Young Kiwi explorers announced for largest ever Inspiring Explorers Expedition

Antarctic Heritage Trust has named twenty-two young explorers from across the country to embark on the trip of a lifetime. Explorers aged 18-30 will join the ninth Inspiring Explorers Expedition, which is travelling to South Georgia Island.

Located in the remote South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia Island has a reputation for the greatest density of wildlife on earth. It’s home to king penguins, fur seals, and 50 percent of the world’s southern elephant seals.

Not only is it the largest expedition yet, but it’ll also include the first Kiwi attempt of Mount Worsley in recognition of Kiwi explorer Frank Worsley, the mountain’s namesake.

In addition to the climbing team, each Inspiring Explorer will take part in an outreach project working in groups across topics such as climate change, education, history and science.

Read more at: Young Kiwi explorers announced for largest ever Inspiring Explorers Expedition™ | Antarctic Heritage Trust (