Pierre D. Tromp, ZS1HF/ZS8M/ZD9M, SK.

Another sad news!

Pierre D. Tromp, ZS1HF, passed away on September 4 at the age of 61.

Pierre has been active from  Gough Island Station  (WAP ZAF-Ø5) at 40° South, 9° West,  and  from the Old and New Marion Island Base (WAP ZAF-Ø6)  46° South, 37° East  in the Southern Indian Ocean  (See pic below; on theleft the Old Marion Base, on the  right,  the new one)

It was the time when amateur radio fashion was to use microphone  or CW key exchanging  RST and greetings and for us, radio veterans, that contacts were warm QSOs as opposed to the cold pressing of keys on a PC keyboard which i twill make for us an FT8 contact.

Pierre was a great operator  and he was able to manage hours of pileup in a professional way. His voice was unmistakable  and we still keep a good memory of him as well as his great activities as  ZS8M (Marion Base)  and ZD9M (Gough Station).



WAP together with Antarctic enthusiasts  and followers, express their most sincere condolences to the family.