Unity Group Commander (SR) Juan Fuentes, blessed the new premises.
The Chapel restored by the Repair Squadron, using existing materials in the unit, gave a new facade to the Institutional Chapel. Among the works undertaken is the construction of a new bell tower and strengthening the foundations of the entrance.
Source: https://prensaantartica.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/reinauguran-capilla-de-villa-las-estrellas-en-la-antartica/
TNX Prensaantartica, Credit to FACH

Bellingshausen Base and its church

Interesting article pubblished on the New York Times by Ernesto Molina, a Chilean scientist, walking above the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, overlooking the Russian Antarctic base.
On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica’s first Orthodox church on a hill overlooking its research base, transporting the logs all the way from Siberia.

Read more at:

The Seven Churches of Antarctica

Thanks to   for posting this very interesting review of the Churches in Antarctica.
Nice pictures and great reportage!
Antarctica is officially considered a desert, thus making it the largest desert in the world. But even in this icy barren landscape, the explorers and scientists braving the harshest of climates have still found time for religion. With at least seven churches used for religious practice in Antarctica, these are the Southernmost places of worship in the world…

Click on the Church aside and enjoy reading

Priests ‘not needed’ on Antarctic missions (?)

There’s a saying about there being no God in Antarctica but from this summer there will also be fewer priests. America’s National Science Foundation has told Christchurch’s Catholic Diocese in NZ it no longer needs local priests on the ice. It was a sad development, but inevitable, says Father Dan Doyle (pic aside),  who had been to Antarctica himself 14 times since 1984, and it was an amazing experience for the clergy.
Fewer staff are now working at the US stations in Antarctica.
Better communications and internet connections meant people were less isolated while working in Antarctica and the drop-off was noticeable in the past five or six years. When I first went there 30 years ago there was no outside contact except ham radio or a two-minute phone call every few months,  Father Doyle said
The Christchurch diocese has been sending priests to McMurdo since 1957, with five priests going each summer and working out of the base’s Chapel of the Snows.
More at:  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/latest-news/priests-not-needed-on-antarctic-missions/story-fn3dxix6-1227454991197

Drawn from personal experiences in Antarctica…

Lieutenant Colonel Franco Colombo, tell us  about his four past seasons in Antarctica in the wake of the Italian Expedition campaigns.

Franco said: At some stage in my four assignments, I  have always noticed the lack of a place of worship, and I have constantly tried someway to overcome it. The attached picture shows how, the devotion of our Team at MZS to the small  “Madonnina”  is real and heartfelt and on the day of the Immaculate Conception (8th December) a small procession is set till the place where the Virgin  stands in a small  altar beneath a rocky outcrop (though not all on the Base share it  …. but this is normal)
TNX Lieutenant Colonel Franco Colombo

An important “Event” to think about…

Our website and in particular this page dedicated to the Churches in Antarctica is now home of a very special reportage from a very special guest, the Mayor of Uvarovo City,  Tambov Oblast, Russia.
Alexander Kuznetsov is also a famous Ham Radio operator (callsign RW3RN) and, on his way to Antarctica we have got a pleasure to contact him directly by HF Radio communication.

Today  we are grateful to Alex for his exclusive short report for the WAP pages.  As the mayor of this City, Alexander Kuznetsov  did bring with him, on his way to Antarctica, the Tambov “Mother of God” and  “St. Pitirim” icons to be presented  to the Holy Trinity Church, the only Russian Orthodox Church in Antarctica.
Alex wrote:   I have got a very great impression of the form of the temple and the conversation with the priest I had. We climbed up a small hill on which stands the temple, in a deep snow, and it was not easy. While the Church bells were ringing. It was very symbolic  that we, overcoming the hard way, were in front  to this miracle. The “Rector”  invited us to the bell tower and allowed supervised also ring the bell.
After a couple of hours I go on,  to serve in our City temple in honor  of our Orthodox Christmas and I will give the Church an icon of the Venerable Herman of Alaska, which I brought from Alaska from the island of Kodiak and consecrated on his relics. I  was very glad in such special minutes.

The pictures shown on this reportage, have been sent us by Alex to  show some very important moments of his journey at the Trinity Church.

While Italy, one of the centers of world Christianity,  is still waiting a small Chapel at his Antarctic Station down in the Icy Continent,  we’re really looking for the day where, we can also be proud to celebrate something like this!

Thanks to Alexander Kuznetsov,  for his great sign of holy spirituality. God bless you and your City,  as well as the Russians who have built such a great Church in Antarctica.

Christmas time at MZS; a moment of spirituality

Thanks to Max IAØMZ who has taken a break to walk to the site where the statue of the Virgin is looking at the Italian Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS). We wish some better location for the Mother of Lord, perhaps one day …who knows, someone will turn our dream into a reality and we’ll have a small Chapel  at the Italian Scientific site in Antarctica, where to  thank God  for protecting us.

Historical Note:
… more than 20 years ado, the Alpini Corp, when the chief of operations in Antarctica was the ex-Colonel (now General Retd) Mauro Spreafico,  made a small altar beneath a rocky outcrop where they put a small statue of the Virgin  who had brought from Italy and there,  used to meet the Madonna in prayer …. She is always there, for many years now, under a rock.

Pictures show the the Virgin on a hand made cavity at MZS and the Italian Antarctic Base shown from the rocky outcrop where the Virgin stands.
, Merry Christmas

Amsterdam Island – The little chapel “Notre Dame de l’Ocean”

On the TAAF territories administered by the French authorities , freed from any religious affiliation, it is easily surprised to see a chapel present on each Base. This one on Amsterdam Island is tiny but charming, the Virgin Mary stands on her throne on a small altar. It is regularly frequented on Sunday. A few meters away, a bench invites to rest in the wind looking at the sea, and the bench of the chapel is the best observatory based, one could find.