Argentina’s Antarctic Summer Campaign 2019/2020

A ceremony on board the I/B Almirante Irizar begun with the Argentine National Anthem, then the chaplain Luis Eduardo Scrinzi made a religious invocation to bless the unit crew members who will be part of the next Antarctic mission.

Then, the  Antarctic Joint Commander, Gen. Francisco Treviranus, took the floor and said: “Once again, battered by the steel of this magnificent ship and under the protection of the glorious wings of the Fatherland, we prepared to begin a new Antarctic Campaign”

I/B Almirante Irizar sailed from the Naval Apostadero Buenos Aires under the command of Frigate Captain Maximiliano Mangiaterra, bowed towards the white continent to support scientific activities; resupply the Argentine Antarctic bases of food, materials and replace personnel.

On November 26, 2019, the icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar, began the download at the Esperanza Base (WAP ARG-Ø4), then continuing with the Petrel (WAP ARG-17), Marambio (WAP ARG-21), Carlini Station (WAP ARG-2Ø),  Orcadas (WAP ARG-15), Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6), San Martín (WAP ARG-Ø8), Brown (WAP ARG-Ø2) and Primavera Base (WAP ARG-Ø).

The Video below shows the supply of Esperanza Base (WAP ARG-Ø4) from I/B ARA Almirante Irízar.

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TNX Fundacion Marambio  (

The eight main Argentina’s bases are ready for a new 2019-2020 Antarctic Campaign;  at the moment we don’t know if among the personnel there are Ham Radio operators to be active on HF, or if eventually the official callsign of the Bases will be on the air …let’s keep our finger crossed!