Volker Strecke DL8JDX  has been awarded as Antarctic Ambassadors  of the IAATO

Antarctic Ambassadors is a global community of people who love and respect the region, educate others by sharing their Antarctic experiences, advocate for Antarctica when opportunities arise and protect Antarctica by making positive changes at home.

 Volker Strecke DL8JDX  has been awarded as Antarctic Ambassador of the IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators).
After a long absence from Antarctica during a “usual” job in IT and Communication for 29 years Volker Strecke DL8JDX, three times wintering in Antarctica, 1988-1989 Georg Forster Station, 1990-1992 Georg Forster Station, 1992-1994 Neumayer II Station, as communication electronician and radio operator,  had the luck and honour to go back again in 2023 as a lecturer and expedition guide, creating Antarctic Ambassadors himself with lectures and carefully guided shore excursions.

Volker wrote: “Since returning I have delivered several presentations using my experience in Antarctica and sharing the history of the Antarctic Treaty.  Antarctic Ambassadorship is important. With ambassadorship it is possible to make visible the importance of the further protection of Antarctica. We see how quickly the climatic changes affect the polar regions. Therefore, everything must be done to at least slow down this process and to give people information on how everyone can contribute directly or indirectly to preserve the sensitive nature of Antarctica for future generations. My presentations on many different occasions and also my work as a lecturer and expedition guide on board expedition ships in Antarctica are a contribution to this.”

TNX and Congrats to Volker Strecke DL8JDX