Working in Antarctica: The Salary on the Ice Continent

Antarctica, this remote and mysterious Continent, arouses the curiosity of many people. If you’ve ever considered working there, you’ve probably wondered what the pay is for working in Antarctica. What follows, highlight  the different job opportunities on this Continent. To give a more accurate idea of salaries in Antarctica, here are some examples of compensation for different types of jobs:

Scientists & Researchers
Scientists can earn between €40,000 and €120,000 per year, depending on their area of research and level of expertise. Entry-level researchers or PhD students can expect a lower salary than senior researchers.

Technical & Logistics Staff
The salary for technical and logistics jobs in Antarctica usually ranges between €30,000 and €80,000 per year. Engineers, for example, can earn between €50,000 and €70,000 per year, while a mechanic or electrician can earn an annual salary of between €35,000 and €60,000.

Restaurant Jobs
Catering staff can expect an annual salary of between €20,000 and €45,000 in Antarctica. An experienced cook can earn up to €40,000 per year, while a waiter can earn a lower salary, around €25,000 per year.

To find job openings in Antarctica, it is recommended to check the websites of the organizations that run research bases on the continent. These organizations include:

  • The French Polar Institute, which manages French Stations in Antarctica and regularly offers jobs and internships
  • The British Antarctic Survey, which recruits for British bases in Antarctica
  • The National Science Foundation, which manages U.S. stations in Antarctica

It is also possible to find job offers from private companies that specialize in organizing trips and expeditions to Antarctica.

Read more at: Working in Antarctica: the salary on the ice continent – French Polar Team (