RI1ANW Novolazarevskaya Station, WAP RUS-Ø9

Alex RN1ON informs that Sergey V. Timofeyev, R3IW will be active on HF Bands mostly on Digi modes as RI1ANW from Novolazarevskaya Station (WAP RUS-Ø9), Antarctica, until March 2019 together with RI1ANL (operated by RW6ACM).

Alex  says that Sergey, R3IW (ex.call-sign RW3IW) was not very active, so there is no information of his new callsign on QRZ.com. Sergey’s callsign RI1ANW for Novolazarevskaya was just issued  on last  July 23.

Please note that at the beginning of 2018, Sergey R3IW made 30-40 QSOs signing RI1ANF operating from Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica (not from Bellingshausen Base WAP RUS-Ø1), so make sure to eventually allocate RI1ANF (2018) to Novolazarevskaya not to Bellingshausen.


QSLs for  both callsigns RI1ANL and RI1ANW and few of those QSOs as RI1ANF (2018) must be requested only to RN1ON, ClubLog OQRS.

Direct requests via RN1ON:
Alexei V. Kuz’menko, P.O. Box 599, 163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia