7T22ANT will join the 21st Antarctic Activity Week

Kamel Ghalem, 7X2GK will participate in the 21st Antarctic Activity Week with the special callsign: 7T22ANT (WAP-345) from 15th through 25th February 2024.  QSL manager :  IK2DUW

Kamel wrote: Last year we participated in the 20th AAW with the same invitation, and it was a good and useful experience for all of us. This is the third participation in a row and we hope that this year will be better.
Best wishes from Algeria, 73 de Kamel

Algeria is the first African Country to join the Antarctic Activity Week and this is a great goal.
WAP wish Kamel Ghalem to repeat the positive experience of the past years and  welcomes  7T22ANT again on board,  sure that everyone chasers  will contact him on the bands.