WAP web site

HI folks,
due to an hacker attack, WAP website crashed a week ago!
We desperately had to work hard to recover the whole WAP archive , including Galleries and the huge amount of news and information hosted on this site.
Personally I would never have been able to recover all the material and the first reaction was to quit.
It is painful to see how an hacker can destroy years of work and, above all, vandalize a non-profit site, born only to promote love and passion for a continent, Antarctica, which deserves our deepest respect!
Thanks to Gianluigi IZ8EWB, a young engineer who have carried on hours and hours of work, WAP website is again online.
We would never be grateful enough to Gianluigi (pic aside: IZ8EWB Gianluigi to the right and IK2IWU in the left) for the tremendous work done.
Thanks so much Gianluigi, you’re simply GREAT!