IK5IWU (ex IK2IWU) Prof. Carlo Raso is SK.

Another sad news among the Antarctic chasers and Ham radio community. Prof. Carlo Raso, IK5IWU passed away last week at the age of 82.
Carlo, IK5IWU, was graduated in University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture. Master in “History of Art”. Teacher in “Ernesto Cairoli” High School in Varese (Italy), where he teached History of Art.

Keen DXer, Carlo has been the soul  and the organizator  of several Antarctic Activity Weeks mostly done at the Italian Air Force Bases. We must remember: II2AMI (WAP-2Ø), IO2MET (WAP-23), II2EFA (WAP-132) II5AM (WAP16Ø), IIØMETEO (WAP-19Ø).

We  really will miss him, a great friend and ardent Antarctic enthusiast


Here a brief comment by Ing. Gianluigi Prospero Ferrara IZ8EWB-KA2BZS:

«One of my dearest friends, Prof. Carlo Raso IK5IWU, flew into the sky.

With Carlo we did share many experiences in the aeronautical field, the last one was at the Pratica di Mare Military Air Base where we witnessed the non-destructive tests on the MB-339X and C-130JX experimental aircraft, ending with a launch of the sounding balloon at the AM Weather Station, hosted by Lt. Col. Massimo Morico.

Carlo was a teacher who inspired many young people, an exemplary father and a dear friend.

A true gentle giant.  Hello Carlo. R.I.P.»