After having been active from Wolf’s Fang Runway (WAP MNB-12) with the special callsign RI6ØANT (WAP-335)  issued to celebrate the 6Øth Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty signature, RI6ØANT operated by Oleg Sakharov (ZS1ANF-UA1PBA) closed his great activityon dec.31, 2021 at the end of the celebration connected with the Antarctic Treaty.

QSL of  RI6ØANT have to be requested via RZ3EC

Starting jan. 1st 2022  , Oleg Sakharov (ZS1ANF-UA1PBA) is now active as ZS7ANF from the same location WFR in Antarctica.

Oleg operates inside of a tent with 100 W into a GP/SG-237 vertical antenna stuck in the ice, just beside the tent .

So far Oleg did operate 17, 20, 30 & 40 mts CW, but he says it’s very cold in the tent, equipment is floating  and it’s difficult to operate!

QSL of ZS7ANF have to be requested via RK1PWA or ZS1ANF
TNX Oleg Sakharov, you’re simply the best!