I have been to Antarctica

Today news, is dedicated to the over 7,000 members of  “I have been to Antarctica”, a Facebook group devoted to all those who have been to the Icy Continent, who did travel or want to travel to the icy edge of the Earth and made it back to share their stories.

The site is hosted on the page of Facebook:  (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2212798205/?ref=bookmarks) ; Tim Baker (Administrator) says: -This is a place to post about things that happen/happened on/around the ice, or a place for people to ask questions about it-.

Not only penguins or marine life; Antarctica is a land of study and research with several Scientific Bases all spread on the coast, on the islands and inside the main land … a land of peace and fraternity, that’s why it’s a great Continent!  WAP is happy to share the Antarctic passion with those, like us, who enjoy Antarctica as much as we do since 1979 …and next year, will be our 40th Anniversary!!!