118 6ØATS  Awards issued so far by the italian ARI-Sanremo

118 are the 6ØATS  Awards issued through the end of november 2021 by the Italian ARI-Sanremo in the field of the 6Øth  Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty Signature.

42 Basic, 39 Silver and 37 Gold  Certificates have been requested by Hams around the world and forwarded by e-mail  to them.

ARI-Sanremo ARISanremo – Associazione Radioamatori Italiani  is doing a great job in managing the Diplomas available for free.

Enter the site and clik on the 6ØATS to get the rules which are also pubblished online among all the other Certificates issued by Germany, Switzerland and Russia other then Italy.                          Click the gif aside to enter

Once having known the rules (which are really simple) click the WAP logo at the left of the main page and following the instructions, load the SES you have worked. The system will tell you which one of the three Awards you have achieved, then select the format you wish to geti t, put your e-mail and withing few minutes your Diploma will be sent !

Just remind everyone that the 6ØATS Anniversary celebration is continuing till december 31st 2021.

Australia’s Antarctic aerodrome cancelled

The Australian government has cancelled the proposed aerodrome near Davis Sation  (WAP AUS-Ø3) in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT), emphasising environmental concerns but probably more because of cost and engineering difficulties. The government is likely to instead announce more remote monitoring, mapping and collation of digital information on Antarctica to bolster Australian science and our territorial claim, as recommended in a recent review of Antarctic science.

The decision to abandon the aerodrome plan means Australia is giving up an opportunity to increase its influence in Antarctic forums, boost science and expand access to the continent. That loss would be greater if China, with or without Russia, were to build on the site Australia has given up, which is one of the largest ice-free areas on the continent. Under the Antarctic Treaty, which effectively “freezes” territorial claims, Australia can’t stop other states building in the AAT.

Read more at:  https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/opportunity-lost-australia-s-antarctic-aerodrome-cancelled