97 years since the first radiotelegraph contact with Antarctica

March 30, 1927 is an historical date, when the sounds of the Morse alphabet were heard for the first time in Antarctica; fundamental step in the development of communications at those latitudes, That day at the Meteorological Observatory of the South Orkney Islands, the Orkney Station (LRT) was officially inaugurated.
The Argentine Navy radio officer Emilio Baldoni first established contact from Antarctica  with the LIK station in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world and through it, with Buenos Aires.

In the eleven nights preceding this event, from Laurie Island, where the Orcadas Base is located, the head of the expedition José Manuel Moneta, together with Miguel Ángel Jaramillo, Pedro Martín Casariego, Luis Falico and Conrado Becker, encouraged the radio operator Emilio Baldoni , who, pushing the key with his firm fist, repeatedly broadcast into the ether: “CQ… CQ…CQ… de LRT… LRT… LRT… Orcadas, Orcadas, Orcadas” , which in clear text, means “General call from South Orkney Islands… from Orkney Islands…”, followed by the text: “Answer very long calls to tune in… calling from South Orkney Islands….

When on that historic day, March 30, 1927, the Morse sounds of the letters were heard and repeated at rhythmic intervals: “LRT… LRT…”, everyone shouted in unison “We… We… Finally …Finally…”, the question was: Who is calling us? and immediately you could hear “LRT… LRT… de LIK… LIK… LIK…”; exclaiming all together “They’re calling us from Ushuaia.”

Well, the rest of the extraordinary event, is history!

To celebrate the historical event, next March 30th  from 00,00 UTC through March 31st at 23:59 (UTC international time) LU2CN, SERVICIO AUXILIAR DE RADIOAFICIONADOS DE LA ARMADA S.A.R.A. will carry out a CW activity to recall this historic event for Argentina.


A special certificate is available and will be issued for free to those who can make a contact.

WAP and Hams WW will be on air, for sure… we just hope the LUs operator can pay attention also to the Hams outside South America!

TNX: | SARA | QSL 97 años del primer enlace radiotelegráfico con la Antártida – QSLOG.AR