VP8CTR Wordie House, WAP GBR-Ø7

Wordie House (Pic aside) was established by the British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey on 7 January 1947, on Winter Island (65°15’S, 64°16’W). The hut is named after the chief scientist, Sir James Wordie, geologist on Shackleton’s Endurance expedition of 1914–17 who visited during its construction. The hut stands on the foundations of an earlier building, used by the British Graham Land Expedition from 1935–36. The original hut was destroyed in 1946, possibly by a tsunami.

The base was renamed Faraday Station in August 1977 in honor of British scientist Michael Faraday. In May 1954, the base moved to the present site on adjacent Galindez Island where the main building was named “Coronation House”. Station “F” Faraday was referenced by WAP Worldwide Antarctic Program, as WAP GBR-Ø6.

In February 1996, Ukraine took over the operation of Faraday Base “F” which was sold by the UK for a symbolic one pound. The cost of disassembling the base with good environmental practices and standards would be too costly.
The National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine continues a study and research program of several branches of the science  and the new fully rebuilt station vas named Vernadsky (WAP UKR-Ø1)

Wordie House (WAP GBR-Ø7)  has been restored and is designated as Historic Site and Monument No. 62 and now is a BAS Museum. The key to the Wordie House is held by the Vernadsky Base Commander.

During this 2019 Antarctic winter season,  Roman Bratchyk, UT7UA is active as EM1UA  from Vernadsky Station (WAP UKR-Ø1) QSL via UT7UA  & VP8CTR from Wordie House (WAP GBR-Ø7) QSL via DL5EBE


South Orkney Expedition (Febr/March 2020)

Perseverance DX Group has announced  the intention to activate South Orkney Islands, and is planning an expedition to take places in February/March 2020. A team of experienced DX and Contest operators will operate from Signy Island (WAP GBR-Ø9) for up to 15 days. The process of obtaining landing permission is underway. The call sign will be announced at a later date. The team will sail from Punta Arenas, Chile aboard R/V Braveheart. Seven operating positions are planned for 160-10 meters, SSB/CW/Digital.

The Team includes: Dave K3EL, Les W2LK, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Arliss W7XU, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HAØNAR, Mike WA6O, Vadym UT6UD, Walt N6XG and Rob N7QT.

Additional details will be released as they develop. Website: https://sorkney.com/

WAP archive has pics of field Huts still in place at the following un-referencended sites of Signy Islands in the South Orkneys:

Foca Cove, Gourlay Peninsula, Cummings Cove. Let’s have a look of them.

Cummings Hut (WAP GBR-NEW) Pic aside-

The U.K. Cummings Scientific Hut is located at Cummings Cove at 60°43’45” South, 45°39’50” West. It is visited regularly by British Antarctic Survey personnel from Signy Island (WAP GBR-Ø9). It has accommodations for 2 people, with food and fuel for 2 person-months. Cummmings  Cove feels very remote and the hut is lovely on the outside,  but very basic on its inside.


Foca Hut (WAP GBR-NEW) -Pic aside-

Foca Hut located at 60°41′ 50″ South, 45°38’40” West  is a BAS refuge hut, established in the years 1959-60 near the head of the Foca cove; it  is known as


Gourlay Huts (WAP GBR-NEW)  -Pic below-

Gourlay Hut 60°43’50” South, 45°35’05” West, is worth a visit during the summer, as penguins and fur seals congregate there.

Gourlay itself also has some amazing views, just from the hut across Rock Haven,  a popular spot for seals as well as penguins .The Gourlay peninsula 60°44’ South, 45°36’ West, is an ice-free site that  guests 2 Huts; the hut on the left is a standard hut with a couple of  bunks and on the right is the work hut.

Solidarity for Christchurch shooting victims

WAP joins the solidarity with Christchurch shooting victims expressed WW on last 15th March’s tragic day.

Christchurch is one of the great Antarctic gateway cities, HQ for Antarctica New Zealand, and friend to the US, Italian and Korean Antarctic programs.

Our thoughts are with the families of the victims of the attack.  The flag at New Zealand’s Scott Base, Antarctica was lowered to half mast.



At the same time, also at the Australian Mawson Station,  their flag was flown at half mast in support of all NZ following the appalling events that occurred in Christchurch.



Living this sadness, WAP brings its heartfelt and sorrow to the Christchurch community



US heavy icebreaker catches fire returning from Antarctica

The crew of the Polar Star, the only operable U.S. Heavy Polar Icebreaker, had completed this season’s annual resupply mission to Antarctica despite a bevy of difficulties: an electrical system began smoking, one of two evaporators used for making drinking water broke, a shaft on the propeller began leaking, and there were ship-wide power outages.

After resupplying McMurdo Station, the Polar Star began her 11,200-mile journey back to the dry dock in Seattle.

But she only made it about 650 miles north of McMurdo Sound before another incident struck.

At 9 pm on Feb. 10, a fire broke out in the incinerator room. The crew tried to put it out with four fire extinguishers, but that didn’t work. Fire crews continued battling the blaze for nearly two hours before they were able to put it out. No one was injured.
Read more at: https://www.arctictoday.com/the-only-u-s-heavy-icebreaker-catches-on-fire-returning-from-antarctica/?fbclid=IwAR1YTRF_tuzJZt2oVusEWHv2xqEdO2YadmLQY97D-GHa4Vc-I100inQ1Dj0 

Czech Research Station, Johann Gregor Mendel

Owned by the Masaryk University, the Johann Gregor Mendel Polar Station (63°48’ 02” South, 57°52’56” West) WAP CZE-NEW  is the Czech Research Station in Antarctica and bears the name of Johann Gregor Mendel, the abbot of Augustinian Monastry in Brno.

In 2004, a small group of scientists and technicians set the preparation works on the northern  part of James Ross Island,  a land mass of approx. 2 500 km²,  80% of which  are ice covered;  only its northern part (Ulu Peninsula) is partially ice free.

The transport of construction’s  material and technological units from Europe to the Chilean Punta Arenas begun by the end of 2004 and was done by the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping company. The Chilean military icebreaker Almirante Viel did  transfer everything from Punta Arenas the James Ross Island in 2005. A deep geometric survey was performed as well as the foundations of the main station building and technical containers area. The official opening ceremony took place in February 2007 and made the Czech Republic the 26th Country  to have its own Scientific Base on the Icy Continent.
Johann Gregor Mendel Station is located 100 meters  from the sea, on free-ice land on Prince Gustav’s Channel coast. It consists of the main building for boarding and accommodation of 15-20 researchers, relaxation and laboratory activities,  and of nine technical containers in the vicinity of the building, which hold storehouses, garages and the power supply generator.
Currently, the Station is used in summer months, but it is open to various external projects as well.


So far, no one did perform any Ham Radio operation from Gregor Mendel Station !

Rescue of Czech scientists in Antarctica

Members of the Argentine armed forces rescued a crew of 13 scientists from the Czech Republic that was stranded in Antarctica, under adverse weather conditions.
On February 26, the Joint Antarctic Command (COCOANTAR) received from the Command of the Southern Naval Area (ANAU) a request made by the 3rd Naval Zone of Chile, with the aim of rescuing scientists from the Antarctic Institute of the Czech Republic.

The ships of the Chilean Navy had not been able to rescue them due to sea conditions in the area of  ​​Ross Island, to the North of the Antarctic Peninsula, where the Czech Base Johann Gregor Mendel Station (WAP CZE-NEW) is located.

The operation was in charge of the Joint Antarctic Command (COCOANTAR), who received the request for rescue from part of the scientific endowment of the Czech Antarctic base .

The aerial operation for the rescue began and finally, on Saturday, March 2, a Bell 412 helicopter of the Argentine Air Force and a DH6 Twin Otter aircraft,  in support of Marambio Base (WAP ARG-21) , managed to transport the 13 Czech scientists and 800 kilos of cargo to Base Esperanza (WAP ARG-Ø4), where they were provided with accommodation, health care and given the necessary attention in waiting for their return to the home Country.

Source: http://www.marambio.aq/rescatecientificoschecos.html

WAP Software- FT8 Mode and 60 mts band add on

To manage the Antarctic WAP Awards and its subsequent updates, the best solution is to use the WAP Software, set by IK6CAC.

Several Hams are now coming up with a request to include FT8 mode into the WAP Software, as now a days many Antarctic  Stations are  QRV using this new mode & band.


Following the requests, IK6CAC’s WAP management software has been updated and now the version 2.7 is online HERE and contains the opportunity to add contacts made in  FT8 and 60 mts band.

Enjoy Antarctica, apply for your WAP Awards, they are a hallmark of your passion for the Icy Continent!



Traverse Stop Point-Temporary Field Camp. A brand New WAP MNB-13

Oleg Sakharov RI1ANX (aka ZS1ANF, UA1PBA)  is actually on board of M/V Agulhas-II  heading to Cape Town after  yesterday’s visit of South Georgia Island; Oleg will reach Cape Town next March 15th.

WAP is in contact with Oleg who has sent us pictures and details of the activity from the  “Traverse Stop Point –Temporary Field Camp”  from where  Oleg RI1ANX did operate from 1 through 7 January 20019.

Oleg wrote: There is nothing on 78° degree stop point. We were sitting there for some days,  made a skiway, waiting some resupply by BT-67 which came 7th January-.

“Traverse Stop Point-Temporary Field Camp” has been the site where,  a Multinational Team did stay for 8 days , sleeping inside the  CAT and in the tents on the sledge. The Camp was set up to allow  (after building a provisional Skyway) the receiving of  supplies for people and vehicles. The Communication site was performed to keep connection with BT-67 aircraft and on the free time,  to make contacts on the Ham bands.


At the light of the evidence provided by Oleg Sakharov RI1ANX (aka ZS1ANF-UA1PBA) and to the  77 QSOs made from there.
Traverse Stop Point-Temporary  Field Camp  located at  78°01’45” South, 12°52’35” East on  Queen Maud Land  (aka. Dronning Maud Land) has been referenced as WAP MNB-13


Thanks Oleg RI1ANX for the efforts made, and thanks  to have given the Ham’s Antarctic Chasers another brand “NEW ONE”.

UK’s Halley Antarctic base in third winter shutdown

The British Antarctic Survey has closed its Halley 6  Base (WAP GBR-37)  for another winter.
Staff departed the station, leaving about 80% of the experiments they’d normally conduct through the polar night operating on automatic. The closure is the result of the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the stability of ice near Halley that is likely soon to break off into the sea.
BAS believes the base is far enough away to be unaffected, but it doesn’t want people there just in case. Sending in planes to evacuate personnel in winter darkness and in bad weather is an unnecessary risk.
This is the third winter on the trot now that Halley 6 has been closed up.


Read more at: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47408249

LB4LC/3Y,  Old callsign for an epic time

A question did arise among the Antarctic Ham Radio community about the location of LB4LC whose QSL card seems to say he did operate as /3Y in 1986.


We did carefully check the card which is shown on  Tom K8CX’s great Antarctic QSL collection (http://hamgallery.com/qsl/country/Antarctica/index.html) and  have reached the conclusion that the Bay, shown on the front side of the QSL couldn’t be Bouvet Island.

If you look carefully at the photo, that is Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica (75° South, 164° East), WAP NOR-Ø9  where the Norwegians set a field camp and where, just a few  hundred meters away (74° 41′ 42″South, 164° 07′ 00″East).

10 years later , Italy built Baia Terranova Base, now renamed as Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) WAP ITA-Ø1

Bouvet does not absolutely have such a place gently sloping on the sea!
It is not clear why “Bouvet” is reported on the card, let’s assume that,  considering the /3Y on the callsign, this  could have push the printer to add it on the QSL.

In addition, the operator of LB4LC, now LA4LGA was contacted by LA5HE;  He said he never operated from Bouvet Island.



TNX and Credit:  Thomas Roscoe K8CX  Hamgallery.com from where  we did pick the card

RI1ANX Antarctic mission 2019 – New WAP references

Nick RK1PWA has just informed Maxi, DL-SWL, that Oleg Sakharov RI1ANX  has made a total of 922 QSOs while working on 5 different  Antarctic locations which are now shown of QRZ.com as shown on the table below:

Date of activityName of the SiteGrid LocationNumber of QSOsWAP reference
24 through 27 Dec. 2018FD-83KAØ6hq12WAP MNB-Ø9
1 through 7 Jan.2019Traverse stop pointJB61kz77WAP MNB-13
16 & 17 Jan.2019Novolazarevskaya St.JB59vg94WAP RUS-Ø9
27 Jan 2019, and from 10 through 22 Feb. 2019Wolf's Fang RunwayJB48jm730WAP MNB-12
30 Jan. 2019Whichaway CampJB59tg9WAP MNB-11

QSLs of RI1ANX will be printed in April-May and can be requested through RK1PWA  or   ZS1ANF.

Pictures  and additional information will be available as soon as Oleg will be back to South Africa.
Now, it will be necessary to define if the Traverse stop point” was a base Camp or what,  but we have to wait the information from Oleg;  and in this case a new WAP reference will be given to this one, while Whichaway Camp  and Wolf’s Fang Runway will be WAP MNB-11 and WAP MNB-12 respectively, See below:


Whichaway Camp – WAP MNB-11

At 85° 51”South, 11° 37′ 01”East  within the Schirmacher Oasis,  Whichaway Camp is located within the wider study area comprise the Indian  Maitri Research station (WAP IND-Ø3), and Russian  Novolazarevskaya Research station (WAP RUS-Ø9) from where Oleg RI1ANX did also operate on last 16 & 17 Jan.2019.

Whichaway Camp is on Shirmacher Oasis in Queen Maud Land, located between the edge of the Antarctic Ice Shelf, and the Novolazarevskaya Nivlisen (Nivi) Ice Shelf. Behind the camp is a frozen lake, then a giant ice fall, and then glaciers and ice as far as one could see, with Nunatak in the distance.  Arrival at Whichaway Camp is impressive and fascinating , a luxury hotel site in Antarctica; three centralized pods held the kitchen, lounge, and dining room and … more.
Following the operation of Oleg Sakharov RI1ANX of 30 jan. 2019 a New WAP reference WAP MNB-11 has been issued.



Wolf’s Fang Runway – WAP MNB-12

Wolfs Fang Runway (aka Wolf’s Fang Runway), 71°31’ South, 08°48’ East, is a private runway established by White Desert Ltd, a luxury travel company, at Antarctica to provide access for tourist to the company’s Whichaway Camp (WAP MNB-11) by transiting to Novo Runway. It is a re-establishment of a previous blue ice “Novo runway”  that was also known as Blue One Runway, WAP MNB-Ø6 ( which is located at 70° 49’ 31”South, 11° 31’ 41” Eas).

Following the operation of Oleg Sakharov RI1ANX of 27 jan. and 10 through 22 Febr. 2019 a New WAP reference WAP MNB-12 has been issued.



Modernization of NSF’s logistics hub in Antarctica

Antarctic Infrastructure Modernization for Science projectwill overhaul McMurdo Station over the course of a decade.

The National Science Board (NSB) has authorized the National Science Foundation (NSF) to move forward with the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernization for Science (AIMS) project. AIMS is planned as a 10-year undertaking to overhaul McMurdo Station into an energy- and operationally efficient platform from which to support world-class science. Through its Office of Polar Programs (OPP), NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program, which funds and facilitates the nation’s scientific endeavors on the southernmost continent and the waters around it.  Thanks and Credit NSF.

Read more at: https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=297843&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click

Our Lady of the Snow … Old memories by Patrick McCormick, a proud Antarctic veteran

Coming across a social network, I found an interesting page, set by someone set foot in Antarctica and left a tangible sign of what they did!
Here below is a piece of the a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic; WAP have to be grateful to Mr. Patrick McCormick a veteran who spent a period of his youth in Antarctica and we are so happy to relive such great memories!

Patrick (pic aside) wrote: I wintered at McMurdo in 1956 and had a hand in building the “Our Lady of the Snows” Chapel. The following is an excerpt from my memoir describing its origin. The attached photo was taken in late December 1956. “There was one building that wasn’t exactly in the original plan.
The Chaplain, LT Father John Condit, universally known as Father John was a free spirited and very persuasive soul began to accumulate and stockpile “scrap” building material at end of the street near the base of Observation Hill. It was only a matter of time until he began recruiting, practically under threat of court martial, “volunteers” on their off time to put this “scrap” together to form a small Quonset Hut. Work began in mid February with some work, much to the chagrin of Mr. Canham, done on Navy time, but it was well into winter before completion. We had no plans, but with “Seabee Ingenuity” and “Can Do” spirit it turned into a chapel complete with altar, confessional, storage closet, steeple and belfry. After the port tanker ships had reached their winter berths, a bell from one of them somehow made its way up the hill to its place in the belfry. On May 6,1956, the Chapel was consecrated to Our Lady of the Snows and the bell consecrated to Saint Dismas, the good thief.”

This is a genuine story and today, after more than 60 years, it revive here as a great example for everyone, certainly a source of pride made relive!

Patrick’s daughter, Maureen McCormick, add an unpublished piece of his father’s story: -My father, Patrick McCormick, whose birthday is today, did not mention that he was the first person baptized as a Catholic in that chapel, at age 18, and , therefore, the first person baptized in Antarctica (most likely!)!

Well at this point,  it takes me a bit of emotion and I just close the story with the comment came from Patrick:  – I am more than happy to share those memories with anyone who will listen to an old man ramble-

TNX Patrick and Maureen McCormick … and Happy Birthday to this great old man rabble!

Undersea drone lost in Antarctica

Antarctic hunt for Endurance wreck, ends after expedition loses undersea drone in “evil conditions”
An audacious attempt to find explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance has been called off after the expedition team lost an undersea drone beneath Antarctic ice. Endurance, which was lost in an ice floe off Antarctica more than 100 years ago, is one of the world’s most famous undiscovered shipwrecks.

The Weddell Sea Expedition’s icebreaker, S.A. Agulhas II, broke through heavy pack ice to reach Endurance’s last recorded position Sunday and scientists began their search for the wreck using an undersea drone. Experts were initially hopeful that Endurance would be spotted by the robotic device, but have been forced to call off their search.

Read more and see an interesting  video  at: https://www.foxnews.com/science/antarctic-hunt-for-endurance-wreck-ends-after-expedition-loses-undersea-drone-in-evil-conditions

TNX and credit for video to:  Foxnews.com

Antarctic research vessel to deliver ailing individual to British research station

Acting on the advice of medical experts, National Science Foundation (NSF) officials have directed the NSF-chartered research vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer to put ashore a person in need of a level of care not available aboard the ship.

The R/V Palmer, which is at sea in Antarctic waters, will divert to the British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera Station.  After arriving at Rothera, the patient will be flown to Punta Arenas, Chile.

The Palmer is on a first, extended research cruise related to the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration.

Thanks and credit to NSF.


Read more at: https://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=297734&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click

1904 – February 22 – 2019, Argentina Antarctica Day

115 years of uninterrupted Argentine permanence in Antarctica!
Today,  Friday, February 22nd  is the Argentina Antarctica Day and more than 115 years of uninterrupted Argentina stay in Antarctica!

On 22 February 1904, Argentine flag flames on the Laurie Island of the group of Orkney Islands, when the current Orcadas Base (WAP ARG-15) was inaugurated.

Very few people know that February 22nd  is Argentina’s Antarctic Day even if,  it’s already one hundred and fifteen years ago that Argentina sets his presence in Antarctica, of which the first forty years Argentines were the only permanent occupants!


Happy Argentina Antarctica Day to the Antarctic lowers all over the world


Princess Elisabeth Station’s 10th Anniversary

Febr. 15th  marks the  10 years anniversary  of the inauguration of the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica (15 Febr-2009 _ 15 Febr-2019).

The link between Belgium and the Antarctic has always been strong since the first overwintering of the scientific expedition led by Adrien de Gerlache from 1897 to 1899, passing through the construction of the King Baudouin Base (WAP BEL-Ø1) in 1958 and Belgium’s participation in the Antarctic Treaty negotiations in 1959. This link reflects the close cooperation that exists between the challenges of exploration and scientific research on this continent of extremes.

The construction  of  the  new  Belgian Polar Research Station, Princess Elisabeth (WAP BEL-Ø2), the fruit of the indefatigable will and energy of Alain Hubert, a man who takes up any challenge, together with the enthusiastic engagement of the Federal science policy and the indispensable financial support of private partners willing to contribute to this scientific tool, is a modern example of how coordinated action can ensure the success of advanced research.

Read more at: https://www.belspo.be/belspo/BePoles/publ/psf_en.pdf

Thanks to Mr. Eddy de Busschere, Secretary of the Belgian Polar Exploration Society (BPES) for sending a nice gift from Antarctica; a stamped envelope with covers to celebrate the 10th  Birthday Anniversary of Princess Elisabeth Station.

Casey Station WAP AUS-Ø2, Happy 50th Birthday

Antarctic expeditioners celebrated the 50th  anniversary of the opening of Casey Research Station today. The station was officially opened on 19 February 1969, and named “Casey” in honour of the then Governor-General Sir Richard Casey, a staunch supporter of Australia’s early Antarctic program.

Australia’s presence in the region began a decade earlier in January 1959 when Australia took over the operation of the United States-built Wilkes station , on the Clarke Peninsula.


Director of the Australian Antarctic Division, Kim Ellis made a commemorative presentation to station leader Christine MacMillian while in his first visit to Antarctica.

Thanks and credit AAD.  

Read more at: http://www.antarctica.gov.au/news/2019/50-years-of-history-at-casey-research-station

CASEY Station is referenced WAP AUS-Ø2 for  Antarctic chasers and WAP Award’s Program purposes.

Unused Antarctic research station to be reactivated

After 40 years, Polish Antarctic Research Station A. B. Dobrowolski at Bunger Hills will be reactivated.

The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) has signed an agreement with Geoscience Australia establishing joint research in the Antarctic. The cooperation between the two countries includes the exchange of scientific thought and technology as well as the exchange of scientific data for the development of maritime and land research on the Antarctic continent. As a part of that agreement, the Polish Antoni Dobrowolski Station is set to be reactivated. Poland has two research stations in the Antarctic: the H. Arctowski Station in the Southern Shetlands, in constant use since 1977, and the Antoni Dobrowolski Station in the Bunger Oasis in eastern Antarctica, which has been unused since 1979.

Once reactivated, the facility is to act as a bridgehead to site an autonomous geophysics station on the exposed rocks of the Antarctic continent. The first Polish expedition to the Bunger Oasis in forty years is planned to leave in three to four years with the use of a modern Australian ice-breaker, the Nuyina.

Read more at: https://polandin.com/40616447/unused-antarctic-research-station-to-be-reactivated

Sebastian Gleich SQ1SGB remembers that Dobrowolski was only active in a short time’s  expeditions when Poland “cooperate” with Soviet Union. The reason is that it’s quite hard to get there without icebreaker and helicopters.(Pic here aside shows the old Gravimetric pavillon)

-I don’t know anyone who was there, but a good friend of mine–  Seba says  -collects lots of info about Dobrowolski station. I will ask him but now he is on Arctowski station till the month of May-.

Macquarie Station: Two new WAP References issued

We have learnt something we didn’t know before, and the various point of view have been transformed into certainty. Just to sum up, a revision of Macquarie paragraph on the WAP-WADA Directory will be as follow:


All the calls for which we don’t have details of the operation’s site will be consider as WAP AUS-Ø8, thus:

WAP AUS-Ø8 –Macquarie Station will incorporate “HUT HILL” (aka-Ham Shack) & Transmitter Hut (both are 500 mts from the Macquarie’s Station buildings)


WAP AUS-Ø9 – New reference
Brothers Point Hut Brauer Bay, Macquarie Island,  54°56’ 00” South, 158°52’56” East.

WAP AUS-1Ø – New reference
Waterfall Bay Hut, Waterfall Bay, Macquarie Island,  54°40’29” South, 158°23’37” East

While will not be an easy task to identify who did  operate from the several Huts & Refuges scattered around the coasts of Macquarie Island  and the dates of each one, te mail of Trevor VKØTH, forwarded on the Antarctic reflector by Mehdi F5PFP was a good surprise. Trevor says: -I operated from the Ham Shack on the hill at the Station, also operated from the Refuges at Brothers Point and Waterfall Bay-.


Now we suggest the Antarctic chasers to check their cards to see  if there are some details that will allow WAP to allocate a correct reference to the so many Hamcalls operating from Macquarie in the past and recently.

We kindly ask the operators who have been active at Macquarie to inform WAP  by e-mail through wap_info@virgilio.it of the exact location they have been active from.

We suggests  the next operators at Macquarie, to mark the location of the operation site on their QSLcards .

Now a brief information on the two new References just issued:

Brothers Point Hut (WAP AUS-Ø9) is located on the east coast, 8 km south of Macquarie Station. The fiberglass hut, known as a “googie”, provides comfortable accommodation for three people but may fit five in an emergency. It is a popular destination for short duration field trips and is also used as a lunchtime or overnight stopping point as part of longer trips heading down the island.

The hut is accessed from the station via the overland Sandy Bay track, or along the picturesque east coast, when tide and swell conditions allow. The hut is also accessible via inflatable rubber boat, however opportunities to travel on water are typically limited by the weather and availability of suitably qualified boating personnel.


Waterfall Bay Hut  (WAP AUS-1Ø) is another “googie” style fiberglass hut similar to the one at Brother Point. It was installed in 1993-94 as a replacement for the original Lusitania Bay Hut located to the south.
The hut comfortably sleeps three people. As the crow flies, Waterfall Bay Hut is approximately 18 km south of Macquarie Station.

The hut is conveniently located for personnel travelling down island, and is well placed as a research base for the large king penguin colony at Lusitania Bay.
It is easily accessed via the Jessie Nichol track from the north, or the Mt. Martin track from the south. These tracks are subsidiaries of the main north-south overland track.

15-17 February 2019 “11th American LH Weekend” Chilean new ones

On the  weekend from 15th through 17th  Febr. 2019, Hams will get a chance to  work a couple of lighthouses located in the Chilean Tierra del Fuego Province, Magallanes Region. They are listed on the WAP-LH Directory and so far brand new-ones .

Pontón Muñoz Gamero Lighthouse  ARLHS CHI-NEW  WAP CHL-LH New

Faro Pontón Muñoz Gamerois a light house located at Punta del Rio, at the Punta Arenas Bay  at 53° 10′  33”  South, 70° 55′ 6” West .

The “Muñoz Gamero” (former “County of Peebles”)  was a large four-masted boat launched in Scotland in 1875. It was acquired by Chile in 1898 along with two other sailboats. After his active life, he started operating in 1966 as a pontoon reservoir in Bahía Muñoz Gamero and finally ended his days as a breakwater in Punta Arenas in 1975. It is the boat that made a hall for public relations of the Navy.

A full-day walk around the center of Punta Arenas includes 26 locations that connect the city’s rich heritage with memories of expeditions to Antarctica since the end of the 19th century. One of this place to visit, is the one on  which, a lighthouse seems to be mounted  is the shipwreck of the “Muñoz Gamero” Unfortunately, we have not been able to find any other more detailed information, sorry about that!
The site will be activated by CE8RPA



Built in 1928 at 53° 18′ 56” South, 70° 27′ 26” West  the lighthouse Bahía Porvenir is a lighthouse located in Tierra del Fuego on Porvenir Bay on the Chilean Tierra del Fuego

Positioned at the entrance to the bay of the same name, it mainly guides the ferries that make the connection between Porvenir and Punta Arenas as well as fishing boats.

Bahía Porvenir LH will be activated by CE8RJN

Being located on the Chilean Antarctic territories, both lighthouses will also qualify for WAP-WADA CHL-13

15-17 February 2019 “11th American LH Weekend” Argentina New ones

Among the long list of Lighthouses that will be activated during the weekend from 15th through 17th  Febr. 2019, three of them will be particularly interesting from the Antarctic chasers as they are located in the Peri-Antarctic areas included on the WAP-WACA and on the WAP-LH Directory.

1) Old LH at Cabo San Pablo, ARLHS ARG 031, WAP ARG-LH-NEW. Callisign L2ØX

Hams from Tierra del Fuego will be on the air activating the two Lighthouses at Cabo San Pablo,  115.8 km from the city of Ushuaia, in the department of Rio Grande, second city of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands (Argentina). The lighthouse are located on the Cape of the same name, on an isolated mountain, very characteristic for its rounded shape that protrudes from the coastline. Its construction began on March 15, 1945, and during the month of December 1949 there was a seismic movement that caused a dangerous inclination of the tower, a situation that forced the removal of the luminous equipment and deactivated the signal. The building, still remains onsite and it will be activated for the first time in its history.

QSL direct to LU1XP


2) New LH at Cabo San Pablo, ARLHS ARG 074, WAP ARG-LH-NEW

Callsign LU2XWL/XP

In 1966 the reconstruction of the Lighthouse has been ordered and currently, the lighthouse is on a yellow pyramidal trunk tower 6 meters high, with a black triangle with its vertex down.

It also has a platform in the upper part to house the luminous lantern powered by photovoltaic solar energy, which gives it an optical range of 12.5 nautical miles.

Operators  will be LU2XWL & LU5XTS. QSL only direct to LU2XWL


Both Lighthouses (Grid Locator: FD65OQ) will be on the air the same day and in different bands and schedule in FT8 and SSB.


3) Les Eclaireurs LH, ARLHS ARG 016, WAP ARG-LH-ØØ5
Callisign LU8XW/XP 

Located in the Beagle Channel marking the approach to Ushuaia, the lighthouse guarding the sea entrance to Ushuaia,  is still in operation, since it was put into service on December 23, 1920.

It is remote-controlled, automated, uninhabited and is not open to the public. Electricity is supplied by solar-panels. The lighthouse is a popular tourist attraction, reached on short boat tours from Ushuaia. It is known to the Argentines as the Lighthouse at the End of the World (Faro del fin del mundo), although that name is misleading. Les Eclaireurs  lighthouse is often confused with the San Juan de Salvamento lighthouse on the east coast of the remote Isla de los Estados, that earned that nickname made famous by Jules Verne in the novel The Lighthouse at the end of the World, which is really  much further east.

QSL direct to: Radio Club Ushuaia, P. O. BOX 58, Ushuaia – Tierra Del Fuego,  V9410WAB, Argentina

M/V Vasiliy Golovnin did reach Bharati Station in Antarctica

According to NCPOR the 38th Indian Antarctic Research Expedition  will use the Icebreaker  “Vasiliy Golovnin” for supply the Indian Scientific Bases in the Icy Continent.  FESCO Transportation Group signed a contract with the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India) for 2019 Antarctic Season.

By the terms of the contract, FESCO icebreaker ship “Vasiliy Golovnin” is to deliver general cargo, food products, fuel to the Indian Antarctic stations Bharati and Maitri. NCPOR scientists are joining  to this expedition aboard FESCO vessel. The ship  did start its Antarctic voyage, under the command of Captain Iksan Yusupov, at the port of Cape Town last  January 26th  with members of  the 38th IAE led by Dr Shailendra Saini.

The involvement of  M/V Vasiliy Golovnin in Antarctica  will last for three months.

Few days ago the icebreaker did reach  Bharati Station (WAP IND-Ø4). As far as WAP know, there aren’t  Ham radio operators among the Indian Team this year!

India’s scientists and personnel did celebrate the 2019’s Republic Day at Maitri (WAP IND-Ø3) last Jan. 27 and on at Bharati Station (WAP IND.Ø4) on last Jan. 28.

Turkey is ready for its new Base in Antarctica

A Turkish expedition team, departed for Antarctica to set up a temporary scientific research base, arrived in the world’s coldest continent on Monday Feb. 4.

This year’s project, supported by the Turkish Presidency, Ministry of Industry and Technology and Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center as well as eight other Turkish universities, will carry out scientific studies over 30 days. With this  third expedition, Turkey looks to become a “consultant country,” in the new term of the Antarctic Treaty System and continue scientific studies at its own base

It is not clear where Turkey is going to set its own Base; some sources indicate Robert Island as a possible site, where in 2018, 28 Turkish researchers built the country’s first campsite.

Turkey also sent 12 scientists to the research bases of different countries, including Poland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Chili, in 2017 and 2018. As the feasibility study for a permanent Turkish Research Base in Antarctica continues, a temporary base will be built during the current Turkish expedition that kicked off earlier this week.

Whatch a short video and read more  on both of the two websites below:



Hut Hill, Macquarie a brand new WAP AUS-Ø9 Ref.

Macca Station Communications Tech, Norbert Trupp VK5MQ, is the Ham radio operator actually at Macquarie (WAP AUS-Ø8). He spends some of his spare time working other Hams worldwide operating as VKØAI from the shack set on Hut Hill, facing the East coast’s sea just in opposite site of the main building’s station of Macquarie.

Let’s not forget that Macquarie Island is rated in the top 10 of  “Most wanted” locations in the Ham world.

Using “Squid pole antenna” set outside the Ham Shack on Hut Hill it is reported that, so far, he logged nearly 1500 contacts worldwide.

Hut Hill, 54°29’57” South, 158°56’24” East is still a non WAP referenced site on the “Section 2 of the Sub-Antarctic Territories list” of WAP-WADA Directory.

Following the activity of Norbert as VKØAI, at the light of the evidence posted by himself on  http://www.antarctica.gov.au/living-and-working/stations/macquarie-island/this-week-at-macquarie-island/2019/this-week-at-macquarie-island-25-january-2019


A brand new WAP reference AUS-Ø9 has been issued.

Norbert, will remain in site till the end of March 2019

Antarctic Base Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6), Happy Anniversary

BaseBelgrano II  was founded on February 5, 1979, to replace the Belgrano I (WAP ARG-Ø5). Subsequently, a third base, Belgrano III (WAP ARG-Ø7), was added, which was in operation from 1980 to 1984 when it was deactivated and evacuated on January 14, 1984,  due to the glaciological composition endangering personnel and equipment.

The only one of the three Bases that is still in operation is the Belgrano II (AP ARG-Ø6).


At present, after the shut down of Base Belgrano I on Jan.1980, after the deactivation of Base Belgrano III on Jan.1984, Belgrano II remains the Southernmost of the permanent bases of the Argentine Republic.




Be careful Belgrano I, II or III have not to be confused with the “Puerto Belgrano Naval Base” (BNPB)  (see the QSL hereby shown) which is the main base of the Armada Argentina; “Puerto Belgrano” is located to the South of the Province of Buenos Aires, in the city of Punta Alta,  24 km to the city of Bahía Blanca.

Vostok Station WAP RUS-13

Alexey  Turkeev, RD1AV is the  Season team leader  at Vostok  Station (WAP RUS-13). He is active in his spare time since last December 2018 and will be there until the end of February 2019 as RI1ANV , sometimes in tandem with Alex (Alexander Solodov, RX3ABI) signing  RI1ANM. They operate SSB, CW and FT8


RI1ANV QSL via  RN1ON (log is online at RI1ANV page on QRZ.com)


RI1ANM QSL via RX3ABI. QSLs should be available after Alex will be back home at June 2019

Redonda Island WAP ARG-23

Redonda Island 54° 51′ 49″South,  68° 28′ 54″ West,  is a small island territory at the mouth of Lapataia Bay, belonging to the Ushuaia Department of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands in the southern tip of Argentina.


It is surrounded by the waters of the inter-oceanic pass called the Beagle Channel, in the Pacific Ocean. It has an area of about 50 hectares. Its maximum length is 1022 mts and its maximum width is 840 mts.

On the island, more than 100 years old, the prisoners built  a large structure used as Hut residence of which, ruins still remain in site. Actually,  a small detachment of the Naval Prefecture hosts 3 person and the site is equipped  with a kitchen, dining room, two rooms and a radio room that serves to communicate with all ships and boats that navigate the area.



As per WAP Directory, Redonda Island is incorporate on the Sub Antarctic Territory, reference  WAP ARG-23

Great opportunities at the 16th Antarctic Activity Week

While waiting the start of the 16th AAW, next febr. 16th, just few comments on the new entries.

EM16UAP, Ukrainian Antarctic Program (WAP 295) is a  special call sign on the occasion of the start beginning of the work at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station Academik Vernadsky (WAP UKR-Ø1), which began its activities in Antarctica on February 6, 1996 and now is joining the 16th  International Antarctic Week (AAW). QSL via UT1KY

An Award of the National Antarctic Center is available to Hams that make contact  with the special station EM16UAP. The Diploma can be requested by e-mail with a log extract of QSOs to the Award secretary: ut1ky@ukr.net


Another  ”New Entry”  in the 16th AAW is Sebastian Gleich SQ1SGB who has got his AAW callsign as SPØANT (WAP-298) and will join the International Antarctic Activity Week. QSL via SQ1SGB.


To everyone, get ready,  two weeks from now, then the 16th AAW will be on the air

Arctowski Station: What is the wooden building next to the Shag Point lighthouse?

Continuing our studies on the peculiarities,  or simply the curiosities enclosed in the perimeters of the Antarctic Research Bases , we came across a wooden building near the lighthouse of Arctowski  Station (Pic aside).

The Polish Station in Antarctica has a lighthouse on the rock at Shag Point (62°09′28″ South,  58°27′56″ West) that provides navigational aid in Admiralty Bay. Its construction started in December 1977 and the lighthouse was operational on March 16th, 1978.

Recently, when browsing the web, we discovered very close the Rock that surmounts the lighthouse,  a wood building. What is that, we asked?

In some websites it is called “Chapel” , in other websites it is called “Tourist and souvenir shop”, but what is the truth?

We put a question to our great friend Sebastien Gleich  SQ1SGB, who kindly explains the story that now,  we are happy to share:

Seba wrote: – Although it may seems a chapel, that house  was a “Turist house”! Upon being established, its location was barely a dozen meters from the sea. Now, during high tide, it is less than a meter away. That little house,  was build in 1998 from wood waste after the general rebuild of the Station. The main builders was Zubek brothers and  Suszczewski, originator and chief builder of Arctowski.
We experienced that, the sea rises about  1meter shore per year….




During the 2016 Antarctic campaign,   storm waves touched the house. Warsaw (Command Center) decided to demolish the house!
That year, it was one of the tasks in my expedition. I and couple friends took on the work to move it near the Station, so to rescue it from demolish. We did rise the complete building on round pieces of wood, then we slid them on huge sleigh, after having destroyed a couple of rocks by hammer because the  road was too narrow (photo here in the Left). We did relocate the little house near the main station buildings (photo below to the Right).

This operation lasted for a week … but we saved it!

We have to be grateful to Seba SQ1SGB; thanks to him,  now we know  little more about that building that looked like a Chapel!




“Chapel of the snows” at McMurdo, and old post card from Antarctica

WikipediA , the free Encyclopedia says: The majority of Catholic Antarctic sites exist due to the Argentine and Chilean presence on the Continent. The Worldwide Antarctic Program proposes building a Catholic chapel at MZS, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica; while the first

Catholic chapel (named after Saint Francis of Assisi) was built in 1976 at the Argentine Esperanza Base. The southernmost Christian chapel (in fact, the southernmost place of worship of any religion) lies at the Argentine Belgrano II Base at Coats Land. It is a permanent Catholic chapel made entirely of ice.  (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Antarctica) Once again WAP is proud to be quoted on WikipediA!

The white Chapel of the Snows, a 64-seat house of worship with a pretty, penguin-motif stained-glass window and an organ, is the third Chapel raised at McMurdo Station in Antarctica (the first two were destroyed by fire). The Erebus Chalice, which first traveled to Antarctica with Ross in 1841, may be the oldest Antarctic relic on the continent.

Now, thanks to Francois F8DVD who found and Old postcard (dated 1964)  and shared it; the front side of that card (pic above), shows the original chapel as it was at the time.


A year later November, 1965 articles on Antarctic journal  document the history of this structure. The church has been replaced after the 1978 fire that destroyed it. Read more of the history of this church at: https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/history/chapel.html

Wolf’s Fang Runway, WAP MNB-NEW

Wolfs Fang Runway (aka Wolf’s Fang Runway), 71°31’ South, 08°48’ East, is a private runway established by White Desert Ltd, a luxury travel company, at Antarctica to provide access for tourist to the company’s Whichaway Camp (WAP MNB-NEW) by transiting to Novo Runway.

It is a re-establishment of a previous blue ice “Novo Runway”  that was also known as Blue One Runway, WAP MNB-Ø6 (which is located at 70° 49’ 31”South, 11° 31’ 41” Eas).

As soon as some Hams will operate from there, a New WAP reference will be issued.

HFØARC Polish Arctowski Station, a story told by Seba SQ1SGB

Last 2017, Sebastian (Seba) Gleich SQ1SGB electronics engineer  was overwintering in Antarctica, among the 41st Polish Scientific Expedition,  with the task of  monitoring of the atmosphere’s electricity. Beside Arctowski Station (WAP POL-Ø1),  Poland own  two field bases : Lions Rump Refuge  (WAP POL-NEW) and Demay Point Refuge (WAP POL-NEW).

Being an electronic specialist, Seba did work at Lions Rump Refuge (30 km away) to build communication stuff to link Arctowski main station. He sets the mast with antenna at the highest site using all of RG 213 cable available  then,  he realized that he could not connect his delta mini to the transceiver, without feeder.

The problem was solved by the help of Juan Manuel LU4CJM who was at that time operating at Carlini Base.

Seba wrote:– I visited Carlini Station  (WAP ARG-2Ø) a couple of times (7 hours by walk through Warsaw glacier). Juan Manuel  was a radio engineer there; he gave me a skein of 50 meters RG 213 and … I took it back across the glacier on my backpack. At my return, I immediately start to complete the job …cut, weld, measuring, test,  etc. After a couple weeks all was ready. All wintering crew did help me to set the hardware, mast and antennas . It was very hard; we had to pull the top and put something under the center  with risk of collapse, then we attached the lashings. It was a long day but at the end, the new mast with my delta mini was on, with a good SWR.

Back to Arctowski, I did make 511 QSO’s with 58 countries signing HFØARC. Antenna did work very good on 40 and 20m; even with  35m/s wind and ice on the wire, the  antenna (TNX SP1BKS) withstood well. My first QSO was on june 08.2017 with CX5DI (40m SSB). At the beginning, for two weeks  I could not find propagation window (only 3 QSO’s ), so I decided to build a converter for digital modes. It did  take me around one month. I make separation trafo from old analog phone, another one from a network card and  on july 15,2017 I was on air (pics aside: the digital converter while in assembly). On JT65 and FT8 I make a lots of QSO, as well as on SSB.

During my time on the air I make a  QSO with SP3BGD, electronic engineer (and Ham radio) who did operate from Arctowski in 1998. It was a very nice QSO with lots warm words.
Last QSO in my log was on  15.oct,2017. Then my chief  from Warsaw told me to put down the mast… I secured it  on the hall… maybe I will come back one day?

Two weeks later I was in Ushuaia, then finally at home!.


Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station (WAP POL-Ø1), is located on King George Island in the South Shetland archipelago and it has been operating since the late 1970s.


It remain the hope that really some days both remote refuges: Lion’s Rump Refuge  (WAP POL-NEW) Pic on the Left


and Demay Point Refuge (WAP POL-NEW) Pic on the Right, could be on the air and a new reference be issued! It will be a great goal for Polish Hams and for the entire Ham radio WW Antarctic hunters community!



EM1UA & EM1U , Ukrainian Research Station Vernadsky WAP UKR-Ø1

Vernadsky Station (WAP UKR-Ø1)

Vernadsky Research Base (WAP UKR-Ø1), the only Ukrainian station in Antarctica, is located on Galindez Island in the Bellingshausen Sea, close to the Antarctic Peninsula, some 2,700 kilometers away from the South Pole.

Ukraine is one of the 30 countries in the world, which has its permanent station in Antarctica, which operates all year round. A team of 26 Ukrainian biologists, geologists, and engineers is to spend more than two months conducting important scientific research, according to the National Antarctic Scientific Center , the Ukrainian public body formed in 1993, responsible for coordination, managing and executing Ukrainian activities in Antarctica..

The 24th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition  set sail for the icy continent last Jan. 18th.  Roman Bratchyk, UT7UA (ex UA1OT & UB5KBE, UX1KA, pic aside), is among the Team actually  travelling to reach Vernadsky Base, Galindez Island; Ronan will operate on HF Bands on his spare time, signing EM1UA and EM1U .

QSL via UT7UA:
Roman Bratchyk , Post office Box-19, Kyiv, 01001 Ukraine

According to Pavlo UT1KY (a Ukrainian Antarctic veteran), it will take 2-3 weeks to reach the site, so we do not expect to hear Ronan before the beginning of February. The license issued, will expire 1st February 2020.


In 1996 the British Faraday Station (WAP GBR-Ø6) was transferred to the members of the 1st Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition and then renamed to the Akademik Vernadsky Station which is capable of supporting complex and systematic scientific research in Antarctica.

Chinese polar research ship hits iceberg in Antarctica

The MV Xue Long (which translates as Snow Dragon), was moving through the Amundsen Sea in “dense ice” when it struck the iceberg, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources said in a notice posted on its website.

The 20,000-tonne Snow Dragon was travelling at a speed of around three knots (5.56kph) at the time, when hitting an iceberg.

Chinese officials said dense fog was to blame for the collision, the ship’s mast and bulwark were damaged, but there were no injuries, personnel did work to remove huge chunks of ice from the vessel.

Read more  and watch the footage video at: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/2183197/chinese-polar-research-ship-snow-dragon-hits-iceberg-antarctica

WAP ARG-29, New Entry in WAP Directory

A revision has been made on Argentina Sub Antarctic Tierra del Fuego (WAP ARG-23).  At the light of new evidence showing Huts and Navy outposts, 2 New Ref. (WAP ARG-29 & WAP ARG-3Ø) has been issued; today we’ll see WAP ARG-29.

The  Isla de los Estados (Staten Island) is located in the South Atlantic Ocean to the east of Miter peninsula of the Big Island of Tierra del Fuego, from which it is separated by the 24 km of the Le Maire Strait. It belongs to the Department Ushuaia of the Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands province .

The entire archipelago is administered by the Government of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands with the participation of the National Administration of National Parks and the Argentine Navy, which together make up the mixed Commission of Isla de los Estados.

Let’s have a quick view of this New WAP reference for Argentina Sub Antarctic Territories:

WAP ARG-29 – Isla de los Estados (Staten island)  54°47′00″South, 64°15′00″West, hosts a scientific station (pic aside) of the CADIC (Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas). In other sites of the Island,  there are Scientific Stations that study different aspects of flora, fauna, etc. which, forced us to decide to inserted Isla de los Estados  as a “New entry into the WAP Directory.

WAP ARG-29 will also include: San Juan de Salvamento LH (WAP ARG-LH-Ø7), Puerto Parry  &  Com. Luis Piedrabuena Naval oupost-

Puerto Parry where the Navy post is the only refuge (See last pic below). The guard of the post changes every 45 days and the young soldiers remain there in the middle of that paradise of solitude. Only a radio and a radar link them with the base of Ushuaia.

Com. Luis Piedrabuena Naval oupost (Apostadero Naval Piedrabuena) of the Argentine Navy.

(Historical Note: Piedrabuena was the sole owner of the island, after the National Congress granted him the ownership of the island, along with an island at the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, which he named Pavón. He believed that in order to defend the sovereignty of this still-gestating state, it was necessary to give life to these places by populating them).

Antarctic Activity Week , get ready to join !

In the last issue of Radio Ref. January 2019, the French radio magazine there an article about the  16th AAW  (Antarctic Activity Week) , written by François  F8DVD – TM16AAW  .

This unique event, promoted by WAP (Worldwide Antarctic Program) has been  launched  16 years ago by WW Ham Radio community and lasting continuously  every year. Purposes of the event is  to draw attention to the Antarctic Continent,  to share what  Nations and Organizations are doing to protect this still non contaminated corner of the world, to share a WW message of peace.

TNX François  F8DVD – TM16AAW.


One of the last entry in this year’s edition of the AAW is KØANT, WAP-198, a special Club callsign (Kansas Antenna Club)

TNX Jim, KBØMZF, Secretary and Trustee for KØANT

WAP Directories; New release online

2019 Edition  of the WAP-WACA & WAP-WADA directories (release 1.33 of Jan 16th 2019) have been uploaded on WAP website together with the IK6CAC software (release 032 to manage your WAP Awards). The 2019’s edition contains the new entries such as new Antarctic sites come to light  or identified last year.
WAP-Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Lighthouse 2019’s edition is online as well, with the issued references and a list of callsigns that qualify each of the references assigned.

Chasers can download and print  the Directories that for convenience, have been uploaded in pdf  format.

Don’t forget that WAP Directories are a unique WW tool to follow Antarctica since the epic era.

Research Vessel “Hespérides”, heading to Antarctica

The oceanographic research vessel  R/V Hespérides  of the Spanish Navy,  is sailing to the frozen Continent to participate in the XXXII Spanish Antarctic Campaign. About two hundred scientists and technicians will be in charge of the research projects, which will be carried out in the transits of the ship which will serve as a platform for carrying out 24 research projects. The deglaciation of the Antarctic, the activity of submarine volcanoes and the impact of parasites and contaminants on the penguin’s immune system, are some of the most outstanding projects in the XXXII Spanish Antarctic Campaign.
One of the interesting things of this Antarctic campaign,  is that R/V Hespérides hoists in its forward mast, the commemorative emblem of the V Centenary of the first round the world made by Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián de Elcano. The frigate’s captain José Emilio Regodón, commander of the ship, explained that during the voyage they will stop at the ports of Montevideo (Uruguay) and Ushuaia (Argentina) to later go to the South Shetland Islands to support the Antarctic Spanish Bses down there.

Spain has two bases in Antarctica: Juan Carlos I (WAP ESP-Ø1) and Gabriel de Castilla (WAP ESP-Ø2). R/V Hespérides will also support international research in Colombia, the United Kingdom, Chile, Norway, Brazil and Portugal.

Whichaway Camp, Antarctica WAP MNB-NEW

At 70° 45’ 51”South, 11° 37′ 01”East  within the Schirmacher Oasis,  Whichaway Camp  (WAP MNB-NEW) is located within the wider study area comprise the Indian  Maitri Research station (WAP IND-Ø3), and Russian  Novolazarevskaya Research station (WAP RUS-Ø9).

Whichaway Camp is on Shirmacher Oasis in Queen Maud Land, located between the edge of of the Antarctic Ice Shelf, and the Novolazarevskaya Nivi Ice Shelf; behind camp there is  a frozen lake, then a giant ice fall, and then glaciers and ice as far as one could see, with Nunatak in the distance.  Arrival at Whichaway Camp is impressive and fascinating , a luxury hotel site in Antarctica; three centralized pods held the kitchen, lounge, and dining room and … more; just watch and enjoy the video!

As soon as some Hams will operate from there, a New WAP reference will be given.

WAP Antarctic Activity Week 2019

The 16th edition of the Antarctic Activity Week (AAW) will be on air next February  16th and will last till the 24th.

Some station will start  earlier  and will continue to operate their special callsigns  till the end of the month. If you are Ham, if you enjoy  Antarctica and its fashinating world , It’s time so sign in. Just apply for your special that may recall the Icy Continent,  or use one of the old callsigns already classified with a WAP reference, and join the event, the unique one worldwide of this greatness.

Last  Hams to have sign their participation are:  F8DHE Pierre who will operate 80 to 10mts,  CW and SSB  as TM16WAP (WAP-299) from his QTH located in center France, Department 42 in FFF-026. QSL via Home call, all info on QRZ.com, full color QSL  card for collection … of course !
II5ANT (WAP-Ø25), Massimo IZ5BTC will operate from the historical city of Lucca, in Tuscany Region. Info for both, available at QRZ.com, as well aa all the others that have already signed up.

We are just warming up … and you?

Concordia Station, WAP MNB-Ø3

Danilo IZ1KHY is actually at Concordia Station (WAP MNB-Ø3) following a group of researchers. He will stay at Concordia till Jan 15th.

Danilo is operating as IAØ/IZ1KHY/p using the base equipment (100W), when available.

He is experiencing a real negative propagation condition; only few openings with Australia-New Zealand. Not to forget that, when there is air traffic, the HF radio is room is busy for the air traffic controllers.
He said to copy some signals from North America and Europe, but even if he is calling, nobody answer!  Actually he has few VKs in the Log.

We suggested him 14280 from 16:00 UTC and ahead and 7180 from 23:00 UTC.



“Atka Bay Skiway Camp” WAP MNB-NEW

The Atka Bay Skiway site  (70°36’45” S, 8°07’25” W) is the location of the Emperor Penguin colony. The Camp, managed by White Desert Company lies not too far away to the structure of German Research Station Neumayer III (70°40´S, 8°16´W),  and stands right between Neumayer III (WAP DEU-Ø8) and Neumayer Emergency Base (WAP ZAF-11).

Picture of Atka Bay Skiway Camp, was taken last Jan.8th  by Matthias DH5CW, on the way to Neumayer Emergency Base, aka South Africa Summer support Base  (WAP ZAF-11), together with Felix DL5XL.  Apart from the tents, there is a marked skiway for airplanes. Looking very closely, Neumayer Station III in the background (just over the left yellow tent) can be seen.

TNX Matthias DH5CW & Felix DL5XL

As soon as some Hams will operate from Atka Bay Skiway Camp, a New WAP reference will be issued.


“White Desert” Company

White Desert  (http://www.white-desert.com/)  is the only Company in the world to fly into the interior of Antarctica in a private jet and offer greatest trip to the Icy Continent , where tourists  will be met by polar guides who will take care of excursions, but,  White Desert also serve a support for logistic flies  to and from Antarctica where the company  has opened up quite a few new Camps.

In the next days, we will see some of the sites and structures  which could be a “New entry” in the WAP Directory’s program.

Starr Nunatak field Camp, WAP MNB-1Ø a brand new one!

Located at 75°53’ South, 162°45’East,  Starr Nunatak marking the North site of the mouth of Harbord glacier  on the coast of Victoria Land, Antarctica.

What is a Nunatak?
Nunatak is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within (or at the edge of) an ice field or glacier.

Last week, Danilo IZ1KHY Expert Scout of the Italian Army, technical support of the scientific missions of the 2018-2019 Antarctic campaign,  has been at  Starr Nunatak field Camp with a group of geologist and researcher.  (See pics on this page)

This  Multinational field camp has been set for a  German-Italian Team who did conduct mapping and geological studies.

Danilo Collino
, did operate HF SSB from this remote site, signing IAØ/IZ1KHY/P , using a dipole and 100W. He just worked few VKs and ZLs, unfortunately, even if he did try hard, there was no openings to any other  direction. To this remote site a new WAP reference MNB-1Ø has just been given .

Pics hereby show the site and Danilo IZ1KHY. Notice the mast and dipole antenna behind the blue tent.
Congrats to those who did work this brand new one!


A free Antarctic Activity Week’s Award by Paolo, IK3GER

Every year, in the month of February, a special event  called  ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY  WEEK is set up. This year, the 16th AAW will be held from February 16th to 24th.

All WAP (Worldwide Antarctic Program) special stations  has been issued a WAP reference number to be given during the QSO. Hams from all over the world are invited to join the unique worldwide event launched by radio amateurs to rise awareness and sensitize the world on the problems of both environment and peace, study and research.

To celebrate this event, as  already done last year as well, Paolo IK3GER has set a fully free diploma for OM/SWL, available at Paolo’s web site https://www.ik3ger.it  starting  Febr.1st 2019.

Our appreciation to Paolo IK3GER for is great initiative!

The purpose of the Antarctic Activity Week (A.A.W.) launched by WAP (Worldwide Antarctic Program) www.waponline.it , is to improve the Worldwide interest around Antarctic Continent and its related  matters, with the aim of stay close to the researchers and personnel  who are spending their time away from home and families,  studying the Antarctic life and its secrets.

Antarctic Activity Week,  is celebrated every year on last week of February, in concomitance with the 22nd of February, when Argentina celebrates the Argentine’s Antarctica Day (Dia De La Antartida Argentina).

Again our intention is to draw your attention to the Antarctic Continent, to understand what the Nations are doing to protect this still non contaminated corner of the planet, to share a message of peace among the World. This year the AAW is at the 16th edition.

Once again, WAP wish to remind WW Hams to join  the event; apply for your special call sign, get your own WAP reference at be on air!

TAAF stamps: novelties 2019. Tribute to Mario Zucchelli

The “New collection TAAF 2019”  marks the tribute to Mario Zucchelli, director of the Italian Antarctic Program, who deceased on 24/10/2003,

The TAAF (Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises)  will shortly issue a stamp  dedicated to the Italian scientist Mario Zucchelli (1944 – 2003), for years a reference figure for the Italian Antarctic Program. In particular, the TAAF celebrate its important contribution to the realization of the French-Italian Concordia Station (WAP MNB-Ø3), depicted in the stamp along with the portrait of Zucchelli on a tricolor background.

In 2004 Mario Zucchelli was also dedicated to the Italian Antarctic Station in Baia Terra Nova (WAP ITA-Ø1).

The stamp, soft size with report 1,35 €, author Yves Beaujard, will be issued by 25 stamps per sheet for a total of 30.000 stamps

Other TAAF issues planned for 2019 at: http://philatelie.polaire.free.fr/spip.php?article1055


TNX Maurizio IZ1GJK

Neumayer Emergency Base (also known as SANAP Summer Base, WAP ZAF-11)

Matthias, DH5CW (Pic to the Left), and Felix, DL5XL (Pic to the Right), will be active from Neumayer Emergency Base (also known as SANAP Summer Base, WAP ZAF-11), Grid Locator IB59uj, from January 8 to 9, 2019 (weather permitting). The call sign used will be DP0GVN/p.
via DL5EBE.

Main modes of operation are expected to be CW and FT8. They will be running 100 watts to a multi-band dipole antenna. To make it a little easier to find this rare base on the bands, the following CW skeds have been arranged:
08-Jan at 22:00 UTC on 10,122 kHz, 08-Jan at 23:30 UTC on 7,033 kHz,

09-Jan at 00:30 UTC on 14,042 kHz.

SANAP Summer Station/Neumayer Emergency Base 70º38´59´´South, 08º14´59´´West, WAP ZAF-11

In December 2009, the German Station “Neumayer II” (WAP DEU-02) has been handed over to South Africa. SANAP (South Africa National Antarctic Program) did continue to use this facility as a replacement for the old South African “E-Base” (WAP ZAF-01). “E-Base” is short for “Emergency Base” and it is used as a logistical facility in order to support supply operations to SANAE IV Base (WAP ZAF-Ø3) in Antarctic summer. In 2009, a team of 16 people arrived onboard SA AGULHAS in order to take down Neumayer II and install the new E-Base right on top of it above the snow. The remains of Neumayer II Base, large hollow metal tubes which once hosted living shelters and laboratories, are buried under thick ice. Today, just the garage is used as a storage facility by SANAP.

As far as we know, the only HAM radio activity from this remote Antarctic site, was done by Lars Lehnert DL1LLL who did operate as ZS7/DL1LLL on last 26 Oct. 2012 so, this new operation by Matthias DH5CW & Felix DL5XL  (that will sign DPØGVN/P) will be a great opportunity for the Antarctic Chasers … stay tuned and do not miss the chance!

Tierra del Fuego (WAP ARG-23)

Hams of Radio Club Ushuaia plan to activate the six protected areas of the Tierra del Fuego Province, doing radio activity in each and every one of them. Date will be announced gradually as long as each  the small expedition is fully organized. The tentative calendar includes January, February and March 2019.
These protected areas are under the supervision of the Government of the Province.  TNX Miguel Angel Lavalle LU1XU (ex LU1XPK)

To WAP ARG-23 belongs Puerto Almanza (54°52’12″South   67°33’51″West),  a town in the Ushuaia department,  of the province of Tierra del Fuego. In this site, there is a monitoring and control post for maritime traffic of the Argentine Navy.  Same reference is for  Base Naval Buen Suceso (LU1XY/X) and Isla Redonda on the Beagle chanel.

Buen Suceso is a small bay located on Peninsula Miter on Le Maire Strait,  in front of  Isla de los Estados (Staten Island) in the department of Ushuaia, on the east coast of the Great Island of Tierra del Fuego.  In the place, since the mid-88 there is a Navy Base with heliport;  it’s an excellent support since it has powerful radio equipment which provide maritime traffic control, thus ensuring efficient communication with Ushuaia. The Buen Suceso surveillance post, is covered by an officer and five non-commissioned officers who are periodically renewed. They have the mission to control  of maritime traffic in the area of influence and provide assistance to vessels sailing through the Strait of Le Maire.