The 18th week of Antarctic activity was successfully archived.

It was February 2004 when WAP did launch the idea of an Antarctic Activity Week. From that time, every year several Hams and Clubs, join the annual 8-day event, which purpose  is to recognize and bring attention to the scientific communities and the work they do in the Antarctic.

Here below, just some of the comments coming from participants:

From  KØANT- Antenna Club in Johnson County, Overland Park, Kansas-USA

This is the 18th year of the annual happening, and the 11th year that The Kansas Antenna Club in Johnson County has supported this event.
Club founder and call sign Trustee, Jim KB­­­ØMZF did send a message to the Club members: «Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 protocols, the Kansas City authority  has indicated that are not currently allowing groups such as ours, to conduct events in our headquarters. So, our AAW outing to there, will not be available as an activity. We are disappointed, because it has always been a fun way to share HAM radio with the public, but we do of course understand their need for that policy this year.  However, if you are a Member in good standing, you still have permission to use our KØANT Club call sign to make contacts from your home station at any time during the 8-day event.  You are invited to participate and help our Club support»

From K4A, PHILIP W FINKLE, K6EID from Marietta, Georgia-USA

Just completed this years AAW, made 696 QSOS all on digital FT4 and FT8.

Here’s my annual stats since 2007: This year we had bad solar activity for 3 days that pretty much killed most propagation.

Year      QSOs
2021      696
2020      737
2019      952
2018      457
2017      776
2016      340
2015      338
2014      545
2013      473
2012      783
2011      916
2010      635
2009      699
2008      712
2007     1101
I have already reserved K4A for 2022, said Phil!

From Volker DL8JDX, Altötting, Germany

Thanks again for organizing the AAW 2021. It was fun again working many AAW Special Event Stations. During this AAW and during this Antarctic Summer Season, I could work following stations:
12 WAP SES Stations:
EH3ANT              WAP-292
EM25VER            WAP-312
IB2ANT                WAP-308
II2ANT                 WAP-030
II5ANT                 WAP-025
II8WAP                WAP-297
IR1ANT                WAP-002
K4A                       WAP-073
LZ18ANT              WAP-311
OE18AAW           WAP-309
PF88ANT             WAP-307
TM18AAW          WAP-310

7 Antarctic/Sub-Antarctic Stations:
RI01ANT              RUS-11
LU1ZG                 ARG-06
VP8LP                 GBR-25
VP8NO                GBR-25
VP8/SQ1SGB      GBR-40
ZS7ANF              MNB-12
DP1POL              DEU-08

2 Antarctic Research Ships:
RX6A/mm           Akademik Tryoshnikov
DP0POL/mm      Polarstern
Looking forward to the next upcoming season, said Volker!

Congrats to everyone who did join the 18th AAW, and don’t forget to aplly the “free” 18th AAW Award,  available online (TNX IK3GER)