Austrian Researcher at Concordia Station (WAP MNB-Ø3)

Concordia Station (aka Dome “C” Station, WAP MNB-Ø3)  is 1000 kilometers from the coast, 13 flight hours from  New Zealand. The next inhabited place is the Russian Antarctic Station “Vostok” (WAQP RUS-13),  600 kilometers far away.

A nice article written by Claudio Trevisan has been published on a magazine in Austria, is telling about Dr. Carmen Possnig a young 28yrs old Astronaut; from November 20th she will stay at Concordia Station involved in the ESA (European Space Agency) projects; in other world isolated for a year to get used to  live flight to Mars.

“Concerning isolation the location provides similar conditions as a space ship. The life there can be in many ways compared with a manned longtime mission in space ” said the Austrian Dr. Carmen Possnig.

60 scientists from all over the World, among them Mechanic, installer,  Electrical engineer, surgeon, Astronomer, seismologist, climate and glacier researcher. “Contact the world” is only available by Internet … and unfortunately, no Hams there!

TNX Gus OE3SGA for information