Ham Radio is something of incredibile!
Being a radio amateur is certainly a privilege; Radio gives us the opportunity to travel the air, make connections all over the world, meet extraordinary people with whom growing lifelong friendships.
It’s the case of a friendship born more than 40 years ago, when for us, young Radioamateurs, looking for DX meant working the islands in the Arctic, the Antarctic bases, and proudly showing the QSLs confirming these contacts.
Well one of these friends, always active in the most remote places both in the Arctic and in Antarctica was and still is Valery Sushkov RW3GW, now RMØL!
Valery Sushkov RMØL (ex RW3GW) is a travel researcher, postal historian, travel marketer, documentarian, chief postmaster of the International Philaturism Society, author of the new concept of “philaturism” in the history of world tourism practice, curator of the World Postal Mail Museum. Head of the Project “POSTVENTURE & Postal Adventure”. Visited more than 50 countries of the world, participant and organizer of more than 100 different expeditions on 6 continents, conqueror of the South
Pole and the highest peak in Africa – Mount Kilimanjaro, member of the Russian Geographical Society – Society for the Study of the Amur Region, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, laureate and winner of the National Awards of the Russian Geographical Society “Crystal Compass”.
Philaturism is educational and adventure tourism and the study of territories through the prism of philately and postal history, something new born from the fervent mondo f Valery!.
For the development of philaturism, the project “POSTVENTURE & Postal Adventure” and the International Philaturism Community were created. Valery Sushkov RMØL (ex RW3GW) defines the project and community as a postal radio-telegraph historical adventure experiment. Together with like-minded people and partners, Valery Sushkov is implementing a project in the form of historical and postal reconstructions, special cancellation ceremonies, philaturist flash mobs, installation of postal monuments, the creation of postal routes and expeditions, philanthropic guides and philatelic products.
See: RM0M – Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio and https://www.rgo.ru/ru/article/master-klass-s-valeriem-sushkovym-filaturizm-novoe-ponyatie-v-mirovoy-praktike-turizma