Thanks to Oleg Sakharov (UA1O, R1ANF, ZS7ANF) WAP has now a better understand of the fact that, as thought, Dixi’s Camp and Fuel Depot 83 are for sure, two separate entities, located at different latitude and longitude.
Opened in 2019, Dixie is a new Camp made by White Desert Company, at about 10-15 km from the existing FD-83 (Fuel Depot at 83° South).
Dixie’s Camp (WAP MNB-NEW) is an isolated research station surrounded by the vast, icy expanse of the
South Pole. Actually Dixie is a Camp for turists who visit South Pole and a refueling station for aircrafts. It has been designed to give the guests the opportunity to experience just what life was like for the original polar explorers, almost a Century ago.
Situated some 750km from the nearest humans, at an altitude of 2.640 mts and located exactly at 83° 24’ 5,56” South, 19° 41’ 52,8” East, the sun never sets on this Expedition Camp during season, making it a surreal outpost in the centre of the Great White Continent.
Named after renowned explorer Dixie Dansercoer, this remote camp is one of the harshest environments on Earth. Dixie’s Camp
is so remote, that their nearest neighbor is the International Space Station (ISS) orbiting over 400km overhead!
Dixie’s Camp could also provide a base for interdisciplinary research, including glaciology, climate science, and polar ecology. Researchers and scientists from around the globe, could converge here to study the unique ecosystems, ice formations, and atmospheric conditions of the South Pole, contributing valuable insights into our understanding of climate change and the delicate balance of the polar regions. 
Despite its remote location, Dixie’s Camp, equipped with cutting-edge technology and sustainable infrastructure, exemplifies human perseverance and the pursuit of knowledge in challenging, unspoiled environments. (Pics aside show the Camp to the Left and a BT67 to the Right at Dixie’s Camp).
FD83 (WAP MNB-Ø9) was made by ALCI in 2007-2008, and even if activated already, it remains a rare “New One” for the majority of the Antarctic Chasers. It still exists and it is used by “Ultima Antarctic Logistics” (EX ALCI).
Oleg Sakharov (UA1O, R1ANF, ZS7ANF) was the only one active from FD83 on last 2019 as RI1ANX
TNX Oleg Sakharov ZS7ANF