Ham radio helping lifelong hobbyists stay mentally fit in old age

Amateur radio is a smart cultural hobby despite the fact that global interest in HF radio is thought to be waning a bit …

It comes with all the benefits of social media but without “any of the downsides”   and one of Australia’s oldest ham radio enthusiasts says it is also the perfect hobby for retirees looking to stay mentally sharp.

West Australian-based Norman Gomm took to Ham radio over forty years ago and now  aged 82 has no intention of signing off just yet.

As one of Australia’s estimated 10,500 licensed ham radio operators, Mr Gomm, also the president of the Bunbury Radio Club.

He says it is rare that a day goes by without him spending at least a couple of hours in his purpose-built ‘ham shack’.

Mr Gomm says Ham radio is the perfect way to stay sharp as a retiree.

“I find it’s very good for me,” Mr Gomm told the ABC amid a dazzling display of flashing lights and crackling radio static.

“I’m 82 years of age and you need to keep your mind working actively all the time,” he said.

“Ham radio requires a lot of cognitive skills and a lot of understanding technology, so I find that’s very good for keeping me active.”

Read the whole article at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-06-27/ham-radio-helping-older-hobbyists-stay-mentally-fit/9908468?fbclid=IwAR0q4keK8m_zlJ6I7RVNZ–IPJFVCXVqjJJZeBpdFZ391yDKy-feBHQ6F7o