Polar 2018-Davos Switzerland 15-26 June 2018


The WSL Insitute for snow and Avalance Research SLF is organizing POLAR2018,  which will take place in Davos, Switzerland from 15 – 26 June 2018.

Where the Polar comes together
is a joint event from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCAR and the International Arctic Science Committee IASC.

The SCAR meetings, the ASSW and the Open Science Conference will be hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL under the patronage of the SAwiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude. The event, will include:

XXXV SCAR Biennial Meetings

Arctic Science Summit Week 2018 & IASC Business Meetings

SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference

2018 Arctic Observing Summit

15 – 18 June 2018 SCAR and IASC/ASSW Business & Satellite Meetings

19 – 23 June 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference & Open COMNAP Session

24 – 26 June 2018 SCAR Delegates Meeting & 2018 Arctic Observing Summit

Read more and follow the program at: https://www.polar2018.org/