Little Dome C (Beyond Epica Camp) WAP MNB-15, New Entry on WAP- WADA Directory

Little Dome C, is an area of 10 square km, located at 75° 17’ 57” South, 122° 26’ 43” East, about 40 km from the Italian-French Concordia Station, on the East Antarctic plateau,  one of the most extreme places on the Earth.

On 1st June 2019 the Beyond EPICA project started with the aim of drilling for and recovering ice from up to 1.5 Million years ago in Antarctica. The project will last seven years and is funded by the European Commission with 11 million euros. It is coordinated by Carlo Barbante, director of the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Isp) and professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

The project involves twelve European and non-European international research institutes and will benefit from synergies with the French Polar Institute and the Italian National Antarctic Programme activities at the Italian-French Concordia Station.

The actual campaign, at Little Dome C will last until January 2022.

At the light of the brief activity by David Brunet F4FKT who did sign FT4YM/p from Little Dome C, from 15 to 20 December 2021 (info posted by Mehdi F5PFP), a New WAP Reference has been given as  WAP MNB-15.

QSL for FT4YM/p has to be requested direct to F5PFP