VU2CUW on his way to Antarctica

27 years old  Eng. Sarabjeet Singh Chhabra (Sunny), is actually at Cape Town waiting the flight to Novo Runway (WAP MNB-Ø6) and from there, to Maitri Base (WAP IND-Ø3). Sunny will be down South for about a year as part of the 42nd Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica.

VU2CUW has been assigned to Maitri Station,  (pic below) . When there, he is going to use a just issued special callsign AT42I ( Alpha Tango 42 India) in  his spare time,  when he’s free from his normaly duty at the Base.

Sunny thanks VU2MUE Sandeep Baruah from Vigyan Prasar  for the 2 rigs to be used in Antarctica  and VU3BPZ, Antarctic veteran and good friend  that has always been a guidance for his  Antarctica journey

QSL manager for AT42I will be VU2CRS:
Ranjit Singh Chhabra,  110/8 Saraswati Sugarmill Colony,
Yamunanagar, Haryana  135001, India


Vassdalsbua  Field Hut, Antarctica WAP NOR-NEW

Vassdalsbua Hut (or Vassdalen  Hut)  is located at 72° 01’ 33” South2° 37’ 38” East in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica about 40 min from Troll Base (WAP NOR-11).

The Hut is around 25 square meters and is located  about  3,2 kilometers from Troll Station (72°00’S, 2°32’E).  The use of this  small recreational  Hut at Vassdalen about 40 min from Troll,  was approved by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. It is heated by a kerosene (Jet A-1) stove. The transport is mainly carried out with snow mobiles on a well-known route for the visitors and calculated to 50 days a year with 2 guests on each visit.

Skiing, hiking in the mountains, running and shorter trips with snowmobiles and Band wagons are typical activities for the personnel at Troll Station. According to the information, Vassdalsbua Hut is in use since  2018. After a visit the garbage is transported back to environmental station at Troll. Sometimes,  researchers spend severl days at Vassdalsbua field Hut, collecting variety of soil and water samples for study


The attached map shows the location of both Troll Station and Vassdalshytta (Vassdals Cabine).

At the light of the above evidences and pictures, Vassdalsbua  Field Hut 72° 01’ 33” South, 2° 37’ 38” East will enter on the  WAP-WADA Directory as WAP NOR-NEW. A reference number will be given as soon as Hamradio operation will be performed down there.


TNX IK1NEG & F6EPN (aka Spratley Woody) for their great help

Antarctica: First technical flight on the new Italian runway

Today, November 21st , a C130J military transport aircraft of the 46th Air Force Pisa Air Brigade, landed on the airstrip designed and built by ENEA and the Italian Air Force, the first in the Antarctic continent on a moraine

First test landing this morning on the new Antarctic airstrip designed and built by ENEA and the Italian Air Force, in collaboration with the Fire Brigade, thanks to a dedicated funding from the Ministry of University and Research. At 4.30 am Italian time, a C-130J of the 46th Air Brigade of the Italian Air Force successfully made the first landing on the semi-prepared runway destined to become an international hub in Antarctica at the service of scientific research, not only Italian.

The flight carried materials and food to deal with the emergency caused by the reduced thickness of sea ice, which this year did not allow large aircraft to land on the pack in front of the Italian Mario Zucchelli coastal Base at Terranova Bay.

60 meters wide and completed for the first 1,700 meters out of the 2,200 envisaged by the project, the track was built for the first time on a moraine, taking advantage of the debris deposits that dominate Boulder Clay, a glacier over 100 meters thick, located 4 km from Zucchelli station. The works that will make the airfield fully operational starting from the next Antarctic expedition will be completed in the coming months.

Thanks and credit to:

More videos of the C130J landing on the above ENEA website .

Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA), Antarctica

The Electromagnetic Geophysics Laboratory at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University develops and applies electromagnetic geophysical imaging techniques to study Earth processes in offshore, onshore and glacial environments. 

Four person Team consisted of Columbia graduate student Chloe Gustafson, Columbia Prof. Kerry Key, Colorado School of Mines Prof. Matt Siegfried and mountaineer Meghan Seifert, spent the first three weeks at Camp 20 while surveying the grounding zone.

During November 2018 to January 2019 we carried out an extensive geophysical survey on the Whillans Ice Stream in West Antarctica.  Our survey is the first to use magnetotelluric (MT) imaging to map subglacial groundwater water beneath an ice stream. We collected a total of 44 passive MT stations, as well as several active-source electromagnetic (EM) stations using a large loop transmitter system. These data will be used to study the distribution of groundwater at the base of the ice stream at both the grounding line where the ice stream turns into the Ross Ice Shelf and at Subglacial Lake Whillans.  We also serviced a few long term GPS stations that have been recording data for several years and that have been used to track transient changes in ice velocity associated with basal water filling and draining in subglacial lakes. Our project is in collaboration with Matt Siegfried (Colorado School of Mines) and Helen Fricker (Scripps Institution of Oceanograpahy, UC San Diego). Both EM and MT methods and the rationale for their use are described in our feasibility study paper.

See the video shot during 30-40 knot winds at Camp 20 during the SALSA EM survey.

 More info at:…

SALSA EM: Mapping Subglacial Groundwater in Antarctica – Electromagnetic Geophysics Lab (

20th Antarctic Activity Week 2023, it’s time to book!

WAP AAW one of the most important events that connect radio amateurs and Antarctica,  has reached its twentieth edition.

After the joint venture with the Hams of  Russian Robinson Club (RRC) in the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, WAP proposes a new friendship adventure, undertaking jointly in honor of the Italian Air Force (IAF), recognizing it the invaluable support  in the scientific missions in Antarctica. The main purpose of the A.A.W. is to increase worldwide interest around Antarctic Continent and its related  matters,  with the aim of staying close to the researchers and personnel  who are spending their time away from home and families,  studying the Antarctic life and its secrets.
Additional purpose,  is  to share what  Nations and Organizations are doing to protect this still non contaminated corner of the world, to share WW a message of peace .

Today’s invitation, is addressed  to all Radio Amateurs (OMs & SWLs) around the World, to the Clubs and Organizations as well as other important groups and  individual operators who would like to join and share with us, this initiative.

AAW is the only event in the world where radio amateurs come together to celebrate  and improve knowledge of the Icy Continent and though it,  spread on the air a message of PEACE. 
Registration to the 20th Antarctic Activity Week have been opened. Don’t hesitate, book in now and join  with a special Callsign in this 20th AAW’s  event which will last from  19 through 26 February 2023.


Uruguay: 2nd Conference on Antarctic Science

The 2nd Conference on Antarctic Science aimed at researchers, was  organized by the National Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research and the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute.

The conference held on last  November 11, is an instance of integration and exchange between researchers who have developed or are currently developing Antarctic Science activities. The idea is to share the progress, difficulties and eventual solutions that have arisen in the course of the projects. The purpose of the meeting, is yo allow generating and consolidating research collaborations, as well as evaluating the work completed with a perspective view of activities to eventually continue.

16 developed and/or ongoing scientific projects which have the Antarctic ecosystem as a common scenario,  were presented at Instituto Geográfico Militar in Montevideo Uruguay.

 ( Picture above, shows Artigas Base WAP URY-Ø1)

French Station Dumond D’Urville in Antarctica badly affected by Covid

With regret,  few days ago we received a news that the staff of the French DDU Base in Antarctica was hit by Covid 19. We don’t know if among them there is also our radio amateur friend David FT4YM,  who we connected and greeted just few days ago, but in any case WAP is  close in spirit to these friends of ours!

Information did come from the Official blog of the Adèlie Land District in Antarctica, relayed also by  HuffPost. Here the report:

Scientists and technical staff at the French Base Dumont d’Urville, WAP FRA-Ø1 in Antarctica (see pic aside), were infected with Covid-19 even though they had been spared the pandemic throughout the year.

The Terre-Adélie district chief, Jean-Philippe Guérin, announced on Tuesday November 8, that 20 of the 21 members of the Team of experts have been infected.

The virus is suspected to have come through a carrier present in the first plane of the season on October 25, Covid made a sensational entry into the world of the Dumont D’Urville Base. In just two short weeks, 20 out of 21 winterers contracted it in its symptomatic form. No severe form at this stage, but great fatigue, temperature, runny noses, itchy throats, coughing lungs.

Thanks and credit to:


WAP wishes the whole Team the best of wishes for a speedy recovery and a quick return to normal activity to everyone.

Base Marret (aka Cabane Marret),  New Entry on WAP-WADA as WAP-FRA-11 

Thanks to Olivier F6EPN, we have rebuilt the history of Marret Base which, so far,  has been forgotten by our careful searches of old and new Antarctic Bases and settlements.
The reference  WAP FRA-11 to Marret Base issued now, fills a gap in the WAP Directory.

Here we are:
After two successive wintering at the Port-Martin station, 66°49’06” South, 141°24’02” East,  WAP FRA-Ø7 , a small Base has been built on Petrels Island to a few hundred meters only to the Emperor Penguins rookerie,   and was occupied for two winters, during which time the coastal islands were explored and ground control astrofixes observed with astro-labes and theodolites.
Seven people wintered there in 1952-1953 under the direction of Mario Marret. In January 1952,  the French Antarctic Expedition , enlarged the hut on Petrel Island to serve as the new base site.
It looks like FB8YY (and maybe also FB8AX, Marret’s callsign) did operate from Marret Station on that dates, as reported on a list present on LNDX website (see: FB8YY.XLS ( TNX F6AJA


The wooden buildings known as  “Base Marret or Cabane Marret”, 66°40’South, 140°1’ East, has been designated a Historic site or Monument (HSM 47), following a proposal by France to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.
The iron cross on the north-east headland of Petrels  island, is dedicated as a memorial to André Prud’homme, head meteorologist on the third International Geophysical Year expedition, who disappeared during a blizzard on 7 January 1959; it has similarly been designated a Historic Site or Monument (HSM 48)

Today, the Marret building on Petrel Island, restored by the 36th French Mission, is always present and many are wintering them which made there some scrapers, evenings melted pancakes and others, on the traces of Prevost, Marret and the others…

Petrels Island  is now the site of Dumond d’Urville Station at 66°39’46” South, 140°00’05” East (WAP FRA-Ø1).


Summing up, this is the true story:



  • Base Marret (aka Cabane Marret), new issued WAP FRA-11 at  66°40’12” South, 140°1’ 0” East. After the fire at Port Martin Base in January 1952, Mario Marret, the expedition leader and six men; Robert Dovers – geodesy, Jackie Duhamel – constructions, Georges Lepineux – radio, Jean Rivolier – doctor, Jean Prevost – ornithology,  Roger Vincent – mechanic,  volunteered to spend the winter on the Pointe Géologie archipelago. It is therefore this “Hut”, which has become the first Base on the island of Petrels, that the Terre Adelie 5th Expedition wintered from January 17, 1952 through January  20, 1953 in precarious conditions.


  • Dumond D’Urville Station (aka DDU) WAP FRA-Ø1 at 66°39’46” South, 140°00’05” East was built and opened on January 12, 1956


So, Marret 66°40’12” South, 140°1’ 0” East was already classified as Base before of DDU (66°39’46” South, 140°00’05” East) which was built and  opened on January 12, 1956.


Considering that David Brunet F4FKT-FT4YM  has given permission to operate from inside of the Old Marret Base making a consistent number of QSOs (the picture prove his presence & activity),  it becomes logical to confirm that FT4YM/P operating from a building of   Marret Base be eligible as WAP FRA-11.

Congrats to David FT4YM, to Mehdi F5PFP and to all the French Hams who did help David to reach such a good goal


TNX F6EPN (aka Spratley Woody) for his precious help.



Credit and reference to:

Official blog of the Adélie Land district in Antarctica – TAAF: Marret Hut (

and to:

Report from Polar Salon Liberec, Czech Republic. 14-16 Oct. 2022

Dr. Volker Strecke DL8JDX did participate the Polar Salon Liberec  at  Liberec City, Czech Republic.

Volker kindly sent WAP a report from the 5th International Polar Salon Conference in Liberec, Czech, of the last 4th to 16th Oct. 2022.

Dr. Volker wrote:

There was an interesting presentations program:
 – Czech Antarctic Foundation: Johann Gregor Mendel Station (WAP CZE-NEW) and Eco Nelson Station (WAP CZE-Ø1)
South Shetlands Postal History
RRS James Clark Ross – The Story of her maiden voyage in 1991-1992

It was a big exhibition of many different philatelic topics including Arctic and Antarctic items. Besides many other interesting philatelic polar items displayed, there was an interesting exhibition of Historic Antarctic QSL cards from David Figg, Australia.



The Photo at left, shows Dr. Voker Strecke (Antarctic veteran) with Stefan Heijtz, the former Post Master of the James Clark Ross 1991-1992.


The Photo on the right,  shows Volker with Steve Bennett, the author of:

The Antarctic Compendium – A History from Discovery to the present day”.
This fascinating book has been rewarded with medal for excellence at the Polar Salon Conference, see



TNX  Dr. Volker Strecke  DL8JDX

Robert Guillard-Cap Prud’homme Station (WAP  MNB-NEW)

Robert Guillard-Cap Prud’homme Station at 66°41’31″South,  139°53’46″East, is a French-Italian station managed by the French Polar Institute Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV) and the Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA).

This small Base that serving as a relay point for crossings to the Concordia Station (WAP MNB-Ø3) was established in the early 1990’s in Antarctica, close to the sea and at about 5 km far from Dumont d’Urville Station (WAP FRA-Ø1). It is the point of departure of the traverses to Concordia station. There is no ice free area around the station nor protected area in the immediate vicinity, as well as no fauna and flora. The Station is built on a rock near the coast but its surroundings are entirely covered by ice or snow.

The joint French-Italian Station Robert Guillard-Cape Prud’homme (WAP MNB-NEW) forms an integral part of the Concordia project. It offers a gateway to Concordia for the transport of heavy tools and equipment, following delivery by the resupply vessel L’Astrolabe to Dumont d’Urville Station. In this context, and because Dumont d’Urville station is not on the continent itself, Cap Prud’homme was established for the development and maintenance of the traverse equipment (tractors, trailers, accommodation caravans), its winter storage, and preparation of transport convoys. The site was selected because it was used from 1955 as Antarctica Gateway for French expeditions.

Few scientific activities are conducted at Cap Prud’homme Station, except some glaciological studies of the Astrolabe Glacier. Since 2012, scientific traverses have been developed for pure scientific purposes.

he station is open in summer only. The staff is mainly composed of technicians working on the maintenance of the traverse equipment, as well as drivers in charge of the 3 convoys per year.

Access to Cap Prud’homme Station is mainly by ship (L’Astrolabe) via Dumont d’Urville Station. A runway on snow allows landing of small aircrafts (Twin Otter or Basler) for the links between Concordia (WAP MNB-Ø3)and the Italian Station Mario Zucchelli (WAP ITA-Ø1).

Base Pres. Gabriel Gonzales Videla,  WAP-CHL-Ø6

The Chilean scientific Base, Gabriel Gonzalez Videla, is located  at 64° 49′ 24″ South62° 51′ 7″ West on the Danco Coast at the north end of the “Antarctic” Peninsula. The Base is situated on two small islands: Lomnitz and Dott  (approx. 18,000 square metres),  The two islands are separated by a very narrow channel partly filled with morainal material. The northern island is named Isla “Lomnitz” and the southern island, Isla “Dott”.  Between the islands and the mainland is a 90-metre channel, which is dry at low tide. This channel and the eastern shores of the islands are covered by till.
Isla Util, a small island in the Gerlache Strait, lies 7 miles north of the base.

Field work was done during the 1960-61 austral summer, and 70 thin sections of the rocks collected were studied subsequently at the University of Wisconsin.

CE9AM was on the air from Pres.Gabriel Gonzalez Videla in 1959,  CE9XX operated by Mehdi F5PFP was active from this site  on february 2009