VK2FR … one of the Antarctic chasers

John S. Sharpe, VK2FR from Bowraville, NSW , Australia, is one of the very active Antarctic chasers. John is also active during the Antarctic Activity Weeks as VK2ANT  (WAP-232) and a proud owner of the WAP Awards including the Honor Roll, as shown on the wall of his shack!

John, who seems to have enjoyed the new look of the WAP website,  wrote: Greetings to the Antarcticians  from New South Wales.  Congratulations to you and staff for a fantastic job with the new WAP web site, it looks terrific!.   Please count me in for 15th AAW!

Many thanks John, and  welcome on board again , you will be add to the list of participants  of next AAW 2018.




To the Hams readers: it’s time to apply for your special call and join the next 15th AAW,  from 17 to 25 Febr. 2018.


Enjoy Antarctica as much as we do!