Kottas camp (74°12′ South, 9°44′ West) is a German Field Camp at Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica has been add to WAP-WADA Directory .
The German contribution to the ITASE programme was carried out during 5 years (2004-2008) , mainly in the frame of the EPICA pre-site survey in Dronning Maud land, along the traverse route from Neumayer Station across Ritscherflya and Kottasberge, Heimefronfjella to Amindsen.
The traverse were carried out by Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremenhaven (AWI).
Stake readings for accumulation studies across Ekstromsen and Ritcherflya was carried out each field seson. The 460km long stake line comprises approximately 950 stakes . It starts 10 km South of Neumayes at 70°41.83’ South, 8°26’24” West and ends after the crossing of Kottasberge at 74° 30’00” South, 9°13,09’ West.
Attached map shows the Kottas-traverse route, connecting the German Base Neumayer (70°39′ South, 08°15′ West) and Kottas camp (74°12′ South, 9°44′ West) as well as snow pit and firn core sampling sites.
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