IPSSIA Project (Institution of the First Italian Antarctic Historical Site)

Last 24 & 25 sept. Prof Ph D Julius Fabbri went to  MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) in Rome for a second time, to discuss the progress of its  IPSSIA Project.

It was a fruitful time  and a chance to access the historical-diplomat archive of the “Farnesina”,  the headquarters of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome.
I thank infinitely S.E. Amb. Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and Mr. Min. Armando Barucco together with the staff of the Archives and library for their invaluable contribution – said Prof. Ph D Julius Fabbri.

An envelope has been delivered “own hands” to Tomas Ferrari‘s new Argentina ambassador in Italy. –Open Argentina to the world’ – was the choice of Ferrari when he was nominated  as Argentina’s representative to Rome, and this is certainly a good wish.


-We strongly hope in the help of Argentina to complete the collection of the necessary material for the definition of the IPSSIA project and finally have the first Italian Antarctic historical site where, time ago the Giacomo Bove Base was built by Renato Cepparo 1976’s Expedition- declared Prof. Ph D Julius Fabbri.