WAP-WACA & WAP-WADA, last release 1.40 Directories  available to download

21st Edition of WAP-WACA and WAP-WADA Directories release 1.40 of last June 1st 2022, have been loaded  at WAP website, together with IK6CAC program (File 39) to manage WAP Awards.

Everything is ready to download toh ave the last version on hands.

Check http://www.waponline.it/wap-awards_download-rules/


All WAP-WACA & WAP-WADA Awards issued  as well as the WAP Ranking have also been loaded on the portal. Check  http://www.waponline.it/wap-awards/


Many thanks to the thousands Hams and Chasers  WW who are following and supporting  WAP Worldwide Antarctic Program

TNX IK1GPG & IK1QFM for the great management  of WAP Awards