VP8/SQ1SGB will be soon at Halley VI(a) Base

WAP has just received a message from Sebastian Gleich SQ1SGB about his next involvment in Antarctica.

Seba wrote: «Like in the last two years I will be once again active from Halley VI(a) Base, WAP GBR-4Ø.

I should start around the end of November 2021 and be active untill the end of January 2022.

During this season, we should build a rombic antenna for aircraft communication (40mts) so I will use that antenna also for my radio activity as well, but before of that, I willuse my standard “Inverted Vee”. I don’t know when the rombic antenna will be set exactly»

VP8/SQ1SGB possible QRG: about 18 nov. 2021 to 31 jan. 2022 on SSB 7190 MHz.


IZ1KHY met F4FKT (FT4YM) at Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) Antarctica

Danilo Collino IZ1KHY did arrive at MZS  a week ago, among the crew of technicians , logistic s and scientists. They have re-opened the Italian Base  (WAP ITA-Ø1) which is now full of activity, with a ot of  air traffic coming from New Zealand. The  37th Italian Antarctic Expedition has now officially started.

Well, Danilo IZ1KHY and David F4FKT  (see pic aside) met each other at Mario Zucchelli Station (WAP ITA-Ø1). Great rendez vous and now let’s hope they can be on the air … propagation permitting!

Just yesterday, Mehdi, F5PFP sent a post saying that a few weeks ago, David  (now F4FKT) a local friend passed the HF amateur radio licence examination and is going to be  operating from Antarctica. He is a regular member of the French Polar Institute expeditions as multi skilled employee (carpenter-woodworker, boilemaker-welder, driver-mechanical).

I gave him the power supply, the fiber glass mast, the 20&40m wire antenna i used as FT5YJ,FT5YK,VP8DLM,CE9XX. Eric F5SIH (ex FT5ZH) provided a mono 20m mobile vertical whip and its magnetic baseplate.


A FTxYx licence is pending , if not issued in time, David can alternatively and legally operates as FT/F4FKT/P or IA/F4FKT/P (F4FKT in the pic aside)

We have just been informed by Mehdi,  that David F4FKT has just received his call as FT4YM so he will operate from November 2021 to February-March 2022 with his Antarctic callsign!

Possible QTH could be:

1-Qrv from Mario Zucchelli for a few days

2-Qrv from Concordia (aka Dome C) as main base

3-Qrv from Little Dome C (50km from Concordia) for a 2 weeks stay at least.

Possibly, according to how the programme evolves:

4-Qrv from Cape Prud’homme for a few days

5-Qrv from Dumont d’Urville for a few days

Danilo IZ1KHY (QSL here aside) will be also  for 1 month at Concordia Station and probably, also down there IZ1KHY & F4FKT will jointly operate from WAP MNB-Ø3.

Well, Danilo IZ1KHY and David F4FKT met each other at Mario Zucchelli Station (WAP ITA-Ø1). Great rendez vous and now let’s hope they can be on the air … propagation permitting!

Good luck to them  for 5 more months staying in Antarctica!

South Pole froze over in coldest winter on record

Antarctica’s frigid winter temperatures are in contrast to trends in the rest of the world, which overall recorded its fourth hottest summer.  The South Pole just had its coldest winter on record.

Between April and September, a research station sitting on a high plateau in Antarctica, registered an average temperature of minus 78 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 61 degrees Celsius). That’s the coldest temperature recorded since record keeping began in 1957, and about 4.5 F (2.5 C) lower than the most recent 30-year average, according to “The Washington Post”.

The previous record for the coldest winter was minus 77 F (minus 60.6 C) in 1976, Stefano Di Battista, a journalist wrote on Twitter. The Post learned of this record through Battista, but then confirmed the information with Richard Cullather, a research scientist at NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office.

The frigid winter is likely caused by a strong polar vortex in the stratosphere, the second layer of the planet’s atmosphere from Earth’s surface, according to the Post. “Basically, the winds in the polar stratosphere have been stronger than normal, which is associated with shifting the jet stream toward the pole,” Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at NOAA, told the Post. “This keeps the cold air locked up over much of Antarctica.”

Scientists told the Post that the climate in Antarctica is prone to rapid change and that a frigid winter doesn’t mitigate the seriousness of climate change.
Read more at: South Pole froze over in coldest winter on record | Live Science

Hams Worldwide are following the 6ØATS event. A lot of diplomas already issued

Hundreds of diplomas have been already requested and awarded to the Hams all over the world who are partecipating the 60th Antarctic Treaty Anniversary.

The event launched by WAP is actually followed by thousands of Radioamateurs WW. Congrats to Malcom K. Johnson VK6LC a well known DX-petinionner who is the 1st VK to achieve  both  Basic and the Trophy Antarctica Treaty Signature 60th Anniversary Award’s, issued by  the Russian Robinson Club.

Malcolm VK6LC  (RRC #176) got his diplomas on last oct. 16th 2021 for working the required numbers of SESs on CW-SSB-FT4-FT8.

Congrats  also to Volker DL8JDX, Gabry IK1NEG and hundreds more,  for having got his  Awards as well.

The Italian ARI Sanremo (60th Antarctic Treaty Signature – ARISanremo) , also involved in the 6ØATS event, has already issued nearly 100 Diplomas in the three calsses of merit: Basic, Silver and Gold.

Same for the German Awards (https://60ant.de/en/activity-award-en/ & https://60ant.de/en/award60ant-en/ ) and the Swiss Award (https://60ant.de/en/hb60ant-activity-award/).

WAP reminds the Hams that all these Awards are available on line, and they are totally free.

From the month of november and till the end ofde. 2021, other SESs will join the event and the competition will become more attractive!

Enjoy Antarctica and protect the Icy Continent as much as we do!

OQ6ØANT  from Belgium & SP6ØANT from Poland are joining the 6ØATS Event

Belgium will also join among the several Countries WW to the ATS anniversary Celebration launched by WAP.

OQ6ØANT will be QRV starting 1 November 2021 till 31 December 2021.

OQ6ØANT  WAP-338,  QSL via ON1DX


TNX  Ronald ” Ron ” Van Aken, (on1dx@telenet.be)





WAP has just received from Poland, a mail send by SP3POB (sp3pob@wp.pl)

I will soon start with SP6ØANT to mark the Polish presence in the celebration of ther 6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature

WAP reference issued for  SP6ØANT is WAP-339, QSL direct or via Bureau to SP3POB

TNX Dariusz Florczyk SP3THY


Both new entries are listed on the Special Calls table at http://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/

Uruguay wish a Catholic Chapel in Antarctica

Like a letter left in the fireplace for Santa Claus, the Archibishop of Montevideo, Cardinal Daniel Sturla (picture aside) espresses the desire that Uruguay, likewise other Latin America’s nations and the world, could have its own Catholic Chapel in Antarctica.

The existence of  a letter was revealed by the weekly  “Busqueda Magazine” and was allegedly written in september 2015 to General Claudio Romano who then chaired  the Governing Council of the Antarctic Institute of Uruguay.

The letter, begins by referring to an unspecified requested, that came to the Archibishop from some people linked to the Uruguayan Antarctic Base Artigas .


Artigas (WAP URY-Ø1), is a small scientific research Station founded in 1995, on the Icy Continent. Right here, the Archibishop of Montevideo would like a “Chapel intended for prayer and personal reflection” to be erecterd.

Artigas is a Base active all year round, with an allocation of 8 people in winter and 70 in summer. «We think that for our compatriots, who spend a season there , the presence of a Chapel and a place suitable for the image of our Patroness can only be of benefit» writes the Archibishop of Montevideo, Cardinal  Daniel Sturla.

For years at Artigas Base there has been an image of the Virgen de los Treinta  y tres Partroness  of Uruguay. «This avocation of the Mother of Jesus is linked to our homeland history» observed Monsignor Sturla.

«National Indipendence was proclaimed at the foot of the original image . Many patriots venerate Her and General Don Manuel Oribe, as a vote of Her, after a shipwreck, placed the golden crown on Her head with which She is honoured. Other nations present in Antarctica also have their own Chapel»

But the partiotic strings, such as religious ones and those od nationals prestige, do not seem to have mobilized the Uruguayan authorities in charge  of Antarctica, if.  until a little less than a year, after the request  was fornulated, it has not yet received an answer!

The weekly “Busqueda”, consulted in order the Deputy Minister of Defense, Jorge Menéndez, who declared that he was not aware of the petition of the head of the Uruguayan Church: «It may be that, the Antartic Institute itself considered that it was not relevant toforward it»,  he commented evasively.

Even the first recipent of the letter, Gen. Claudio Romano does not remember exactly what happend with the request. The Antarctic Institute receives many project and several of them “are not discarted”,   he justified himself, but no attention is paid if those who presented them “do not insist on showing interest”.

Also laconic was the head of the Army, Real Admiral Leonardo Alonso, who stated that although he does not oppose the idea, he does not see the need of another Chapel when nearby there is already a Catholic one belonging to Chile and another Ortodox  belonging to Russia.

«Furthermore, a Chapel means a priest and a priest would not be of much use outside the exercise of his ministry» commented the respondents between the lines.

«Two extra pairs of hands that help with daily tasks are welcome but if the priest who arrives were a person who does nothing, it would be an extra worry, an headache for the few who are there».

«In the nearby Russian Base, there are two Orthodox priests; one a carpenter, the other a plumber» points out Busqueda.

Translated from: https://www.papaboys.org/una-cappella-in-antartide-per-luruguay/

GB6ØANT by Gavin Taylor (ex VP8GAV)

Gavin Taylor  is a well known Antarctic veteran. The Old Timers should certainly recall when  from 1990 through 1995 he was in Antarctica  working for British Antarctic Survey . At that time Gavin was signing  VP8GAV. Sure many of us still have his QSL card, kept among  the best memories of the time been!

VP8GAV was active from  Faraday Base (WAP GBR-Ø6), Fossil Bluff (WAP GBR-1Ø), Rothera Base (WAP GBR-12),  Bird Island Station (WAP GBR-23), from Stanley is the Falklands  (WAP GBR-25) ,  and  let’s  say that what we have worked 30 years ago from Antarctica,  is something that will not get back.  Now,  in the era of internet, cellphones, Whatsapp , Istagram and Facebook, the “modern” Hams are loosing the magic time when we  nights and days  spent to follow the Hams  in Antartica,  waiting when,  in their free time,  they could operate  mostly in difficult situation  to give anyone a chance to log rare spots from the Icy Continent!


Well, now Gavin Taylor is back and will be “On the Air” in the month of december 2021 as GB6ØANT,  referenced as  WAP-337, joining the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

Don’t miss him on the air … you will work a great Antarctic Veteran!

QSL for GB6ØANT  goes via   GMØLVI

TNX Gavin GMØGAV (ex VP8GAV 1990-1995)

Dr Dana Bergstrom, won Eureka Prize 2021

Australian Antarctic Division ecologist Dr Dana Bergstrom has won the 2021 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Leadership in Innovation and Science.
For 36 years, Dr Bergstrom has championed evidence-based conservation science in biodiversity, biosecurity, and impacts of climate change on ecosystems in Antarctica and on sub-Antarctic islands.
Dr Bergstrom, who received the award at a virtual ceremony tonight, said she is thrilled to be recognised for her scientific career.
«This is such a huge honour and one I never expected to receive for my passion to protect and conserve fragile ecosystems », Dr Bergstrom said.
Dr Bergstrom began her Antarctic career as a Masters student in 1983 and has been south for her research more than 20 times. «To study a place that’s gone through many ice ages and understand how the plants and animals survive will help us predict what might happen to our climate into the future ».   Dr Bergstrom’s work has led to improvements in biosecurity and preventing alien species ‘hitchhiking’ to Antarctica.

“The huge international project, involving 23 nations and tourism operators, identified how invasive species were accidently being taken to Antarctica on ships and planes.”

Read more at:  https://www.antarctica.gov.au/news/2021/antarctic-ecologist-wins-eureka-prize/

Thanks and credit to AAD & Australian Antarctic Proogram

Cape Bird Hut,   WAP NZL-NEW

Antarctic New Zealand  reports that today,  oct. 13 2021,  Scott Base observed a few minutes of silence to remember two of our own. Kiwis Garth Varcoe and Terry Newport were tragically killed in a helicopter crash in 1992 while returning from a maintenance trip to the Hut at Cape Bird.

The team gathered today at the flagpole, where the men’s names are commemorated on a plaque, to reflect on their contributions to Antarctica.

TNX Antarctic New Zealand


Cape Bird Hut on Ross Island, Antarctica  at 77°13’ 05” South, 166°26’ 09”East was a shelter, built in 1966 with the name of Harrison Laboratory, in order to give a facility to the researchers working at Cape Bird.

The hut, which could accommodate six people, was built at Scott Base (WAP NZL-Ø1) during the winter and lifted by helicopter to Cape Bird. The shelter was then rebuilt in 1991 nearby the old one designated, in the meantime, as Antarctic Special Protected Area, ASPA 116.

On the side of the newest Hut there is an other small service shelter. The main Hut wich can guest 8 people,  is equipped with a kitchen with propane stove and freezer, has a central heat from a diesel-burning  system. Its front windows look out over McMurdo Sound and the Ross Sea.


Years ago, for us Radioamateurs, it was quite easy to work the New Zealand Scott Base on HF and it was a fantastic experience for many of the lucky Hams. On the last years, nobody was able to be active from there!

Many of the very interesting sites, such as Huts, Refuges, Field Camps  are still waiting someone to operate from there. Cape Bird Hut is frequently visited during the Austral summer season by researchers who are going to stay there for a little while. As far as we know no activity on HF have been performer from this site … a real shame!

Hopeful and sure to interpret the desire of the thousands Radioamateurs around the worl, let’s say that the best dream at WAP, is that the Radio becomes as, it once was, an instrument of union between people and for us Radioamateurs, that the voice of Antarctica returns to be heard al lover the world.

British drill Camp on James Ross Island , a “New entry” on WAP-WADA Directory

James Ross Island is a large island off the southeast side and near the northeastern extremity of the Antarctic Peninsula, from which it is separated by Prince Gustav Channel.

Rising to 1,630 metres (5,350 ft), it is irregularly shaped and extends 40 miles (64 km) in a north–south direction. It was charted in October 1903 by the Swedish Antarctic Expedition under Otto Nordenskiöld, who named it for Sir James Clark Ross, the leader of a British expedition to this area in 1842 that discovered and roughly charted a number of points along the eastern side of the island. The James Ross Island core drilled to bedrock in 2008 by the British Antarctic Survey provided an unprecedented record of soot deposition in the northern Antarctic Peninsula during the past 2000 years and revealed the surprising impacts of Māori burning in New Zealand starting in the late 13th century

In the years 2006/07, a small amount of cargo was pre-deployed to the chosen drilling site. The majority of the cargo and personnel were transported to the site by HMS Endurance, and deployed to the field using the helicopters in early January 2008. A small team of seven on site successfully drilled an ice core from the surface, reaching the bed of the ice at 363 m depth. Following logging of the borehole, the fluid was removed from the hole for reuse on a later project, and to minimize environmental impact. Further operational support was provided during the middle of the season by the BAS Twin Otters flying from Rothera to recover the ice cores to freezers at Rothera, and to assist with rapid uplift at the end of the season in February 2008, when the entire field infrastructure and remaining ice cores were removed from the field, leaving a clear site.

British Drill Camp, at 64°12’ South, 57°41’ West on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula The British Drill Cam,  was set and operationl for a brief period of time (2007/2008). The site was removed  on Febr. 2008. Even if we have no evidence of any Ham radio activity from there, we at WAP, have decided to insert it on  WAP-WADA Directory as WAP-GBR-NEW.

Read more at: The James Ross Island and the Fletcher Promontory ice-core drilling projects | Annals of Glaciology | Cambridge Core

EM6ØKTS, Ukraina SES for 6Ø ATS Anniversary

Pavlo Tarasovych UT1KY from RIVNE, Ukraina  is an Antarctic veteran with several seasons spent at Akademic Vernadsky Base (WAP UKR-Ø1). Pavlo did also operate  from James Wordie Hut (WAP GBR-Ø7) signing VP8/UT1KY on last 2000, giving many Hams world wide a new one!

Pavlo is always very active and he couldn’t miss to join  the 6Ø Years of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). Ukraina is joining the Anniversary , (TNX Pavlo) with the Special Call EM6ØKTS (WAP-319)  on the air from  july 1st 2021  through  december 31st 2021


Congrats to Volker Strecke DL8JDX  (another Antarctic veteran ) for sending us  the QSL for the contact he made with EM6ØKTS.

All the special event stations joining the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty, have received  a WAP reference number which can be used for the WAP-WACA & WAP WADA Awards. In addition, everyone can apply for the several  Awardss issued  for the 6ØATS event.

RI6ØANT will be active from Wolf’s Fang Runway (WAP MNB-12)

Oleg, ZS1ANF who did operate as ZS7ANF and RI1ANX from Wolf’s Fang Runway (WAP MNB-12) on the Antarctic inland ice in Queen Maud Land during the past Antarctic summer seasons, will be working again at the same Ice Runway Station in the upcoming summer season 2021/2022.

When QRL and work time permits, Oleg will be active with the call RI6ØANT (WAP-335) in the event of the 6Ø years anniversary of the Antarct Treaty Signature.

QSL via RZ3EC.

Wolf’s Fang Runway is located 71° 31′ South, 08° 48′ East, 1127m AMSL. The Runway is 3000 mts long and 60 mts wide. The fuel supply for aircrafts that land and take off at Wolf’s Fang,  is possible with the assistance of the South Africa’s science vessel. The fuel supply is delivered to the edge of Antarctica, where a traverse Team embarks on a journey of 800 km across the Fimbul ice shelf to Wols’s Fang Runway.



Antarctic ice core study, shows black carbon emission begun in the year 1300 and tripling over the next 700 years

While analysing ice core samples taken from James Ross Island in Antarctica, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey noticed something unexpected – the levels of black carbon or soot, began to increase drammatically about 700 years ago..

Black carbon is a part of the fine particulate air pollution that contributes to climate change. It is one of many particles that are emitted by the burning of diesel, coal, or by biomass burning such as forest fires.

The team analysed the ice core taken from James Ross Island and compared it to several others taken from across continental Antarctica. While the ice core from James Ross Island showed a notable increase in black carbon starting in the year 1300 and tripling over the next 700 years, black carbon levels across continental Antarctica stayed relatively stable.

Read more at:  Māori land-burning led to a rise in carbon emissions 700 years ago – BBC Science Focus Magazine

Thanks and credit to: BAS & BCC Science Focus magazine

TM6ØANT WAP-318  joining the 6Øth ATS Anniversary

On a special article,  pubblished on the October issue  of REF bulletin, François Bergez  F8DVD traces a summary of the long history of Antarctica, with particular reference to the events that led the signature of the Antarctic Treaty,  but also to the several Ham Radio Operators  who have marked the era of the HF communication from Antarctica toward the entire Globe. Click on the GIF here aside to read the pages pubblished on REF Bulletin

TM6ØANT WAP-318  joining the 6Øth ATS Anniversary

François, F8DVD, will operate TM6ØANT to commemorate this  60th Anniversary,  proudly recalling that France was one of the 12 countries who signed the Antarctic Treaty in Washington US, on December 1st, 1959,  which  officially entered into force on June 23rd, 1961.

TM6ØANT WAP-318,  represents France at the International celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.
TM6ØANT  will be “On Air” from  François F8DVD QTH, in  Mâcon –France (JN26JH)  from 16 to 30 November 2021.

All info on : www.qrz.com/db/TM60ANT , QSL via F8DVD

TM60ANT  WAP  318 on air for 60 ATS, QRZ.com page for TM6ØANT is online at:
TM60ANT – Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio

TNX François  F8DVD

URUGUAY join the 6Øth Anniversary of ATS (CW6ØATS WAP-336)

Carlos Andrés Molina Vera, CX8ABF has informed WAP that the Telecommunications Administration of Uruguay (URSEC) has issued a Special Call CW6ØATS to celebrate the 6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

All the information have been loaded on QRZ.com (See https://www.qrz.com/cw60ats )

Uruguay is one of the Countries that mark a great presence in Antarctica with 2 scientific Research Bases:  Gen. José  Artigas (WAP URY-ØØ1) and  Teniente de Navio Ruperto Elichiribehety (WAP URY-NEW) Stations.

In the past (from 1987 through 2005) Artigas Base was frequently active on HF with quite a few  calls. One of those was  CXØXY. Since 2005 nobody else has been on air from there.

We hope some day in the next Antarctic Sesons, pne of the researchers can activate Artigas Base again and maybe also, Teniente de Navio Ruperto Elichiribehety  Stations which has never been activated!

For now, we congratulate Carlos Andrés Molina Vera, CX8ABF for his efforts and we thank the Telecommunications Administration of Uruguay (URSEC) for its domonstrated sesitivity in joining the 6Øth Anniversary event.

CW6ØATS WAP-336 is on air. QSL will be confirmed  through Eqsl Lotw, Clublog.

For full information, check QRZ.com

TNX  Carlos CX8ABF

I1SCL Info Radio News an Italian online magazine

Info Radio News ( WEB https://www.info-radio.eu) is a free magazine released in 138 Countries Worldwide.

In evidence this week, is the 6Ø Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature and the availability of more than a few  Special Awards for those  who will work the SES active till December 31st 2021, all bands, all modes.

See: Info-Radio 39-2021English.pdf | Con tecnologia Box

The Italian ARI-Sanremo, has issued 3 of those Diploma: Basic, Silver and Gold. Browse: 39 2021English (calameo.com)

Other Countries such as Russia, Germany and Switzerland have their Awards available as well.


Read more info on the Awards at:  http://www.waponline.it/6oats-anniversary/6oats-awards/

TNX I1SCL & ARI-Sanremo