John Sidney Sharp VK2FR  SK

 John  VK2FR was  a Great Ham, keen Antarctic Hunter and owner of several Antarctic Awards, including WAP-WACA and WAP-WADA. John VK2FR passed away  on last jan. 12 2021 at the age of 65 from a sudden heart seizure

It is difficult in such a particular moment of the life to find words that are not usual. Life is unpredictable and sometimes puts us to the test.

John is gone from our sight, but never from our hearts,  our thoughts and prayers for him. We are lovers of Antarctica, John VK2FR was one of us, a good friend, one of us … that’s why we are fondly close to his family, joining this immense and unjust pain.

Even though his heart has stopped beating, John VK2FR will continue to live in those who did contact him on air, thanks to the Ham Radio bands.

A hug from the bottom of our heart. Sincere condolences to his loved ones, to  his wifew Kate Warren, his daughter Aimee, his brother Will and life long friends.

by WAP staff and friends  from all over the world