New 2025 WAP WACA & WADA Directories are just released

The 24th edition of WAP-WACA and WAP-WADA Directories  (Release 1.45 of Jan. 1st-2025) have been issued and are now free on line, available to download.
Both Directories,  contain last “New Entry” and few changes on the names of Bases, Huts, refuges  or Camps.

In the next days the full documentation, such as WAP Awards issued, rules, ranking and all what a chaser need to know,  will be on line as well. 

Good hunting,

Enjoy Antarctica as much as we do!

Merry Christmas from WAP

To our friends all over the world, Hams, supporters and followers, to the personnel  engaged in various scientific missions in remote Bases and Camps, to the Antarctic and Artic lovers,  WAP Staff wish a PEACEFUL Christmas in the spirit of a real and sincere friendship.

                                    Enjoy Antarctica as much as we do!   



Update from Little Dome C-Epica Camp, WAP MNB-15

Danilo has moved the mast and antenna away from the two big generators that serve LDC Camp, but he had to stop; temp is -46°C he’s afraid that coax cable or dipole wires could break. In any case, changing the position and built a new dipole for 20 mts, appears to work OK  now;  SWR 1,2 at 14250 and 100 W output, even if the background noise still over S5 to S7. RTX has only 100 W but seems to be enough. Danilo was 44 here again when we tested conditions. He sent an audio recording and 1HYW was 55 with him, fully comprehensible (Audio recording below).

Nothing today, there was noise and even if he did copy me and others trying to test, there was no chance! Local time at Little Dome C-Epica camp is 7 hours ahead … at 18:00 Z, is 2 o’clok in the morning down there!

We should try again in the next few days testing up and down maybe also the Long Path in early morning GMT, to see what time is better. Same fading has been experienced as well by Oleg ZS7ANF on dec. 18th on his second try from Echo Camp; band was completely faded.

Danilo is now at Concordia Station for some work on the Delta Loop antenna down there.

More info to follow,  stay tuned


WAP Antarctic Bulletin nr. 305

HI Folks,

WAP Antarctic Bulletin nr. 305/2024 is on line; this will be the last one for 2024

Readers can download it or simply read it with a simple click at the link below: 
Enjoy Antarctca, stay tuned maybe you can add some new ones on your score! On the mean time, book on time for your special callsign to partecipate the 2025 Antarctic Activity Week of next 17-23 Febr.2025

Enjoy Antarctica, enjoy Ham radio…stay tuned maybe you can add some new ones on your score!

ZS7ANF Echo Camp  WAP MNB-2Ø

Oleg Sakharov ZS1ANF, UA1O (ex UA1PBA), has been shortly active at Echo Camp a brand “NEW ONE” signing ZS7ANF on last Dec. 15-2024 on 15, 17 & 20 mts.

Oleg did test different bands with I1HYW before choosing 15 mts to start at 14,33 UTC on 21.035 CW.

On last November 26th, we put an article on WAP website (see: )  regarding Echo Camp as WAP MNB-NEW;  we are now pleased to say that Oleg did it well and reached the goal!

Stuart McFadzean, VK7FADZ  a skilled SOTA activator in Tasmania where he lives, was also there, and did help Oleg with the shack installation, so thanks as well to Stuart  for the fast and great job, so well done!

Oleg said that, tomorrow, dec. 18th there will be another possibility to be on air from Echo Camp, then he will fly out to Cape Town for 2 weeks holidays on dec. 22, Oleg will be back in Antarctica on  Jan.2025.

While wishing Oleg our congrats and bif thanks for the brand “New One”WAP has issued the reference WAP-MNB-2Ø to Echo Camp at 71°32’47” South, 8°50’11” East.

Station or Hut at Sandefjord Bay?

On the Antarctic exploration’s history, we have learned that, several Huts, Refuges, and also Bases have been built with scientific purpose by Countries that before and/or after did claimed sovereignty.
Today,  the Antarctic passionates of the Icy Continent are chasing some of the old sites which can potentially be “New Ones” for the most popular Antarctic Awards and challenges.

Today we are going to know something of one of this:  Station “C” Sandefjord Bay, (WAP GBR-NEW).
Located at 60° 37′ South, 46° 02′ West, Moreton Point, Sandefjord Bay, Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands.  

In 1944, the original intention had been to establish a Station in the South Orkney Islands on Signy Island, but this was not achieved. Instead, a Hut was built 19 Feb 1945 at Sandefjord Bay, although there were insufficient personnel to occupy it. This has since been referred to as Station P, although there is no evidence for this in the official records. Today, only debris remains. Last seen standing 6 Sep 1950. Collapsed (possibly blown down) by 1 Feb 1955.

The original purpose, was replaced by a new Hut at Cape Geddes, Laurie Island 62° 59’South, 60° 34’ West, South Orkney, which became known as Station “C” in 1946 (WAP GBR-Ø3).

Picture above, shows the Hut at Sandefjord Bay, 1947-48. (Photographer: Sir Vivian Fuchs; Archives ref: AD6/19/2/E1022/24). Thanks and Credit to British Antarctic Survey : (

On WAP WADA Directory we have though two Stations  “C”:
1) WAP GBR- Ø3, Station “C” Cape Geddes (Aka Station “C” Laurie), 62° 59’South, 60° 34’ West

3) WAP GBR-NEW, Station “C” Sandefjord Bay on Coronation Island, 60° 37′ South, 46° 02′ West

Antarctic Refuge Dr. René Favaloro, (WAP ARG-NEW)

Antarctic Base Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6) is the southernmost Argentine Station, on the southern coast of the Weddell Sea. Over there, the army did install a new Refuge (originally called Refugio Base Belgrano 2), of which WAP reported about on last December 28, 2023 (See: )
Now, the Refugio Base Belgrano 2,  located 7.3 km from the Base and near the snow landing strip, has been named in honor of “Dr. René Favaloro”.  This mobile Refuge (77°   52’ 30” South, 34°37’45” West)will provide support in future operations under extreme conditions.

The new Dr. René Favaloro Refuge, installed in the area under ​​responsibility of the Base Belgrano II, represents a significant milestone in the scientific and sovereign presence of Argentina  on the white continent.

Named after Doctor René Favaloro, this state of the art shelter, located on a Nunatak, will not only operate as a logistical support point, but will also provide a safe and well-stocked shelter for up to 4 explorers. The installation of the Refuge involves a great effort on part of the base’s staff, the military personnel combine determination and dedication to carry out this mission, reflecting a deep sense of commitment to the Homeland and the desire to lead the way for future scientific expeditions in the region.

On next issue of the WAP -WADA Directory, Dr. René Favaloro Refuge will enter on the Argentina list as WAP ARG-NEW

Who was Dr. René Favaloro?
The greatest doctor in Argentine history, was Italian: René Favaloro invented the bypass while fighting against dictatorships.

Son of Italian immigrants, René grew up with his grandparents at home, learning Italian, Italian cuisine, Italian music, but above all learning the great manual skills that would accompany him in his medical career, thanks to his father, a carpenter, and his mother, a seamstress: “A good doctor must be a good carpenter.” his grandfather Girolamo would repeat to him. René studied and graduated with honors from the Colegio Nacional Universidad de La Plata. In 1962, one of his elderly university professors encouraged his transfer to the United States, to the Cleveland Clinic, still today one of the most renowned in the world for cardiac surgery. During his intense activity as a specialist, he continued his studies and refined the technique that would lead him to be, in 1967, the first heart surgeon in history to implant the coronary artery bypass, for which – among hundreds of other honors – he would receive a nomination for the Nobel Prize. In 1970, giving up offers of up to 2 million dollars a year to stay in the United States, he returned to Buenos Aires to realize his greatest dream: to create the Favaloro Foundation, a self-sufficient university clinic available to the people, still today the most renowned in South America.
Active member of the committees for the search for the desaparecidos, in aid and support of the families of the thousands of disappeared during the bloody dictatorship from 1976 to 1983, his philanthropy was put to the test by the political and economic climate of Argentina, which over the years ended up suffocating the Foundation between cuts in public and private funding, missed payments by organizations, unions, insurance companies and a growing economic depression in the country. On his knees due to debts that forced him to get rid of all his personal property, abandoned and betrayed by many friends, on July 29, 2000 he took his own life with a gunshot to the heart.

Little Dome C – Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Drilling Site, WAP MNB-15

Lt. Danilo Collino, IZ1KHY  (pic aside) is the actual ENEA, Camp Leader at Little Dome C (LDC) Epica Camp, located at   75.29917 ° South, 122.44516 ° East,  37,5 km from Concordia station (WAP MNB-Ø3).

EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) – Oldest Ice, has been funded by the European Commission, with contributions from the participating Nations, the project, which began in 2019 will last for seven years. Twelve Research Centers are partners in the project, from ten European and non-European countries. For Italy, in addition to the CNR and Ca’ Foscari University, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), is working together with the French Polar Institute (IPEV) on the work module relating to logistics.

See more at:

Little Dome C-Epica Camp, WAP MNB-15 is one of the most wanted active site in Antarctica and Danilo IZ1KHY is trying to set up an HF gear to be on air from there and giving the chasers this “New One” activated only once by David FT4YM/P in the year 2022.

Unfortunately, Danilo is experiencing high SWR and seems that something is wrong on the dipole or on the coax cable, also because the outside temperature is extremely cold on the Antarctic Plateau.


Danilo said that in the morning even if it’s a sunny day, temp is 50°C below zero! There is much work at the LDC-Epica Camp and his free time is limited but he is optimistic;  we are sure we can get him on the log before too long!


Let’s keep our finger crossed!!!