CE9/SQ1SGB shortly at Halley VI (WAP GBR-37)

Seba SQ1SGB has informed to leave on mid December 2019 to Antarctica. He will sign CE9/SQ1SGB   and will stay at Halley VI Base (WAP GBR-37).

Seba has an Icom IC-706  given by SP8SIW (TNX to him for the support);  he still doesn’t  know how to hang an antenna (probably an Invert V) but for sure he will try to be active on SSB. 20m and 40m plus  DIGI (FT8 and JT65) all depends how the antenna and propagation will perform and of SWR conditions
Seba will travel with a friend (electronic engineer) who have an amateur callsign.  This companion will stay at Arctowski Station (WAP POL-Ø1) which is equipped with radios and antennas , not hanged yet as the mast (actually in a warehouse) is taken down during the winter time.

To summarize from Mid December 2019 to the end of February 2020:
HFØANT from Arctowsky station (WAP POL-Ø1) and CE9/SQ1SGB   from Halley VI Base (WAP GBR-37).

There is a very nice video about  Arctowski which has recently won 48 hour Antarctic Film Festival

WAP wish all the best to the member of the 2019-2020 Polish scientific Antarctic Season